Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

There will be something to see as long as people are owed money. I think most have given up and moved on, and that is probably the wisest course of action. GH has good intentions but makes poor decisions. This is consistent in the history of Dynasplint.

How many companies and employees do you think went through a similar experience during the Obama recession (or worse?)

At least the company is still in business. It is providing a very good living wage for hundreds of employees and much needed services to patients.

Kudos to GH. He's been very savvy by bringing the company back, debt-free, and on it's way to prosperity. He saved HUNDREDS of jobs, for which the naysayers give him NO credit.

Shame on you people.

How many companies and employees do you think went through a similar experience during the Obama recession (or worse?)

At least the company is still in business. It is providing a very good living wage for hundreds of employees and much needed services to patients.

Kudos to GH. He's been very savvy by bringing the company back, debt-free, and on it's way to prosperity. He saved HUNDREDS of jobs, for which the naysayers give him NO credit.

Shame on you people.

You cannot blame Obama or the recession for the financial issues that DSI is STILL having. They are not debt free as long as hundreds of people are still owed wages, expenses and money that was withheld for taxes, 401K and health/dental insurance that was cancelled.

As far as your current wages, well I won't say anything about those, but wages are not a complete package. I hope you don't get sick and need a doctor since medical expenses can financially wipe out a person out faster than losing a job.

As I said previously to all of the worker bees that are still employed by DSI, please keep working so that maybe one of these days the people who are still owed thousands of dollars finally get paid.

I have picked my battle and stand behind those that are still owed and will continue to do what I can. Sorry about your luck if you don't like it, but at this point I can't say that I like you much either so I guess we are even. As far as the HUNDREDS of jobs he saved...you are really bad at math aren't you? He laid off over 70% of his employees and they are still owed money that GH has basically stolen from them..the ones left are simply the ones who weren't given much of an option. When every last person has been paid, and the numerous lawsuits against him and the company have been paid..if GH can still continue to operate then he can have KUDOS from me. Until then he deserves to be treated just as he treated those 500+ people. Like Shit!!!!

I will send you a postcard from my Mediterranean cruise next month :) (that sure wouldn't have happened if I were still at DSI)

NOT SHAME ON ME...I TOOK CARE OF MY FAMILY ANYWAY I KNEW HOW SINCE GH & DSI DIDN'T. SO SHAME ON YOU FOR BEING SO JUDGMENTAL!!!! Honey GOD doesn't like ugly and I cannot find anything pretty about you, your attitude, the company you work for, or your all mighty company owner.

You need to chill. So much anger and resentment, why? You've been paid off.
There's something obviously very wrong with you in your current mental state.
Enjoy the cruise. At least you won't be posting here while in the Med.
It will be a much needed break from your whiny posts and your incessant drama.

Bye-bye Honey.

You need to chill. So much anger and resentment, why? You've been paid off.
There's something obviously very wrong with you in your current mental state.
Enjoy the cruise. At least you won't be posting here while in the Med.
It will be a much needed break from your whiny posts and your incessant drama.

Bye-bye Honey.

Far from angry but I will give you resentment..Resentment towards GH for his greed, theft and incessant lies. And of course there is you for your cowardice actions on this message board toward the 500 people who were laid off.

As for my mental state, it is just fine. In fact I was never this relaxed working at DSI nor have I been happier with myself, my family, my real job or my current life situation.

As for my cruise..you are correct, DSI will be the last thing I think about when I am in Italy, France, Spain, Turkey and Greece. Too bad I can't post pictures for you to drool over.

My whiny drama posts are nothing compared to your judgmental, narcissistic frivolous posts for your own self-absorbed ego. I really do wish that you could just step into the shoes of some of those so called lazy worthless people as you say.

I would love to see how you handle not knowing where your next meal was coming from, or not being able to pay your rent or mortgage and fear of being homeless or how you would take care of you or your children's long term health problems. These men and women who were forced to survive with these issues are so much stronger than you can ever hope to be. So please go ahead with your negative posts, since you already look like a cold-hearted monkey.

The lawsuit against DSI filed in Baltimore is going on. This is the one that was started by another employee :) not myself I simply asked for an update and this was the response I received.

So let's get this right, there are currently 3 lawsuits against DSI
1. Medicare Fraud that spans 25 states and Washington DC
2. Class Action Employee Suit filed in Baltimore for the WARN Act violation
3. Dept of Labor for violation of the ERISA laws

Still working, but no legal filing as of yet Failure to pay Employee Taxes

"We are currently filing appropriate paperwork for this case against Dynasplint. We have a deadline to get everything over to the Judge by 5/5/14. We did receive a reply from Dynasplint a few weeks ago and are in the process of getting together all our filings that we need to make."

How was this for whiny and incessant drama? That's right all you little DSI "Worker Bees" keep up the faith that GH will actually do the right thing and will survive once the 500 wronged employees get finished with him.



Is that your response to everything?

Face it, you may think that GH and DSI are the next best thing to God himself, but he isn't. All he had to do was to pay the 500 employees what they were owed and at least part of this could have been avoided. Sorry but at this point in time, it appears as though the law is on the side of the former employees.

Can you not read girl?
Talk about self righteous.
You couldn't run a successful business if your life depended on it!
GH is obviously doing his best to keep the company afloat, payoff his debts, and take care if his employees and family. He will do the right thing, and always has, it will just take time to make everyone while. Cut him some slack.


Can you not read girl?
Talk about self righteous.
You couldn't run a successful business if your life depended on it!
GH is obviously doing his best to keep the company afloat, payoff his debts, and take care if his employees and family. He will do the right thing, and always has, it will just take time to make everyone while. Cut him some slack.


Again with the take your meds? damn it really is time that you get over that and self righteous? LOL yea that is hysterical, I am far from superior to everyone else in this world..I put my pants on 1 leg at a time just like everyone else.

As far as running a company, lets see, I know enough NOT to follow in GH's footsteps!!! Theft, greed and fraud are not quality characteristics that one would want in an owner. As far as his best..his best is taking care of his own personal needs and not thinking about the 500 people that he left high and dry with no means to live.

It will take time to make everyone whole again and cut him some slack? UHH honey it's been 8 months I think it's beyond time that GH make everyone whole again and that is exactly why the former employees are going after him.

Can you not read girl?
Talk about self righteous.
You couldn't run a successful business if your life depended on it!
GH is obviously doing his best to keep the company afloat, payoff his debts, and take care if his employees and family. He will do the right thing, and always has, it will just take time to make everyone while. Cut him some slack.


Either can GH!

Can you not read girl?
Talk about self righteous.
You couldn't run a successful business if your life depended on it!
GH is obviously doing his best to keep the company afloat, payoff his debts, and take care if his employees and family. He will do the right thing, and always has, it will just take time to make everyone while. Cut him some slack.


Hey honey,
I thought the company was debt free according to you. Now he has you lying for him? Keep drinking the Kool aide

If more people went on an extended cruise this would be a more pleasant forum.
God Bless all the employees still working at DSI.
Congratulations, you are well on the road to recovery.

If more people went on an extended cruise this would be a more pleasant forum.
God Bless all the employees still working at DSI.
Congratulations, you are well on the road to recovery.

What are you talking about! I work here and I am still owed thousand of dollars. It is miserable here. If we are well on the road to recovery pay my my bonuses in a lump sum and not in payments!

You are free to leave anytime if you are that unhappy.
Just walk down the hall and out the door.
Don't let it hit you in the arse.

Whatever happened to loyalty and working hard for a good paycheck?
At least you ARE getting back pay.

Be thankful this company is putting food on your table.