Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

I'm sorry but I was not let go for non-performance. I was part of a 500 person LAY OFF after B B & T escalated the terms of the business loans when the Federal Investigation into DSI's Medicare billing was called into question.

I never hated my job or the people I worked with and even recommended that my daughter come to work for DSI too. So for you to insist that all 500 people were "let go" for performance issues is a real shame and completely unfounded. I do have a job (better than DSI I should add) my life is not miserable and I do not wish anyone to go bust (there has been enough of that already)

The only thing I have ever wished for the people that are still working trying to keep DSI afloat is good luck. The only thing I have ever spoken negatively about, is the fact that all 500 people have not received the wages, expenses and reimbursement from the with-holdings have not been repaid as promised.

As I cannot answer for all 500 people, I can only assume since this message board is still going strong that there are still a lot of people who haven't received 100% of what was owed to them, which is NOT taking care of the employees. After 8 months that should be GH's only priority because now he is breaking so many more Federal and State Labor laws.

I also said all along that I would not be returning to DSI even if I was recalled which is exactly why I let my identity be known. I am however, still trying to advocate for those employees who have not received all of what is owed to them. With that I am writing out a letter that I received from the US Dept of Labor regarding the 401K payments that are still missing since there isn't a way to scan the letter in and post it on here.

Dear Ms. (insert my last name--I am not providing it, if you do not know it then oh well),

This is in response to your inquiry in which you requested assistance regarding the Dynasplint Systems, Inc. 401 (k) Plan.

As you know, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) protects the rights and benefits of employees, retirees, and their dependents with regard to private-sector pension and welfare benefit plans. In general terms, the Department of Labor's responsibility is to administer and enforce the fiduciary, reporting, and disclosure provisions of Title 1 of ERISA. Therefore, the Department will intervene in matters that materially affect the rights of the plan participants and beneficiaries and may also intervene to protect plan assets. In those cases where plan assets have been lost due to a violation of ERISA, we make every effort to require the responsible party to make the Plan and its participants and beneficiaries whole. These actions can include, if necessary, a civil law suit against fiduciaries for the amount of the plan losses.

At this time, your inquiry has been referred to Investigator Samantha Truppi. This process can be very lengthy; therefore, we will keep you informed as to the status of our review on a quarterly basis. Please be aware that we will not discuss the "specific steps" that we are taking. When we have concluded our review, you will be notified and will be advised of the disposition of your complaint. If we need additional information from you, Investigator Truppi will contact you.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Investigator Truppi at (202) 693-8735.

Deidra Koger
Supervisory Benefits Advisor
Washington District Office

I have also received an update from Christina O'Brien, Supervisory Investigator stating that Investigator Truppi is continuing the investigation into the missing employee contributions into the Dynasplint Systems Inc. sponsored 401 (k) Plan.

So for what this is worth, those are the updates that I have to share with everyone.

Good luck and best wishes,


No one asked for your help Rhonda.
Your such a looser.
Get a life you PITA.

No one asked for your help Rhonda.
Your such a looser.
Get a life you PITA.

AWWWWW now that's showing some love :) Thank you so much for being such a coward by not signing who my #1 fan is :)

I wish you'd have the balls to come forward because I think I would like to buy you lunch for being such an inspiration for me to be so much better than you :) by NOT belittling the same people that I worked with day after day.

2 thumbs up for your ignorance

News flash

No one in the office liked you and your still a whacked out nut job

And your opinion matters to me why?

Oh wait..it doesn't :)

Besides that, opinions are just like assholes, everyone has one.

It is really simple...do something to help GH pay what is owed to the employees who haven't been paid in 8 months and I keep my mouth closed..until then I won't. I could care less what you or anyone else think of me since you aren't even a big enough person to come forward with who you are so that everyone on here knows just what a back stabber you are.

At this point you are a nameless, faceless, know nothing, condescending coward who should have never been kept on by GH. Your actions and your words on this website would have had you terminated for violating company policy just as the reprimand that Jennie Slack took when she posted. But again, you are too much of a coward to own up to your actions.

You got all your money, didn't you?
Move on b-tch
Don't you have something better to do with your time?

Rhonda you are fine and your help is appreciated! You on the other hand, corporate minion, need to move on and get off this board. We are all sick of you and your lies about everything. Just pay us GH you thief.

No, did you Honey?
There's nothing to say.

There never was crminal intent,
and it's not a criminal complaint either, Honey.
Get you facts straight Rhonda.

You should just go away.
You got your back pay.
You just line to stir the pot.

WOW!! I am glad I am so loved by you but it really is quite creepy now.

Not everything on here is posted by me and I have never been one to hide my identity. But unlike you, I am not stooping to your level by belittling everyone who is still working nor do I blame anything on the 500 people that were laid off.

As far as stirring the pot, it has been more than 8 months since the layoff and there are still hundreds of people who have NOT been paid, so yes I still have a spoon in my hand because this is just plain wrong. My spoon these days are by way of federal labor laws that GH & Dynasplint has broken and until every single person is paid in full I will continue this fight.

As for the Medicare fraud that is still on-going, it really does not matter if there was criminal intent, what matters is that Medicare fraud costs the taxpayers billions of dollars each year. " It is a crime to defraud the Federal Government and its programs. Punishment may involve imprisonment, significant fines, or both. Criminal penalties for health care fraud reflect the serious harms associated with health care fraud and the need for aggressive and appropriate fraud prevention. In some states, providers and health care organizations may lose their licenses. Convictions also may result in exclusion from Medicare participation for a specified length of time. Medicare fraud may also result in civil liability." That information comes directly from CMS.

Even if they do not go after DSI criminally, GH can and will face fines that could be in the millions of dollars, which still will NOT get those hundreds of people paid in full.

So while you sit there being anonymous, belittling 500 people who were laid off by calling them lazy and worthless and still posting your negative comments about them it just makes me want to fight even more for those 500 people.

So, I may same the same thing to you, while I hope that these 500 people have found gainful employment someplace other than DSI, it seems to be you that continues to stir the negative pot by continuing the negative comments and keeping everyone else amused with your own drama.

Do us all a favor, rather than your daily negative posts, continue to work hard for DSI so that the people who haven't been paid in full may actually one day be paid everything that they are owed. And while you are at it, leave my name out of your rants and negative posts unless you are sure that it is me...it is beginning to feel like you're a psycho stalker.


NOT everyone who laid off was a slacker. They know who they are.

This just isn't working for you.
Let it go, Rhonda.

You look a bit foolish trying to play Mother Theresa and, you don't know what you are talking about. The Feds will settle, the banks are paid off. People will be made whole, just as you were.

Have faith, that as the company prospers, GH will try to do the right thing.
My faith in God allows me to believe in Him and him.

Please focus on your own life.

God bless you and your family, Honey.

No, did you Honey?
There's nothing to say.

There never was crminal intent,
and it's not a criminal complaint either, Honey.
Get you facts straight Rhonda.

You should just go away.
You got your back pay.
You just line to stir the pot.

The post is not from Rhonda. And if you are thinking that intent will make a difference, it won't. Medicare made it very plain to Dynasplint how to bill correctly, and that is not what happened. Intent won't matter; dollars will.

THANK YOU RHONDA! Myself and others appreciate you.
WOW!! I am glad I am so loved by you but it really is quite creepy now.

Not everything on here is posted by me and I have never been one to hide my identity. But unlike you, I am not stooping to your level by belittling everyone who is still working nor do I blame anything on the 500 people that were laid off.

As far as stirring the pot, it has been more than 8 months since the layoff and there are still hundreds of people who have NOT been paid, so yes I still have a spoon in my hand because this is just plain wrong. My spoon these days are by way of federal labor laws that GH & Dynasplint has broken and until every single person is paid in full I will continue this fight.

As for the Medicare fraud that is still on-going, it really does not matter if there was criminal intent, what matters is that Medicare fraud costs the taxpayers billions of dollars each year. " It is a crime to defraud the Federal Government and its programs. Punishment may involve imprisonment, significant fines, or both. Criminal penalties for health care fraud reflect the serious harms associated with health care fraud and the need for aggressive and appropriate fraud prevention. In some states, providers and health care organizations may lose their licenses. Convictions also may result in exclusion from Medicare participation for a specified length of time. Medicare fraud may also result in civil liability." That information comes directly from CMS.

Even if they do not go after DSI criminally, GH can and will face fines that could be in the millions of dollars, which still will NOT get those hundreds of people paid in full.

So while you sit there being anonymous, belittling 500 people who were laid off by calling them lazy and worthless and still posting your negative comments about them it just makes me want to fight even more for those 500 people.

So, I may same the same thing to you, while I hope that these 500 people have found gainful employment someplace other than DSI, it seems to be you that continues to stir the negative pot by continuing the negative comments and keeping everyone else amused with your own drama.

Do us all a favor, rather than your daily negative posts, continue to work hard for DSI so that the people who haven't been paid in full may actually one day be paid everything that they are owed. And while you are at it, leave my name out of your rants and negative posts unless you are sure that it is me...it is beginning to feel like you're a psycho stalker.


Bonnie, you are delusional or you bumped your head one too many times getting out from underneath GH's desk.
No, did you Honey?
There's nothing to say.

There never was crminal intent,
and it's not a criminal complaint either, Honey.
Get you facts straight Rhonda.

You should just go away.
You got your back pay.
You just line to stir the pot.

There will be something to see as long as people are owed money. I think most have given up and moved on, and that is probably the wisest course of action. GH has good intentions but makes poor decisions. This is consistent in the history of Dynasplint.