Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

This is totally true! Dynasplint asked for the SS# before the corporate card was issued. I've heard too many awful stories of employees having a corporate credit card and am ex came after the employee and rightfully so, when the company went under. I'm not from corporate, I could care less what you put on that card, I'm simply trying to look out for you, I promise! Heck I think George has absolutely lost his mind, he has let insurance lapse and his fix is for us to get an individual plan and he will reimburse us??? Really??? With what money should I pay for that policy? Since he owes me over 15k in back expenses, wages and bonuses! And why should I believe him when he says he will reimburse me????

OK so what happens if you don't credit qualify for the AmEx? Do they issue one based on it being corporate account? if so then it's all on the company for authorizing AmEx to issue that person a card.

This seems insane to me! if you didn't actually agree to anything directly with AmEx how in the hell can they come after you? I would understand DSI coming after you for using the corporate card for your own personal purchases. But the agreement is between the person and DSI NOT the person and AmEx.

Isn't that part of the reason expense reports were completed?

MIND BLOWN right about now!!

I can tell you from personal experience that YOU are personally responsible for the AMEX credit card, NOT DSI or GH. They will come after YOU for payment, not DSI or GH. GH is very clever and much smarter than you reps. You just haven't figured it out yet. Grow a pair.

Who in their right mind thinks DSI will payoff AMEX balances?

Bend over reps, turn your head to the right, cough and say "ahhhhhhhhh!"
Let me know if you want a second opinion.

Please do not strike, it really seems quite redneck. It is for a blue collar industry like being an auto worker. DSI is an upscale Silicon Valley type business so the redneck image of striking would not apply here. Besides if everyone would just chill then when the call backs start everyone will once again have their excellent income with an outstanding company, no strike needed see.

Lots of bull on this board...... use your common sense, folks. Bonnie and Kathy are dedicated to both Dynasplint and GH, and they won't jump ship. People will hang in there. GH will hang in till he finds a way to bring things around, and he will. Kalene has kept her position by virtue of her connections; it remains to be seen how that will play out. There's so much drama on here, but please, be kind to those who are just trying to keep a job and hope things work out.

Yes AH, will do.
Thanks for the pep talk.
It really helped.

Please do not strike, it really seems quite redneck. It is for a blue collar industry like being an auto worker. DSI is an upscale Silicon Valley type business so the redneck image of striking would not apply here. Besides if everyone would just chill then when the call backs start everyone will once again have their excellent income with an outstanding company, no strike needed see.

Upscale???? Is that why we're being investigated for medicare fraud?
We have no insurance, no dental coverage, 401k not being paid, taxes not brig paid, employees
Not being paid?

I guess they call that classy these days??


Please do not strike, it really seems quite redneck. It is for a blue collar industry like being an auto worker. DSI is an upscale Silicon Valley type business so the redneck image of striking would not apply here. Besides if everyone would just chill then when the call backs start everyone will once again have their excellent income with an outstanding company, no strike needed see.

Pretty classless to put down blue collar workers if you ask me.
Remember that when you need a plumber or electrician or when your furnace isn't working.
Go f$ck yourself you little twit.

DSI is not even in the same league as Silicon Valley high tech firms!

Lots of bull on this board...... use your common sense, folks. Bonnie and Kathy are dedicated to both Dynasplint and GH, and they won't jump ship. People will hang in there. GH will hang in till he finds a way to bring things around, and he will. Kalene has kept her position by virtue of her connections; it remains to be seen how that will play out. There's so much drama on here, but please, be kind to those who are just trying to keep a job and hope things work out.

NOT A.H ; just someone who used to work at Dyasplint, was not part of the layoffs and is happy employed elsewhere. I just think it's crummy to be nasty to and about people who are doing the same thing you and I are doing: trying to keep food on the table and a roof over our head and doing it in a stressful environment.

news aint comin!
You think they would waste their time on a "strike" rumor from cafepharma anonymous people who have nothing better to do then start drama? They have real stories to follow.

We just got our second checks this week. Anyone who strikes, I hope George walks outside and fires you on the spot.

Remember - in the state of MD, you can fire someone for the simple fact of not liking your tie!