Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

Re: Bad Choice at Dynasplint

Im in the same boat as you. And Ive only had a positive experience with them thus far. But I am interested in hearing a realistic view of what the company is really like. Aside from this board, everything I have seen and heard seems legit and positive.
Look, early on I got mixed up with shitty products like this. Here's the deal: 40k sucks. Bottom line. So you need to ask yourself this: am I doing this to get med sales experience for a year and move on? If you are, then fine. If you already have some experience, wait it out, because there are better opportunities out there.

The only positive spin on the company comes from a corporate person trying to get someone to take a position. Face it anyway you look at it the company sucks. And clearly you can't read since you don't take the advice from over 5 pages of posts and hundreds of current and past employees. You have been in sales for several years and now are looking to Dynasplint? There's a red flag. Either you got fired from your last job or no one else will hire you. You know what? Go ahead take the job, you seem desperate and dumb...a perfect fit. You'll be back on these boards looking for advice in 6 months after they let you go. I know, I bet you no one else would hire you, huh?

Again, why are you spending so much time on this board? There's the red flag. What does that say about you?

I work for this company now and let me tell you I cannot get out fast enough. There is a huge disconnect between sales and corporate. Once I get my Q4 bonus in January I'm out of here. See if you earn a bonus but leave before they pay you they don't give it to you. Every other company I've worked for pays you what you earn. This is another reason why this is the cheapest company around. There have been 6 reps that have cycled through my territory and the damage is permanent. Take it from me folks the information on these posts are accurate and there's not anything positive I think I could say about the company.

I work for this company now and let me tell you I cannot get out fast enough. There is a huge disconnect between sales and corporate. Once I get my Q4 bonus in January I'm out of here. See if you earn a bonus but leave before they pay you they don't give it to you. Every other company I've worked for pays you what you earn. This is another reason why this is the cheapest company around. There have been 6 reps that have cycled through my territory and the damage is permanent. Take it from me folks the information on these posts are accurate and there's not anything positive I think I could say about the company.

I hate to tell you this, but most companies do NOT pay out bonuses if you have left already. I have yet to work for a company that does.

Here's your honest answer.... The posts are true... In the beginning the job is decent, but after about 6 months you start finding all it's quirks. Of course in the interview process the people are going to be nice and paint this unrealistic picture of what the job actually entails. The managers in the south are all one and the same, incompetent assholes that never offer any advice or ways to help you build your business, they just keep pushing and nagging. Every sales consultant that works/worked for this company works extremely hard. You not only have to market, set-up patients, follow-up with patients and be at their beckoning call, you also have an excessive amount of paperwork to do because how else would your manager be able to follow your every move. Oh and believe me he will. If you love to be micromanaged by people who know less about the company than you do...then maybe this job is for you. If you like to work very hard for very little compensation...then maybe this job is for you. If you are a heartless bastard and don't care about helping people..then this job is definitely for you, you'll fit right in at Dynasplint. Otherwise, you should definitely look elsewhere. After you are fed up with the company and realize you need to get out, you will have a difficult time trying to find a new job. Many recruiters and companies know about Dynasplint and this is a blemish on your resume. Not only does this company make your life miserable, but once you are in, it is very difficult to get out. It is kind of like a black hole.

Here's your honest answer.... The posts are true... In the beginning the job is decent, but after about 6 months you start finding all it's quirks. Of course in the interview process the people are going to be nice and paint this unrealistic picture of what the job actually entails. The managers in the south are all one and the same, incompetent assholes that never offer any advice or ways to help you build your business, they just keep pushing and nagging. Every sales consultant that works/worked for this company works extremely hard. You not only have to market, set-up patients, follow-up with patients and be at their beckoning call, you also have an excessive amount of paperwork to do because how else would your manager be able to follow your every move. Oh and believe me he will. If you love to be micromanaged by people who know less about the company than you do...then maybe this job is for you. If you like to work very hard for very little compensation...then maybe this job is for you. If you are a heartless bastard and don't care about helping people..then this job is definitely for you, you'll fit right in at Dynasplint. Otherwise, you should definitely look elsewhere. After you are fed up with the company and realize you need to get out, you will have a difficult time trying to find a new job. Many recruiters and companies know about Dynasplint and this is a blemish on your resume. Not only does this company make your life miserable, but once you are in, it is very difficult to get out. It is kind of like a black hole.

Very well put, this guy hits the nail on the head.

I worked for Dynasplint for 2 years and was worked to the bone. I was paid alright, but never was rewarded for a job well done. The company takes advantage of you from the beginning and it's like you're always trying to catch up. The job is all consuming your personal and family life suffer because it's a 24/7 type position. There's always something to be done to try to get a little bit ahead. Once you think you're on top of your business...bam some idiot at corporate that's supposedly responsible for negotiating contracts loses a major payor. Your business then suffers and you're unable to gain any ground and have to rebuild. But the catch is due to the fault of corporate contracting the table is turned and you are blamed for a decrease in business. It's a never ending battle. Maybe you sold the heck out of a particular splint and need 10 of them. Well all of the sudden manufacturing forgot to make enough of the splints you need and they are on backorder for 8 weeks. Once again you are blamed for this because your business isn't doing as well as it should. All of the corporate and management mistakes passed onto the sales force. So who really suffers? The sales force. I was recruited by one of my clinics to do marketing and they started me out at what it took Dynasplint 2+ years to pay me. Something is really wrong with that!

I worked for Dynasplint for 2 years and was worked to the bone. I was paid alright, but never was rewarded for a job well done. The company takes advantage of you from the beginning and it's like you're always trying to catch up. The job is all consuming your personal and family life suffer because it's a 24/7 type position. There's always something to be done to try to get a little bit ahead. Once you think you're on top of your business...bam some idiot at corporate that's supposedly responsible for negotiating contracts loses a major payor. Your business then suffers and you're unable to gain any ground and have to rebuild. But the catch is due to the fault of corporate contracting the table is turned and you are blamed for a decrease in business. It's a never ending battle. Maybe you sold the heck out of a particular splint and need 10 of them. Well all of the sudden manufacturing forgot to make enough of the splints you need and they are on backorder for 8 weeks. Once again you are blamed for this because your business isn't doing as well as it should. All of the corporate and management mistakes passed onto the sales force. So who really suffers? The sales force. I was recruited by one of my clinics to do marketing and they started me out at what it took Dynasplint 2+ years to pay me. Something is really wrong with that!
I also worked for them 1 year ago. This guys is spot on!

I currently work for the company and this happened a while back but is a clear indication of how cheap the company is:

"It has been decided that Dynasplint will not cover additional bags, overweight bags or any baggage costs associated with flights. These additional costs will be up to the colleague to incur. We will update the policy and send out."

Are you kidding me? So if I have to go on a business trip for training the company isn't going to pay for it. Ridiculous!

I currently work for the company and this happened a while back but is a clear indication of how cheap the company is:

"It has been decided that Dynasplint will not cover additional bags, overweight bags or any baggage costs associated with flights. These additional costs will be up to the colleague to incur. We will update the policy and send out."

Are you kidding me? So if I have to go on a business trip for training the company isn't going to pay for it. Ridiculous!
An even funnier story is that I was working with my manager the other day and his corporate card was denied. I have been to lunch with my manager several times and it seems like every time he uses his Dynasplint corporate card it gets denied. From what he told me it happens all of the time from the company not having enough money in the bank to cover expenses. I laugh everytime it happens!! Pitiful!!

An even funnier story is that I was working with my manager the other day and his corporate card was denied. I have been to lunch with my manager several times and it seems like every time he uses his Dynasplint corporate card it gets denied. From what he told me it happens all of the time from the company not having enough money in the bank to cover expenses. I laugh everytime it happens!! Pitiful!!
I can attest to this. I currently work for Dyansplint and my manager was trying to pay for a trade show/exhibit and he cardd was declined and wouldn't work.

I can attest to this. I currently work for Dyansplint and my manager was trying to pay for a trade show/exhibit and he cardd was declined and wouldn't work.
Too Funny! I don't know anything about Dynasplint and stumbled upon this post by accident. So Dynasplint is a real company? They must be run like GM and all of the other bailout companies. They need to just close the doors and stop the bleeding. With all of this information I'm surprised they don't. Sounds like the company really suck from all aspects..god bless..

I'm really glad that I found this posting board! I had an interview with Dynasplint and brought up several points from this posting board. They just floundered and didn't know what to say or how to respond. They probably wondered how I knew all this information about the company. They didn't have any responses or any justification so I decided to pass on the offer and I'm sure glad I did. A recruiter called me back with an opportunity that blows Dynasplint out of the water. That isn't too hard to do since they are pond scum and you can't get lower than that! Wish me luck!

For those on here with knowledge of Dynasplint, can you tell me about the foot/ankle division? The recruiter told me that insurance coverage isn't very good on these products. True? What else can anyone tell me about this division? I have reached out to some current reps but haven't been able to connect with them yet. Thanks for the help!

Working as an Ortho rep is challenging enough for Dynasplint. If your territory has the wrong insurance coverages for your patient population forget about ever succeeding in the Podiatry division. I was able to produce more orders than the ortho rep in my territory on a consistent basis. This person is in the Presidents club. The reality of the situation is at DSI, we were paid to fit patients. I was able to convert a significant amount of self-pays (average $276 monthly). However, when 60-75% of your territory has the wrong insurance coverage, long term success was damn near impossible no matter how strong the relationships were with my docs. Now I'm out of job in spite of producing great #'s for orders. Bottom line, ortho and neuro are divisions that people can succeed in with the right work ethic and talent. Podiatry is a huge roll of the dice no matter what your talent/work ethic is!

Dynasplint is full of people drinking the corporate Kool-Aid. Upon entering the company there is a huge smoke screen people don't even realize. Its all starts out good, happy and then all of the sudden it hit you with so much force it knocks you off your feet.......What did I do?....Why did I take this job?....Why am I being treated like this?.....They never told me this?....I though they said there was business in the territory?.......So I have to start from the beginning?........Wasn't there a rep in the territory before?......Dynasplint doesn't cover United Healthcare?......All of this paperwork?.......I though you said it was going to be better than this?......What do you mean I have to pay for my own expenses related to Dynasplint?......And most of all this starts to happen after month 1 and progressively gets worse and worse until you can't take it any longer and quit. They get you in with all of the promises in the world. Once your in all of the promises go away and the draining begins. They sell you into the company with promises of grandeur and them in one swift swoop they are gone......Beware would be consultant....BEWARE!!!

This was a letter I received from my manager:
"Your minimums are 54 or 18 per month. I hope you can continue the momentum and grow your business even more. Remember, significant improvement from one month to the next is imperative to your position with Dynasplint.
As we discussed, if you do not confirm at least 15 contracts, your position as a sales consultant with Dynasplint will be terminated. I keep telling you - I believe in you and your ability to grow your territory. Let me know if I can help."

Let me know if I can help? Well heck come work with me and give me some support. The day I received this letter my job was posted online. Do you think they think I'll make my goal? Apparently not! I have been here for a short time and getting this letter so soon is a huge shock. So I got a hold of the old reps card and gave him a call. Guess what? He got the same letter after 2 months. He also told me I was rep number 7 in the territory in the last 2 years. He told me the territory never did over 10 splints per month and it was so split up that there wasn't enough business to support a ortho rep. So now what? If the territory has never done more than 10 and they are saying I have to do at least 15 to keep my job I'm doomed. Much less doing 18 as a minimum. What did I get myself into? I need to see if I can get my old job back!!

This was a letter I received from my manager:
"Your minimums are 54 or 18 per month. I hope you can continue the momentum and grow your business even more. Remember, significant improvement from one month to the next is imperative to your position with Dynasplint.
As we discussed, if you do not confirm at least 15 contracts, your position as a sales consultant with Dynasplint will be terminated. I keep telling you - I believe in you and your ability to grow your territory. Let me know if I can help."

Let me know if I can help? Well heck come work with me and give me some support. The day I received this letter my job was posted online. Do you think they think I'll make my goal? Apparently not! I have been here for a short time and getting this letter so soon is a huge shock. So I got a hold of the old reps card and gave him a call. Guess what? He got the same letter after 2 months. He also told me I was rep number 7 in the territory in the last 2 years. He told me the territory never did over 10 splints per month and it was so split up that there wasn't enough business to support a ortho rep. So now what? If the territory has never done more than 10 and they are saying I have to do at least 15 to keep my job I'm doomed. Much less doing 18 as a minimum. What did I get myself into? I need to see if I can get my old job back!!
You don't have a chance of improving and they have already started looking for your replacement. Once Dynasplint gives you a letter about your performance or any other issue they are only telling you to look for another job and they don't want you any longer. Almost all of the reps there are set up to fail and the letter is standard operating procedure to get rid of the reps they don't want.

You don't have a chance of improving and they have already started looking for your replacement. Once Dynasplint gives you a letter about your performance or any other issue they are only telling you to look for another job and they don't want you any longer. Almost all of the reps there are set up to fail and the letter is standard operating procedure to get rid of the reps they don't want.
I actually just got off a Monday conference call with my manager and he sent me this letter. I guess I need to start looking for a new job forget about trying to make the failing territory better. It hasn't done well in 3 years!! I have only been here 3 months, so much for giving me a chance! I can tell now I didn't stand a chance here!