DBM here - email your manager tonight and ask what time you can call them and that it is important. Once you speak with them tell them what happened and keep it short and simple. The policy says you must notify your manager within 24 hours. If you do not and Pfizer finds out (trust me they check randomly and twice a year) you could be terminated. In this environment you want to play by ALL of the rules or else you will give them a reason not to give you a severnce check. Keep in mind you will also want to me aggressive in getting your conditional license within 60 days or else that is grounds for termination.

It's not an easy decision, but the company will put you in protected status on STD for 30-60 day and enroll you in a referral program. The plus side to this is that all of this is stuff your lawyer can use to demonstrate you are a person of good character.... Good luck!

#22 is correct, notify your mgr immediately. There is a self report form. fill it out and turn it in. this does not mean immediate termination, but it is scary. Good luck

Fleet and Wheels will check your driving record on an annual basis and this while one DUI is not grounds for termination, it depends upon your driving history. Check the fleet site for all their recent guidance memos. Take it seriously, handle it professionally. You should contact an attorney to see if they can plead it to a lesser offense. Good luck and no more drinking and driving at all.

Heard of a rep in Jersey who got a DUI 3-4 years ago. He never reported it and he is STILL employed here. It's a crapshoot. I would only tell my DM if I trust him/her. I agree with the above, do not share it with your counterparts. You may want to speak to an employment lawyer. Taking a short term disability and getting counselling may be your best escape. We had a rep get a DUI, take short term disability, get help and return. He made the last cut when many around him did not.

I agree with one of the posts above. If your less than 45, take this as an opportunity to find another career. Pharma sales is a dead industry. It's a brainless job. I'm 28 now but would hate to be in my 40's or older and walking in and out of doctors offices for a living. Get out now. I'm finishing up my masters in bio-informatics and already interviewing. Just a matter of time for me.

This DUI could be the best thing that happened to you... You just need to rise up to the occasion. Whatever happens make sure you leave with good standing.

Goodluck, you will be fine.

#22 is correct, notify your mgr immediately. There is a self report form. fill it out and turn it in. this does not mean immediate termination, but it is scary. Good luck

Don't do it. Get a great lawyer and do what the lawyer says. Your DM has to follow procedure. This is a gray area. Do exactly what your lawyer says. They have seen these dumbass reporting rules before. They will advise you. Believe me if Pfizer wants to get real picky, you can find some things to be real picky about too. They are not perfect either. Do what your lawyer says. Plenty of time to sort it out. You are NOT guilty until a trial says you are. By the way, did you blow the breathalyzer? What was your BAC?

Give us a strong car allowance and get the F out of our personal lives. All Pfizer should own is the time while I am at work. If I can do my job and do it well it is none of their damn business about my "record". Nosy F****ers. Do a background check on THIS!

Well...since PFE pays for the car and insurance, it also owns the liability...which is YOU. Pay for your own freakin' car and insurance and we will get the **F** out of your personal business. DEAL????

That's what we're trying to tell her/him cause in 5 more years Pfizer won't be providing company cars anyway. So son't say a word, fight it and when your car renewal comes around again - take the allowance and buy your own car.

Well...since PFE pays for the car and insurance, it also owns the liability...which is YOU. Pay for your own freakin' car and insurance and we will get the **F** out of your personal business. DEAL????

Ok I think we have the answer. Simply raise our salaries by enough to cover the car. dontcall it a car allowance. We pay for our own cars and insurance. Now get the f*** out of our business!

As a former RM, I had to deal with these situations more frequently that I wanted to. A couple of point to consider:
1. Individuals are not terminated for the DUI itself. More frequently, the individual was let go when they could not operate their company vehicle for an extended period of time. (aftertaking all vacation, rehab, whatever)
2. With an attorney, you can stall for quite a while before actually being convicted, or pleading guilty. So, at this point (even though you probably know that you are guilty) you are charged only.
3. For an attorney to simply file paperwork and go to court to plead, charges are at least 1000. If you choose to actively fight it, 5 - 10K. Unless the attorney recommends the fight, probably not worth the money.
4. When TR kelly was the attorney for the field sales force, the estimates were that an individual that received a DUI, they had driven drunk more than 80 times before being caught. I don't doubt that at all and it does cause the company to view you now as high risk.
5. Be prepared for your personal insurance to just about double due to the requirement that most states have of carrying high risk insurance. To get your license back you'll have to provide a HR-22 certificate from your carrier to show that you meet state requirements.
Overall, not a positive picture, but one you can come back from. Remember YOU are not your mistakes and if this ends up costing you your position with Pfizer

First off, it does not take much these days to be considered DUI. Damn shame that we clog up our courts with the .08 types just to hit some bullshit arrest quota. Our world would be far better off if the police would spend their time on real problems like murderers, home invasions, rapes and drive-by shootings instead of pussy little traffic stops which don't amount ot a hill of beans.

But then, in all honesty, I guess if I were a policeman I would rather do the lightweight stuff too. Let's see, arrest a guy with 3 beers in his system or go after a murderer who has an uzi? I think I'll spend my night booking the guy with 3 beers. And so it is. The murderers get off with not much more punishment than the 3 beer guy. F****** up world we live in!

OP here, appreciate all the support and response.

I blew a .09 with three beers and one shot of vodka in over 2 hours.

After speaking with a Lawyer, I have decided NOT to report and instead look for a job outside of industry. Hopefully I'll find something before I get caught. I will certainly drag out the case to buy time. I think I will be fine.

I no longer want to work for a company or industry if they are going to tell me how to live my life or fire me because of one mistake.

I'm certainly not justifying my actions and learned a valuable lesson but as one of the posters said, this is my opportunity to get out of this industry.

Thanks guys and ill keep you posted if I learn anything about the process if Pfizer approaches me. I'm sure I won't be the last to run into this issue.

First off, it does not take much these days to be considered DUI. Damn shame that we clog up our courts with the .08 types just to hit some bullshit arrest quota. Our world would be far better off if the police would spend their time on real problems like murderers, home invasions, rapes and drive-by shootings instead of pussy little traffic stops which don't amount ot a hill of beans.

But then, in all honesty, I guess if I were a policeman I would rather do the lightweight stuff too. Let's see, arrest a guy with 3 beers in his system or go after a murderer who has an uzi? I think I'll spend my night booking the guy with 3 beers. And so it is. The murderers get off with not much more punishment than the 3 beer guy. F****** up world we live in!

Your post is spot on. DUI laws are just for PC correctness and a money maker for local police departments but what politician has the guts to say they are out of line? If they did they would never be re-elected. Welcome to the new world order: PC correctness reigns over common sense.

You could have just 1 beer and get in your car and be over the limit in the parking lot. So why don't the police just line up outside bars and restaurants and pull over everyone that leaves and put them in jail instead of the murderers? Because Budweiser, Coors, Jack Daniels, Smirnoff have to sell their wares and the have lobbyist in Washington.

OP here, appreciate all the support and response.

I blew a .09 with three beers and one shot of vodka in over 2 hours.

After speaking with a Lawyer, I have decided NOT to report and instead look for a job outside of industry. Hopefully I'll find something before I get caught. I will certainly drag out the case to buy time. I think I will be fine.

I no longer want to work for a company or industry if they are going to tell me how to live my life or fire me because of one mistake.

I'm certainly not justifying my actions and learned a valuable lesson but as one of the posters said, this is my opportunity to get out of this industry.

Thanks guys and ill keep you posted if I learn anything about the process if Pfizer approaches me. I'm sure I won't be the last to run into this issue.

And if you get the chance for a car allowance and to buy your own car - go for it...

I just got home. I was pulled over at 8 pm last night and got a DUI. I'm a nervous wreck. What should I do??? Please help.

DBM here: Had my best rep get a dui driving home from a program, simple she went to a neighboring state, used a friends address and applied and got a drivers license had her other license invalidated. happened 3 years ago, clean driving record

DBM here: Had my best rep get a dui driving home from a program, simple she went to a neighboring state, used a friends address and applied and got a drivers license had her other license invalidated. happened 3 years ago, clean driving record

Really stupid and bad idea! When your manager checks your record-and believe me, when I was a manager I looked at them monthly-he/she will wonder WHY you have a license in a state other than the one in which you live. This happened to a rep of mine and she was fired-not for the DUI but for the deception. Once you make ONE idiotic mistake, don't make it worse by making several others.

Really stupid and bad idea! When your manager checks your record-and believe me, when I was a manager I looked at them monthly-he/she will wonder WHY you have a license in a state other than the one in which you live. This happened to a rep of mine and she was fired-not for the DUI but for the deception. Once you make ONE idiotic mistake, don't make it worse by making several others.

Don't worry. No one would want to work for an asshole like you anyways. Always checking up on people and never trusting them. Expecting them to do bad things instead of expecting the best from them. You are a loser and a wired-tight asshole. Brought up in a household where there was no trust huh?

OP here, appreciate all the support and response.

I blew a .09 with three beers and one shot of vodka in over 2 hours.

After speaking with a Lawyer, I have decided NOT to report and instead look for a job outside of industry. Hopefully I'll find something before I get caught. I will certainly drag out the case to buy time. I think I will be fine.

I no longer want to work for a company or industry if they are going to tell me how to live my life or fire me because of one mistake.

I'm certainly not justifying my actions and learned a valuable lesson but as one of the posters said, this is my opportunity to get out of this industry.

Thanks guys and ill keep you posted if I learn anything about the process if Pfizer approaches me. I'm sure I won't be the last to run into this issue.


Really stupid and bad idea! When your manager checks your record-and believe me, when I was a manager I looked at them monthly-he/she will wonder WHY you have a license in a state other than the one in which you live. This happened to a rep of mine and she was fired-not for the DUI but for the deception. Once you make ONE idiotic mistake, don't make it worse by making several others.

You are 100% correct! I did NOT check the record but when the yearly check by Fleet came around, they couldn't figure out why my rep in one state had a license from another state and just inquired if she had moved. Once I started looking into it, I found an extended period when she had NO license! We took her car from her that very day and fired her with a week. I felt bad but I'm sure that she probably lost her license for either a DUI or points and then just made things worse by lying and covering up.

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