All I can say is look up the policy in Pfizer policy. It does say call your manager within 24hrs. You will not be fired immediatly. They will put you on a tight rope. You will have a year or so to find a job. Truth. Hope that helps,

The interesting thing is most of my friends have at least one DUI. Some have 2 and I know one person with 3. I personally don't drink and drive because I just hardly drink at all. But no other industry has their employees paranoid about DUI's than the Pharma industry ... ok maybe truck drivers even more.

But the point is, my friends who are engineers, accountants, finance, etc have not once worried about the consequences of a DUI on their job. They're more concerned about legal fees and dealing with license suspensions or restrictions.

I'm not condoning drunk driving but these days I doubt any legal matter is as common as DUI's. It's just too easy to pick one up when just about everywhere is an alcohol related advertisement and served until 2 am in the morning. Our own company events are filled with Alcohol.

With that said abstinence is the safest route otherwise you either have a DUI or lucky that you have not gotten one.

The interesting thing is most of my friends have at least one DUI. Some have 2 and I know one person with 3. I personally don't drink and drive because I just hardly drink at all. But no other industry has their employees paranoid about DUI's than the Pharma industry ... ok maybe truck drivers even more.

But the point is, my friends who are engineers, accountants, finance, etc have not once worried about the consequences of a DUI on their job. They're more concerned about legal fees and dealing with license suspensions or restrictions.

I'm not condoning drunk driving but these days I doubt any legal matter is as common as DUI's. It's just too easy to pick one up when just about everywhere is an alcohol related advertisement and served until 2 am in the morning. Our own company events are filled with Alcohol.

With that said abstinence is the safest route otherwise you either have a DUI or lucky that you have not gotten one.

I agree, DUI's are only an issue with jobs that include driving a company car and handling machinery.

So if you killed a family with the company's car because of your gross stupidity, would you call your manager from jail? What about getting an out of state license? You're an idiot!

I agree, DUI's are only an issue with jobs that include driving a company car and handling machinery.

What about personal responsibility? It's not OK--even if all of your pathetic, alcoholic friends have 10 DUI. I can just hear you telling your mom something about, "If it doesn't hurt anybody, then it's OK. Besides...everyone is doing it." That was just last week, wasn't it?

What about personal responsibility? It's not OK--even if all of your pathetic, alcoholic friends have 10 DUI. I can just hear you telling your mom something about, "If it doesn't hurt anybody, then it's OK. Besides...everyone is doing it." That was just last week, wasn't it?

Listen Bozo- These words are coming from YOU "If it doesn't hurt anybody, then it's OK" NOT ME. This country is lead by alcoholics, cheaters and sex addicts. you have something to complain about go to the congress. We are talking about money... MONEY. Restaurants, bars and nightclubs stay open to serve what???? WHAT DO THEY SERVE UNTIL 2 AM? Some parts of the country serve even longer hours.... Yes they only serve alcohol... that is how they make money. Do you understand you MORON? If DUI's were really an issue alcohol would not be served in every corner and restaurant.. would it?

DUI = MONEY for :

1- police department
2- lawyers
3- DMV
4- Insurance companies
5- who else am i missing?

What about personal responsibility? It's not OK--even if all of your pathetic, alcoholic friends have 10 DUI. I can just hear you telling your mom something about, "If it doesn't hurt anybody, then it's OK. Besides...everyone is doing it." That was just last week, wasn't it?

You must be a Muslim or a Mormon. Both against alcohol.

Listen Bozo- These words are coming from YOU "If it doesn't hurt anybody, then it's OK" NOT ME. This country is lead by alcoholics, cheaters and sex addicts. you have something to complain about go to the congress. We are talking about money... MONEY. Restaurants, bars and nightclubs stay open to serve what???? WHAT DO THEY SERVE UNTIL 2 AM? Some parts of the country serve even longer hours.... Yes they only serve alcohol... that is how they make money. Do you understand you MORON? If DUI's were really an issue alcohol would not be served in every corner and restaurant.. would it?

DUI = MONEY for :

1- police department
2- lawyers
3- DMV
4- Insurance companies
5- who else am i missing?

DUIs are a joke because the lawmakers see themselves doing it so they don't want severe punishment for it when they get caught. The money being made is just a byproduct of the pathetic criminal laws we have. Trust me, I know it's all about the lawmakers know they are alcoholics and fear severe punishments. I speak from inside law enforcement experience.

If they wanted to get rid of most DUIs, they would make them 20 year minimum jail sentence felonies. Not lame assed misdemeanors with no jail time and just fines and annoying dui classes and community service that can be bought off. It's a joke and so are our lives to them.

Don't you feel better that your personal safety is overridden by dirtbag lawmakers' alcoholic issues?

I don't believe the license outta state would work. I was in pharma in a state 2K miles away. I had a few speeding tickets and everybody told me when I moved to new state. The new state would give me a license with a clean record. Nope the speeding tickets still followed to my new state. with the brand new license.

Great post above. Personally I am sick of police spending more time and effort on catching someone who drank four beers than they do on drive by shootings and murderers. Everyone I know has driven many, many times under the influence. In my opinion, the penalties are far, far worse than the crime.

DUIs are a joke because the lawmakers see themselves doing it so they don't want severe punishment for it when they get caught. The money being made is just a byproduct of the pathetic criminal laws we have. Trust me, I know it's all about the lawmakers know they are alcoholics and fear severe punishments. I speak from inside law enforcement experience.

If they wanted to get rid of most DUIs, they would make them 20 year minimum jail sentence felonies. Not lame assed misdemeanors with no jail time and just fines and annoying dui classes and community service that can be bought off. It's a joke and so are our lives to them.

Don't you feel better that your personal safety is overridden by dirtbag lawmakers' alcoholic issues?

As long as alcohol is served in public, drunk driving will continue to exist. One way to mitigate this issue is to ban consumption of Alcohol in public places and install interlock devices in cars. Only then it would be possible to reduce DUI's.

As long as alcohol is served in public, drunk driving will continue to exist. One way to mitigate this issue is to ban consumption of Alcohol in public places and install interlock devices in cars. Only then it would be possible to reduce DUI's.

Wow! Thank you Mr. Stalin. The hell with individual rights and only punish the wicked. We should just punish everyone for the good of society, huh?

complete and total cop out. you did the dirty work and then try and blame HR. You are sad, man.

I said I liked her but not enough to scarifice my career for her!! You have OBVIOUSLY never been a manager or you would know #1-when you are told to investigate a matter, you do it and #2-HR ALWAYS makes the firing decision.

Wow! Thank you Mr. Stalin. The hell with individual rights and only punish the wicked. We should just punish everyone for the good of society, huh?

I'm not indicating whether we should or should not ban alcohol in public places, what I'm saying is these are the types of measures that will reduce DUI's.

The bottom line is that those who drink (majority of the country) probably have had an event or events that would have been considered DUI's if caught driving.

All the laws that are passed in regards to DUI's produce wealth and money for certain individuals. If the "law" truly cared for the well being and safety of individuals they would never allow serving of alcohol until early hours of the morning. What DUI laws truly care about is collecting fines.

I was pulled over in November for turning right on red. I didn't see the sign but was not swerving or anything. I had drinks with dinner but it had been 3 hours since I had anything so I was not concerned. It was very late around midnight and I am used to being to bed by nine so I was tired but felt I was perfectly fine to drive. The officer told me he pulled me over for the right on red and then asked if I had any alcohol. I was truthful and said some wine with dinner. He pulled me out of the car and started the gymnastics and trying to confuse me on his instructions. He put me in the front of car and I saw his hands shaking like crazy and then asked me to do the breathilyzer . I really couldn't see what it said. So then he pulled me out and handcuffed me and I was .091 at station but all the numbers there were so different. The accuracy is very questionable as I have come to understand on the breathilyzer tests but he did not offer me a blood test and I didn't know to ask for one. Well I got a lawyer and he saw the video and filed a suppression motion and my court date is Monday . I work for a different company and they ran our license check early feb so I hurried up and resigned since I told no one and didn't know til it was too late the 24 hour rule.

So now I wait for Monday to see what direction it will take me in the line of work. My lawyer says this judge is tough but has been known to be at odds with the highway patrol because of their tactics. I have nothing on my license and have always been a 'no risk' driver even when I was with Pfizer a few years ago. It's been a long 3 months of no driving, lying to protect my job and income and just plain feeling like I am a criminal under house arrest. Very devastating to someone who always takes pride in my credit score, drivers license, high employee ratings , etc. it definitely makes you think out of the box as far as work though. I have started to work on the foundation of my own business and will see what I am really made of especially if this coming Monday does not go well. I have to be okay with that.

So to the poster I guess the moral of the story is that we are not criminals(I have to keep telling myself that) and what does not kill us makes us stronger. I have learned an expensive lesson and I will never drink anything out unless someone else is driving. I will be fine either way I know and you will too :)

I'm not indicating whether we should or should not ban alcohol in public places, what I'm saying is these are the types of measures that will reduce DUI's.

The bottom line is that those who drink (majority of the country) probably have had an event or events that would have been considered DUI's if caught driving.

All the laws that are passed in regards to DUI's produce wealth and money for certain individuals. If the "law" truly cared for the well being and safety of individuals they would never allow serving of alcohol until early hours of the morning. What DUI laws truly care about is collecting fines.

Wrong way of thinking there. That's just more nanny statism you want. The proper governance is to let people pursue their happiness and if they violate the reasonable criminal laws, such as DUI, then punish the shit out of them as either an effective deterrent or to protect us adults who can make adult decisions not to drink and drive when we are impaired. If you don't care enough about the safety of your fellow man, then I want you locked up for a long time if you break the law. It's quite simple, but the liberals have convoluted our criminal justice system so badly, it doesn't work. So your answer is to deny everyone their individual liberties instead. Lovely.

You would deny the economy to flourish just to shut down our personal freedoms. You are obama and friends. Please don't vote. You're ruining this country. Your good intentions are paving the roads to our hell. Wake up and CHANGE.

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