DUI. Advice please

Do exactly what I tell you. Dont say a word to anyone at your company no one.. Nobody no matter what... Then get a good lawyer. A mean pitbull lawyer or one that is kin to the judge... and get a continuance as long as you can. Dont self report shit!!! Every continuance if the arresting officer is present, get your lawyer to ask for another one. Tell lawyer to tell judge u are seeking treatment for a personal problem. The first time arresting off doesnt show as witness get the DA to drop it to a ticket for whatever! Plead guilty. Do not pass go and do not collect 200. Every continuance buys you a couple more pay checks figure out the last time your license was checked. Usually yearly mine was in the last 2 months. While you are going thru continence get a PO Box in a non reporting (Tennessee) for example. THERE COMPUTERS DONT SHARE DATA WITH ANY STATES... get a new license using PO box or friends house in that state....(6 or 8 states do this, daddy justice lawyer will know, make them earn the 12K your gonna pay.) If you get a request to check your license ignore it. When it comes again ignore it. When your boss reminds you to do it say ok but ignore it. When the list comes out and your on it and you have to do it ignore it. When they say tomorrow or your on a PIP pretend like u didn't realize how serious some stupid bs busy work is...isn't Use your new license and it wont be on your record in that state. Or depending on your state it can roll off in 1 year most are 2 but you can get it expunged. But never tell your company. They will fire you!!! If you have to or need to go on short term disability and procrastinate.... and finally but most importantly do 2 things..... Dont do it again EVER!!! NEVEREVER.... most everyone who drinks has driven over the legal limit..... no excuses..... and #2 make a 500 dollar donation to MADD so it hurts and I had to help u out!!@ BEEN THERE DONE THIS!!! I dont wish it on anyone but I'm still here 3 years later!!! Any questions?

This is one of the best post I've ever read on this website!! Good concise, specific information garnished from a similar problem. 3 years is good. I wish you many more!!

Do exactly what I tell you. Dont say a word to anyone at your company no one.. Nobody no matter what... Then get a good lawyer. A mean pitbull lawyer or one that is kin to the judge... and get a continuance as long as you can. Dont self report shit!!! Every continuance if the arresting officer is present, get your lawyer to ask for another one. Tell lawyer to tell judge u are seeking treatment for a personal problem. The first time arresting off doesnt show as witness get the DA to drop it to a ticket for whatever! Plead guilty. Do not pass go and do not collect 200. Every continuance buys you a couple more pay checks figure out the last time your license was checked. Usually yearly mine was in the last 2 months. While you are going thru continence get a PO Box in a non reporting (Tennessee) for example. THERE COMPUTERS DONT SHARE DATA WITH ANY STATES... get a new license using PO box or friends house in that state....(6 or 8 states do this, daddy justice lawyer will know, make them earn the 12K your gonna pay.) If you get a request to check your license ignore it. When it comes again ignore it. When your boss reminds you to do it say ok but ignore it. When the list comes out and your on it and you have to do it ignore it. When they say tomorrow or your on a PIP pretend like u didn't realize how serious some stupid bs busy work is...isn't Use your new license and it wont be on your record in that state. Or depending on your state it can roll off in 1 year most are 2 but you can get it expunged. But never tell your company. They will fire you!!! If you have to or need to go on short term disability and procrastinate.... and finally but most importantly do 2 things..... Dont do it again EVER!!! NEVEREVER.... most everyone who drinks has driven over the legal limit..... no excuses..... and #2 make a 500 dollar donation to MADD so it hurts and I had to help u out!!@ BEEN THERE DONE THIS!!! I dont wish it on anyone but I'm still here 3 years later!!! Any questions?

Do exactly what I tell you. Dont say a word to anyone at your company no one.. Nobody no matter what... Then get a good lawyer. A mean pitbull lawyer or one that is kin to the judge... and get a continuance as long as you can. Dont self report shit!!! Every continuance if the arresting officer is present, get your lawyer to ask for another one. Tell lawyer to tell judge u are seeking treatment for a personal problem. The first time arresting off doesnt show as witness get the DA to drop it to a ticket for whatever! Plead guilty. Do not pass go and do not collect 200. Every continuance buys you a couple more pay checks figure out the last time your license was checked. Usually yearly mine was in the last 2 months. While you are going thru continence get a PO Box in a non reporting (Tennessee) for example. THERE COMPUTERS DONT SHARE DATA WITH ANY STATES... get a new license using PO box or friends house in that state....(6 or 8 states do this, daddy justice lawyer will know, make them earn the 12K your gonna pay.) If you get a request to check your license ignore it. When it comes again ignore it. When your boss reminds you to do it say ok but ignore it. When the list comes out and your on it and you have to do it ignore it. When they say tomorrow or your on a PIP pretend like u didn't realize how serious some stupid bs busy work is...isn't Use your new license and it wont be on your record in that state. Or depending on your state it can roll off in 1 year most are 2 but you can get it expunged. But never tell your company. They will fire you!!! If you have to or need to go on short term disability and procrastinate.... and finally but most importantly do 2 things..... Dont do it again EVER!!! NEVEREVER.... most everyone who drinks has driven over the legal limit..... no excuses..... and #2 make a 500 dollar donation to MADD so it hurts and I had to help u out!!@ BEEN THERE DONE THIS!!! I dont wish it on anyone but I'm still here 3 years later!!! Any questions?

Thank you! And to everyone else here for your thoughtful feedback. I was given one continuance as that is all my state allows.....so, end of March I learn my fate. I've also hired a separate employment attorney, per advice from a guy I've met in AA. Very costly and humbling mistake - don't let it happen to you!

Thank you! And to everyone else here for your thoughtful feedback. I was given one continuance as that is all my state allows.....so, end of March I learn my fate. I've also hired a separate employment attorney, per advice from a guy I've met in AA. Very costly and humbling mistake - don't let it happen to you!

It's not a mistake. You think it's a mistake because you got caught. You made the adult decision to drink and drive when impaired. Own up to your stupidity.

If you shot a gun into an occupied building is that a mistake? Driving impaired in a 4000lb missile inches away from other drivers is more dangerous to more people than shooting into an occupied, multiple square feet building, blindly. Think about it.....Yet, the punishment for DWI is a joke compared to shooting a tiny bullet blindly into an occupied building. Let’s call a spade a spade.

I'm glad you hurt no one. Good luck with your endeavors and don't do it again, please!

It's not a mistake. You think it's a mistake because you got caught. You made the adult decision to drink and drive when impaired. Own up to your stupidity.

If you shot a gun into an occupied building is that a mistake? Driving impaired in a 4000lb missile inches away from other drivers is more dangerous to more people than shooting into an occupied, multiple square feet building, blindly. Think about it.....Yet, the punishment for DWI is a joke compared to shooting a tiny bullet blindly into an occupied building. Let’s call a spade a spade.

I'm glad you hurt no one. Good luck with your endeavors and don't do it again, please!
Lecturing an adult like you're their parent deserves a "fuck you and your pulpit."

I agree. Most everyone has done this at one time in their life. Even if u didn't know u were over. Wr ALL LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES! So have EMPATHY. Share in ones problem. He who judges others harshly will be.... you get the idea. Life is too short to be a bitch to everyone. We all fuck up sometimes...........

Lecturing an adult like you're their parent deserves a "fuck you and your pulpit."

I was lecturing the OP because he needed it. I was more importantly lecturing children like you on here about the severity of DUI who think it's ok to "make a mistake" once in a while, until they kill some innocent sober driver.

On behalf of the million or so innocent drivers murdered by mistakenly drunk drivers, FUCK YOU and grow the FUCK UP! I hope speaking your language sunk in?

I'm looking for advice regarding a DUI I got over the holidays. I don't work for Pfizer, rather a much smaller company, however, wanted to post in a place where I might get the most feedback. Feel free to beat me down, but trust me....I've done a fine job of doing so to myself. I've been in pharma 23 years and am devastated to have placed my very successful career in such jeopardy. In an effort to save my job, I have not had a drink since (Christmas week), have attended AA every single day since and have enrolled myself into an intensive outpatient program I attend 4 nights a week from 6-9 PM for 3 months. There's NO excuse for what I did other than...too much alcohol skews our judgment....but I drank beyond good judgement, which is NOT typical for me. I drank bourbon in egg nog and didn't realize how potent it was. I never drink bourbon either. I have not told my employer as my lawyer says I am innocent until and if convicted. My company does NOT have a specific policy on this. My hope is to have it reduced to reckless driving. There was no accident, no one harmed, no damage to the car.... he pulled me over for swerving....honestly, I was changing music on itunes and it was very late so very few cars on the road. And, I had a lot of stressful shit happen over the last 6-9 months. Appreciate any advice and totally understand anyone who feels the need to bash my actions. Drinking and driving is totally unacceptable. But, if anyone has any advice, or feedback having been through this or knowing someone who has - I'd appreciate it.

Update; After 4 court date delays due to covid, my DUI was dismissed. Here's how: I stopped drinking, attended AA meetings every single day (had a log book signed by the chairperson of the meeting daily), I enrolled in an intensive outpatient addiction program (4 nights a week 5-9 PM for 24 sessions and $2500, after insurance). Then - the cop didn't show up because he's resigned from the police force (go figure). The stars all aligned for me but I also put in the work. I don't advise anyone putting their luck to the test - it's been a year and a half of pure hell wondering everyday when the call from HR or Wheels might come and my long and successful career over. Many of you who posted to my request for advice sounded genuinely caring so i owed you the outcome and thank those of you who actually did care and weren't assholes :)

Wow!! That is great news. For all of us out here who wondered what was up glad to hear the news. Ive been in AA and sober over 2 years now. Don’t stop going. We are alcoholics and will be the rest of our lives. I was fortunate enough by the grace of God to begin to live a sober life before I had any real “yets”. I came close and looking back it was reckless and arrogant putting the lives of others, my family and my career at risk. Share your story with others when appropriate. You never know who you will reach and possibly change their lives.

Update; After 4 court date delays due to covid, my DUI was dismissed. Here's how: I stopped drinking, attended AA meetings every single day (had a log book signed by the chairperson of the meeting daily), I enrolled in an intensive outpatient addiction program (4 nights a week 5-9 PM for 24 sessions and $2500, after insurance). Then - the cop didn't show up because he's resigned from the police force (go figure). The stars all aligned for me but I also put in the work. I don't advise anyone putting their luck to the test - it's been a year and a half of pure hell wondering everyday when the call from HR or Wheels might come and my long and successful career over. Many of you who posted to my request for advice sounded genuinely caring so i owed you the outcome and thank those of you who actually did care and weren't assholes :)

Congrats! way to put in the work!

Update; After 4 court date delays due to covid, my DUI was dismissed. Here's how: I stopped drinking, attended AA meetings every single day (had a log book signed by the chairperson of the meeting daily), I enrolled in an intensive outpatient addiction program (4 nights a week 5-9 PM for 24 sessions and $2500, after insurance). Then - the cop didn't show up because he's resigned from the police force (go figure). The stars all aligned for me but I also put in the work. I don't advise anyone putting their luck to the test - it's been a year and a half of pure hell wondering everyday when the call from HR or Wheels might come and my long and successful career over. Many of you who posted to my request for advice sounded genuinely caring so i owed you the outcome and thank those of you who actually did care and weren't assholes :)

Congrats! How did you get rid of your arrest record just in case your name is googled?

Wow!! That is great news. For all of us out here who wondered what was up glad to hear the news. Ive been in AA and sober over 2 years now. Don’t stop going. We are alcoholics and will be the rest of our lives. I was fortunate enough by the grace of God to begin to live a sober life before I had any real “yets”. I came close and looking back it was reckless and arrogant putting the lives of others, my family and my career at risk. Share your story with others when appropriate. You never know who you will reach and possibly change their lives.
Thanks for sharing Tyson.

Update; After 4 court date delays due to covid, my DUI was dismissed. Here's how: I stopped drinking, attended AA meetings every single day (had a log book signed by the chairperson of the meeting daily), I enrolled in an intensive outpatient addiction program (4 nights a week 5-9 PM for 24 sessions and $2500, after insurance). Then - the cop didn't show up because he's resigned from the police force (go figure). The stars all aligned for me but I also put in the work. I don't advise anyone putting their luck to the test - it's been a year and a half of pure hell wondering everyday when the call from HR or Wheels might come and my long and successful career over. Many of you who posted to my request for advice sounded genuinely caring so i owed you the outcome and thank those of you who actually did care and weren't assholes :)

I gave you the advice early in this conversation about the continuance... I know how good that shit feels!!! Now go pay your 500 to MADD and share with someone who needs the info too!!!

I’m glad it worked out for you. I’m poster #11 from above. Let’s just say I gave similar advice to a friend almost 20 years ago, and it had worked for him back then. For the haters, I’m not advocating that you should/can drive under the influence and avoid consequences, but the laws have gotten much tougher and many “borderline” cases get ensnared in the legal system with potentially dire consequences for the individual. As I stated before, thank goodness no one was hurt/killed; this is not a situation to be minimized yet many/most of us have been guilty of the crime. Learn from it.

Fire all reps that refuse to get vaccinated. Technically make them all virtual only reps and then phase that out that area in 2022. To much risk from the “cowboys”, we need a mean clean machine.

Glad to hear it worked out for you. People make mistakes. I live in a state that would not have plea agreements or continuances like the one you described. The laws are very harsh so I just don't drink at all if I'm going to drive. But it's nice to see that it didn't ruin you. I mean, you could burn down a building nowadays and be released out of jail before the fire truck gets there. I'd hate for someone's career to be ruined over 3 Moscow Mules

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