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DUI and COVID-19


Recently this April I was given a DUI while not driving the company car.

The episode was due to my concern for COVID-19 as at the the time I was health facilities and considered myself a frontliner.

Given the stress of the pandemic, I forgot to tell the company about this. My judgement requires locking device at the wheel. My DBM plans to do a ride along in one week. How can I explain this to him logically?


Recently this April I was given a DUI while not driving the company car.

The episode was due to my concern for COVID-19 as at the the time I was health facilities and considered myself a frontliner.

Given the stress of the pandemic, I forgot to tell the company about this. My judgement requires locking device at the wheel. My DBM plans to do a ride along in one week. How can I explain this to him logically?
You are toast...... doesn’t matter what car you were driving. Wheels does a Drivers License check every 6 months. When the DUI charge shows up you will be terminated even though you haven’t yet been convicted

Recently this April I was given a DUI while not driving the company car.

The episode was due to my concern for COVID-19 as at the the time I was health facilities and considered myself a frontliner.

Given the stress of the pandemic, I forgot to tell the company about this. My judgement requires locking device at the wheel. My DBM plans to do a ride along in one week. How can I explain this to him logically?
Recently... April...? It’s almost October. You better hope you get let go.

You are toast...... doesn’t matter what car you were driving. Wheels does a Drivers License check every 6 months. When the DUI charge shows up you will be terminated even though you haven’t yet been convicted
The DUI would not show up on the driving record until convicted.

This is a bullshit story. An Ignition interlock device would not be placed on the car without a conviction.

Wrong you tard.

Wheels offers continuous MVR monitoring

once the chart is on your record which will be prior to litigation all the alarms go off in the Fleet department and you’ll be getting a phone call with two people on it HR and your manager

you might want to explore the Americans With Disabilities Act that’s a back door to get out of this little mess you put yourself in

Beam me up
You are toast...... doesn’t matter what car you were driving. Wheels does a Drivers License check every 6 months. When the DUI charge shows up you will be terminated even though you haven’t yet been convicted

You really are stupuid worse you don’t even know it Using your idiotic logic nothing hits the MVR until you go to court and are convicted
that is so stupid do you realize it could take years to go to court

yeah I have a good lawyer

don’t you understand that when you get chargeD your license is immediately suspended

you really think they just send you out to go drive again before you get to court?

really do you actually think that

So I’ll do you big fat favor here’s what happens if you get pulled over you get a DUI ticket you go to jail you get bonded out in the background but DVM is electronically notified your license is immediately suspended until the court hearing in the meantime wheels has been notified of your suspension with the marvelous continuous MVR monitoring systems

They’re making money for the states and giving great pleasure to your fleet management team so we don’t have delinquent idiots like you driving the company sales chariot wagon

beam me up

The device before conviction is state to state dependent.

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