Dova Pharmaceuticals

60% of zero=zero!

They don't seem to get it that their insane decision to pay 1.7B for CTI along with the coming eltrombopag generics has destroyed profitability now and for the future. This ship is sinking fast and any incentive plan change is about as helpful as moving some deck chairs around on the Titanic!

Agree 100%! Months not years until this party is all over and the only cams I know who aren't looking are old and ready to retire anyway.

JM is one of the good ones. DOBI aint for everyone.
Dopey/Mopey/Sobi what a joke of a company. Why have you all stayed here??? From ridiculous quotas to the metrics mind boggle, can’t you sell anything? If you had any self respect you would have left long ago. REN, she’s a master leader in fear based management, not worth my family’s mental health and I got out after the merger. There have been so many great opportunities lately (Day One/Syndax to name a few) so anyone left at DOBI can’t compete and are stuck at Dopey/Mopey/Dobi. Heck, you even still have Madood!!! Biggest cluster of a company I have ever seen. Thanks for reminding me how glad I am I wasn’t starstruck by a $15,000 LTI . Have fun getting out! It’s a tough pharma market now. Stupid is as stupid does.

Dopey/Mopey/Sobi what a joke of a company. Why have you all stayed here??? From ridiculous quotas to the metrics mind boggle, can’t you sell anything? If you had any self respect you would have left long ago. REN, she’s a master leader in fear based management, not worth my family’s mental health and I got out after the merger. There have been so many great opportunities lately (Day One/Syndax to name a few) so anyone left at DOBI can’t compete and are stuck at Dopey/Mopey/Dobi. Heck, you even still have Madood!!! Biggest cluster of a company I have ever seen. Thanks for reminding me how glad I am I wasn’t starstruck by a $15,000 LTI . Have fun getting out! It’s a tough pharma market now. Stupid is as stupid does.

Most reps are at Sobi for 1 of 2 reasons: 1) They are C maybe on a great day a B player and simply cannot do better than a horrible company like Sobi or 2) They were abused at some point of their lives and the resulting low level of self-esteem make them believe they are dog shit and deserve to work for a company that treats their employees the same.

Dopey/Mopey/Sobi what a joke of a company. Why have you all stayed here??? From ridiculous quotas to the metrics mind boggle, can’t you sell anything? If you had any self respect you would have left long ago. REN, she’s a master leader in fear based management, not worth my family’s mental health and I got out after the merger. There have been so many great opportunities lately (Day One/Syndax to name a few) so anyone left at DOBI can’t compete and are stuck at Dopey/Mopey/Dobi. Heck, you even still have Madood!!! Biggest cluster of a company I have ever seen. Thanks for reminding me how glad I am I wasn’t starstruck by a $15,000 LTI . Have fun getting out! It’s a tough pharma market now. Stupid is as stupid does.

Seriously? You haven't worked for Sobi in years, you came over with Dova, why are you even still on this thread? Go complain about your new company.

Seriously? You haven't worked for Sobi in years, you came over with Dova, why are you even still on this thread? Go complain about your new company.
Hey Mopey, Yes! I left with COIN! I’m just astounded that you’re still in existence peddling a poor substitute for the newest Generic Promacta while I have not only filled my bank account but Am with another start up which stock soared in the last week above $100 today. So sorry Dopey/Mopy/Dobi whatever you are it isn’t desirable in the oncology market. Lol all the way to the bank while you’ve got something in your right hand and it ain’t coin!

Hey Mopey, Yes! I left with COIN! I’m just astounded that you’re still in existence peddling a poor substitute for the newest Generic Promacta while I have not only filled my bank account but Am with another start up which stock soared in the last week above $100 today. So sorry Dopey/Mopy/Dobi whatever you are it isn’t desirable in the oncology market. Lol all the way to the bank while you’ve got something in your right hand and it ain’t coin!
AND I’m going to retire now DOPEY! Keep peddling Doptelet

Hey Mopey, Yes! I left with COIN! I’m just astounded that you’re still in existence peddling a poor substitute for the newest Generic Promacta while I have not only filled my bank account but Am with another start up which stock soared in the last week above $100 today. So sorry Dopey/Mopy/Dobi whatever you are it isn’t desirable in the oncology market. Lol all the way to the bank while you’ve got something in your right hand and it ain’t coin!

If by 'left' you mean 'were fired'