Does HR at AZ handle or hide problems?

That is such a sad story. Did you regularly shit and piss yourself from the stress?

OP to that comment. It made me paranoid for 2-3 years after I left AZ. AZ middle management did everything you could think of to trip me up. They never beat me. They even one time scheduled a 8 am meeting at a hotel with other TMs in my cylinder and let everyone of them know but me. I checked my voicemail at 7:30 am as I was driving to my first my call. Yes I was out that early. When I heard the voicemail....I drove like a bat out of hell to make it there and walked into the meeting at 7:59 am. My DM / and other DMs were there /and my RD was there too. Their jaws dropped when they saw me walk in. I later learned that all of the reps in my cylinder were quizzed as to who tipped me off. None of them did. I learned to check my voicemail every 15 minutes. It was that bad. The day I quit....I was ranked in top 10% and it made my RD and DM look very bad. They wanted to know where I was leaving to. I wouldn't tell them and I basically told them all I never wanted to see their faces again. AZ won. They got rid of me and I am now moved on to a different industry where I make more money and am treated way better. It took me several years to recover emotionally and mentally from the 2 years of straight hell AZ put me through. The DM that harassed me was fired. AZ is the worst place ever.

OP to that comment. It made me paranoid for 2-3 years after I left AZ. AZ middle management did everything you could think of to trip me up. They never beat me. They even one time scheduled a 8 am meeting at a hotel with other TMs in my cylinder and let everyone of them know but me. I checked my voicemail at 7:30 am as I was driving to my first my call. Yes I was out that early. When I heard the voicemail....I drove like a bat out of hell to make it there and walked into the meeting at 7:59 am. My DM / and other DMs were there /and my RD was there too. Their jaws dropped when they saw me walk in. I later learned that all of the reps in my cylinder were quizzed as to who tipped me off. None of them did. I learned to check my voicemail every 15 minutes. It was that bad. The day I quit....I was ranked in top 10% and it made my RD and DM look very bad. They wanted to know where I was leaving to. I wouldn't tell them and I basically told them all I never wanted to see their faces again. AZ won. They got rid of me and I am now moved on to a different industry where I make more money and am treated way better. It took me several years to recover emotionally and mentally from the 2 years of straight hell AZ put me through. The DM that harassed me was fired. AZ is the worst place ever.

I'll bet you still have crying fits and bouts of uncontrollable diarrhea!

OP to that comment. It made me paranoid for 2-3 years after I left AZ. AZ middle management did everything you could think of to trip me up. They never beat me. They even one time scheduled a 8 am meeting at a hotel with other TMs in my cylinder and let everyone of them know but me. I checked my voicemail at 7:30 am as I was driving to my first my call. Yes I was out that early. When I heard the voicemail....I drove like a bat out of hell to make it there and walked into the meeting at 7:59 am. My DM / and other DMs were there /and my RD was there too. Their jaws dropped when they saw me walk in. I later learned that all of the reps in my cylinder were quizzed as to who tipped me off. None of them did. I learned to check my voicemail every 15 minutes. It was that bad. The day I quit....I was ranked in top 10% and it made my RD and DM look very bad. They wanted to know where I was leaving to. I wouldn't tell them and I basically told them all I never wanted to see their faces again. AZ won. They got rid of me and I am now moved on to a different industry where I make more money and am treated way better. It took me several years to recover emotionally and mentally from the 2 years of straight hell AZ put me through. The DM that harassed me was fired. AZ is the worst place ever.

Nice job. Happiness and success is life's best revenge.

OP to that comment. It made me paranoid for 2-3 years after I left AZ. AZ middle management did everything you could think of to trip me up. They never beat me. They even one time scheduled a 8 am meeting at a hotel with other TMs in my cylinder and let everyone of them know but me. I checked my voicemail at 7:30 am as I was driving to my first my call. Yes I was out that early. When I heard the voicemail....I drove like a bat out of hell to make it there and walked into the meeting at 7:59 am. My DM / and other DMs were there /and my RD was there too. Their jaws dropped when they saw me walk in. I later learned that all of the reps in my cylinder were quizzed as to who tipped me off. None of them did. I learned to check my voicemail every 15 minutes. It was that bad. The day I quit....I was ranked in top 10% and it made my RD and DM look very bad. They wanted to know where I was leaving to. I wouldn't tell them and I basically told them all I never wanted to see their faces again. AZ won. They got rid of me and I am now moved on to a different industry where I make more money and am treated way better. It took me several years to recover emotionally and mentally from the 2 years of straight hell AZ put me through. The DM that harassed me was fired. AZ is the worst place ever.

Yes, AZ is and has been for some time a terrible place to work. I feel the same way but took my revenge in many ways and at least have that satisfaction. Just remember, it's just a job and has become a joke as a sales position. AZ's numerous and ongoing CIA's are proof that something is rotten in Denmark. The key is to get yours and get out.

OP to that comment. It made me paranoid for 2-3 years after I left AZ. AZ middle management did everything you could think of to trip me up. They never beat me. They even one time scheduled a 8 am meeting at a hotel with other TMs in my cylinder and let everyone of them know but me. I checked my voicemail at 7:30 am as I was driving to my first my call. Yes I was out that early. When I heard the voicemail....I drove like a bat out of hell to make it there and walked into the meeting at 7:59 am. My DM / and other DMs were there /and my RD was there too. Their jaws dropped when they saw me walk in. I later learned that all of the reps in my cylinder were quizzed as to who tipped me off. None of them did. I learned to check my voicemail every 15 minutes. It was that bad. The day I quit....I was ranked in top 10% and it made my RD and DM look very bad. They wanted to know where I was leaving to. I wouldn't tell them and I basically told them all I never wanted to see their faces again. AZ won. They got rid of me and I am now moved on to a different industry where I make more money and am treated way better. It took me several years to recover emotionally and mentally from the 2 years of straight hell AZ put me through. The DM that harassed me was fired. AZ is the worst place ever.

Why do you keep coming back to Cafepharma? Move on. There is nothing to see here.

I only have seen a suit against a DM work once and that was when all the female employees of a real dirt bag DM had been sexually harassed and we all filed a complaint. This was not AZ, but the guy was fired. That being said, HR is NOT your friend and will always side with the company and the manager. Anyone that makes a squeak is usually aced out of their job. It is not just AZ but any big company - or any company with 100 or more employees. Rule by bullying seems to be the motto at most places in the U.S. today. They can get away with it b/c our unemployment is so damn high. There are ten people waiting to take YOUR job for less money and all the bosses know it. So, who cares if they treat you like shit and you leave? No one.

It is also why our product quality now sucks. People have no loyalty and most people dislike their jobs. I bet productivity is at an all time low while work hours are at an all time high.

Fifteen years ago I had a pharma boss who would get in the car and smile and pull out a bunch of paperwork all about motivation and being happy at work. . . that SHE had down for US! One day on a long ride she gave me a personality quiz. The next day she sent me the results and said she wanted to focus on my strengths. She did. Every ride she would find something good to say about me and my day and those strengths. I do not think I ever heard her knock me down even when I had a really bad day. She had fifteen reps and we ALL loved her. We would have walked through fire for her. If she said work harder to hit numbers, we did. Her love of us was equally felt and the care that she took to develop each of us as people. These kinds of managers are gone now. It is rule by fear and intimidation - which works like shit, BTW.

People rise not to what you tell them to (as in bullying), but to how you feel about them. My boss cannot stand me. Every ride is terrible because of it. He is always waiting for me to screw one thing up so that he can criticize that and write me up. In the two years I have had him, I do not think he has complimented me once on a ride day. Would I walk through fire for this guy? Nope. Do I care about my job thanks to how I'm treated? Nope. Would I leave AZ in a heartbeat for another similar job? Yep. That is the culture. If these mangers do not PIP someone out, they are not considered worthy by the uppers of a promotion or raise. THIS is why the product launches ALL fail - it is not the products - it is how the people feel about working here and how their bosses FEEL about them. People who are treated like ignorant failures, will live up to it.

I should mention that under that wonderful DM, She was first in the U.S. multiple times. I went to President's Club that year she did the personality test and really helped grow my confidence, and she never failed to make the top 10 percent of all Districts. NEVER!

HR and Management are part of the new world order. Employees, especially low level or sales people are a liability to the company and are not valued. AZ is a Nazi company.

Why do you keep coming back to Cafepharma? Move on. There is nothing to see here.

Simple. To warn others. I have moved on but my experience at AZ for a 3 year period will never leave me.

My DM called me a "faggot" repeatedly to my face and in front of others. AZ HR actually asked me "Do you think the DM meant it as a homosexual slur?....b/c....he was raised during a time period where the word "faggot" had a different meaning".

My DM would several times during the year call me up at 11 am on my cell and ask "What are you doing right now?....b/c the RD is in town and wants to have lunch with you and me". I would happily agree to meet him....and then we'd meet at the restaurant only to find out that the RD was not in town and my DM would order lunch to go for himself and say "Do you honestly think the RD would want to have lunch with you?"

My DM invited me out to dinner to meet my team the night before I was to leave for training back in Philly. I declined b/c I told him I was packing and still studying for the test we had to take upon arrival to secure our jobs. He was very upset at me. When I passed my test two days later....I returned back to my hotel room and there was a voicemail from him....and it said....."Congrats, I heard you passed your test. Now I want you to call me back and say the following to me........I am an idiot.....and the next time your boss tells you do do it".

I knew once I accepted this job at AZ that I needed to stay here at a minimum of 2 years to not look like a job hopper. I stayed for 3+ years. I made the mistake of telling a different DM my situation and he had to report it to HR to cover his own butt. I never thought he would do this. My mistake. He was the DM that ended up coaching me on how to navigate through the situation to save my job....but.....AZ made my life horrible for 3 years until I quit". I want others at AZ to know what they are dealing with. Even though my harassment case ended up leading to my DM's wasn't worth it. Looking back....I should have just resigned years sooner. It wasn't worth it. They made my life a living hell. You have been warned.

Simple. To warn others. I have moved on but my experience at AZ for a 3 year period will never leave me.

My DM called me a "faggot" repeatedly to my face and in front of others. AZ HR actually asked me "Do you think the DM meant it as a homosexual slur?....b/c....he was raised during a time period where the word "faggot" had a different meaning".

My DM would several times during the year call me up at 11 am on my cell and ask "What are you doing right now?....b/c the RD is in town and wants to have lunch with you and me". I would happily agree to meet him....and then we'd meet at the restaurant only to find out that the RD was not in town and my DM would order lunch to go for himself and say "Do you honestly think the RD would want to have lunch with you?"

My DM invited me out to dinner to meet my team the night before I was to leave for training back in Philly. I declined b/c I told him I was packing and still studying for the test we had to take upon arrival to secure our jobs. He was very upset at me. When I passed my test two days later....I returned back to my hotel room and there was a voicemail from him....and it said....."Congrats, I heard you passed your test. Now I want you to call me back and say the following to me........I am an idiot.....and the next time your boss tells you do do it".

I knew once I accepted this job at AZ that I needed to stay here at a minimum of 2 years to not look like a job hopper. I stayed for 3+ years. I made the mistake of telling a different DM my situation and he had to report it to HR to cover his own butt. I never thought he would do this. My mistake. He was the DM that ended up coaching me on how to navigate through the situation to save my job....but.....AZ made my life horrible for 3 years until I quit". I want others at AZ to know what they are dealing with. Even though my harassment case ended up leading to my DM's wasn't worth it. Looking back....I should have just resigned years sooner. It wasn't worth it. They made my life a living hell. You have been warned.

Why did he call you a faggot? I can't imagine this happening in a corporate environment.

Why did he call you a faggot? I can't imagine this happening in a corporate environment.

He greeted me that way every time he saw me one on one. He would slap me on the back as hard as he could and call me "faggot". Why did he do it? Because he was a mentally ill person. That's why. One time he said it to me when I ran into him at the airport and other AZ reps heard him say that to me. They all heard it too. I wasn't the only one he was abusive to. I was just the one who told another DM how he treated me in confidence, but then it got reported behind my back b/c the DM felt he needed to cover his. I totally understood, but it made my life a living hell.

He greeted me that way every time he saw me one on one. He would slap me on the back as hard as he could and call me "faggot". Why did he do it? Because he was a mentally ill person. That's why. One time he said it to me when I ran into him at the airport and other AZ reps heard him say that to me. They all heard it too. I wasn't the only one he was abusive to. I was just the one who told another DM how he treated me in confidence, but then it got reported behind my back b/c the DM felt he needed to cover his. I totally understood, but it made my life a living hell.

Had a similar experience with a manager who was a bully. Reported it to his line manager who went straight to my manager and told him what I had said. Went through a living hell the two years I was managed by him. He was eventually the subject of a formal grievance; I think about 15 people stepped forward and gave evidence about him and he was only at AZ a few years.

His bullying was well known amongst his peers but non of them did a thing about it.

AZ "Do the right hard thing" - don't make me laugh!!

AZ will always support Management over sales reps. They will first get rid of sales rep....appearing to support manager.....then they will systemically get rid of them too. Basically they eliminate all parties involved...but they start at bottom. Very mafia like. Consider that if you are ever going to bring a grievance to HR. You will be eliminated. It doesn't matter if you were wronged or not.

AZ will always support Management over sales reps. They will first get rid of sales rep....appearing to support manager.....then they will systemically get rid of them too. Basically they eliminate all parties involved...but they start at bottom. Very mafia like. Consider that if you are ever going to bring a grievance to HR. You will be eliminated. It doesn't matter if you were wronged or not.
Not if the PSS bringing charges is African American, female, gay, or otherwise a reflection of the man haters in HR.

Not if the PSS bringing charges is African American, female, gay, or otherwise a reflection of the man haters in HR.

As a female who was being managed out--this is not true.

I wasn't perfect but my numbers were high. My married manager thought that he was a ladies man because he messed around with many women and was even seen in public at a meeting messing around with one of his direct hires in the district (that girl "magically" gets promoted soon after too).

I'm the youngest and at a lunch during a ride-along the manager is "accidentally" touching my feet way too often for it to be coincidental (but I keep bringing my feet back and away). Then, at that same meeting where he hooked up with my districtmate--he gives me a hug and I'm uncomfortable so I don't enthusiastically return it.

My life soon became a living hell after that meeting but I had friends in high places who told me that he was going to HR to get me on a plan so I got the heck out before he had a chance to give me the plan.

And, there was no chance with me fighting the plan because the manager had come from headquarters and got his job because he was tight with the higherups in sales.

As a female who was being managed out--this is not true.

I wasn't perfect but my numbers were high. My married manager thought that he was a ladies man because he messed around with many women and was even seen in public at a meeting messing around with one of his direct hires in the district (that girl "magically" gets promoted soon after too).

I'm the youngest and at a lunch during a ride-along the manager is "accidentally" touching my feet way too often for it to be coincidental (but I keep bringing my feet back and away). Then, at that same meeting where he hooked up with my districtmate--he gives me a hug and I'm uncomfortable so I don't enthusiastically return it.

My life soon became a living hell after that meeting but I had friends in high places who told me that he was going to HR to get me on a plan so I got the heck out before he had a chance to give me the plan.

And, there was no chance with me fighting the plan because the manager had come from headquarters and got his job because he was tight with the higherups in sales.

Sorry to hear your situation. I can't speak to what you went through but it is amazing how many "leaders" (CBD's, EBD'S) come from HQ with NOT A LICK of sales experience.
I mean seriously, do you think these suck ups and a-holes are what the sales force is going to listen too? I will smile and tell you how great your suggestions are & how much they mean to me. Blowing smoke up your ass while I tell you how insightful you are while I flip you off. This company has only gotten worse with regard to putting people in position of leadership that truly know what leadership is vs. suck ups. Can you hear me Paul and Tosh?

Oh and if you think I am a lone voice.... I ain't.

As a sales rep, I brought a harassment case against my DM and had provide documented proof to the Area Business Center. I had my ducks in a row (with help from a DM who previously worked in the home office in Wilmington). The Business Center that I reported the incidence to desperately tried to trip me up and on the surface seemed to have any care in the world in trying to find out the truth. I ended up reporting the Area Business Center to Wilmington had harassment charges brought up on them too -- again under the advisement of a previous DM who worked in Wilmington. To make a long story short....I won my case and my DM was disciplined. What happened to me? I was realigned to different territories every other quarter and to different businesses until I quit. AZ seemed to determined to make my life hell until I decided to leave. AZ is a hell hole.

You're not with AZ any longer, but you still come to this message board.