does anyone really talk to the docs?

when will you pharm reps realize your day of over compensation, perks, company cars, trips etc is coming to an end. My compnay works in strategic health care management and do you know who we consider one of the biggest barriers to productivity in offices and clinics to be? YOU! That is why we are reccommending more and more physician practices go NO SEE - and guess what practices are taking are advice without even asking a question. There are other ways to get meds to patients and none of them involve a drug rep. Let me share something else with you my friends - your companies are listening to us more and more, and all they want to know is how do we 1) stay on formulary 2) keep large hospital systems and their physician owned practices engaged with our product - we tell them to start with - we do not want to see reps. You know what the response is - NO PROBLEM WE CAN WORK WITH THIS.
Enjoy your, what was it $140K income smart ass - those days are coming to an end.

when will you pharm reps realize your day of over compensation, perks, company cars, trips etc is coming to an end. My compnay works in strategic health care management and do you know who we consider one of the biggest barriers to productivity in offices and clinics to be? YOU! That is why we are reccommending more and more physician practices go NO SEE - and guess what practices are taking are advice without even asking a question. There are other ways to get meds to patients and none of them involve a drug rep. Let me share something else with you my friends - your companies are listening to us more and more, and all they want to know is how do we 1) stay on formulary 2) keep large hospital systems and their physician owned practices engaged with our product - we tell them to start with - we do not want to see reps. You know what the response is - NO PROBLEM WE CAN WORK WITH THIS.
Enjoy your, what was it $140K income smart ass - those days are coming to an end. of 1? Sounds like somebody has some serious envy issues...did you interview and not get the job or something?
You are full of it. There are PLENTY of clinics that still see us so maybe you aren't as important or influential as you thought you are.
I would have to guess that you are some low-mid level admin since you are bored enough to take the time to come on here and post like that. Must be depressing. It is always my company and it isn't really you. You are trying to be a bully hiding behind your company...even weaker.

when will you pharm reps realize your day of over compensation, perks, company cars, trips etc is coming to an end. My compnay works in strategic health care management and do you know who we consider one of the biggest barriers to productivity in offices and clinics to be? YOU! That is why we are reccommending more and more physician practices go NO SEE - and guess what practices are taking are advice without even asking a question. There are other ways to get meds to patients and none of them involve a drug rep. Let me share something else with you my friends - your companies are listening to us more and more, and all they want to know is how do we 1) stay on formulary 2) keep large hospital systems and their physician owned practices engaged with our product - we tell them to start with - we do not want to see reps. You know what the response is - NO PROBLEM WE CAN WORK WITH THIS.
Enjoy your, what was it $140K income smart ass - those days are coming to an end.

Heard this many times in the past..blah,blah,blah yet we are still here. I know the ship is going down, whatever. If docs wanted to see no reps, they would have done it on their own, not hire a douche bag company like yours- idiot!

when will you pharm reps realize your day of over compensation, perks, company cars, trips etc is coming to an end. My compnay works in strategic health care management and do you know who we consider one of the biggest barriers to productivity in offices and clinics to be? YOU! That is why we are reccommending more and more physician practices go NO SEE - and guess what practices are taking are advice without even asking a question. There are other ways to get meds to patients and none of them involve a drug rep. Let me share something else with you my friends - your companies are listening to us more and more, and all they want to know is how do we 1) stay on formulary 2) keep large hospital systems and their physician owned practices engaged with our product - we tell them to start with - we do not want to see reps. You know what the response is - NO PROBLEM WE CAN WORK WITH THIS.
Enjoy your, what was it $140K income smart ass - those days are coming to an end.

Wow, strategic health care management, you sound really important. That just goes to show that doctors that need to hire companies like yours are as stupid as pharmaceutical companies that will by any type of consulting service and call it something new.

when will you pharm reps realize your day of over compensation, perks, company cars, trips etc is coming to an end. My compnay works in strategic health care management and do you know who we consider one of the biggest barriers to productivity in offices and clinics to be? YOU! That is why we are reccommending more and more physician practices go NO SEE - and guess what practices are taking are advice without even asking a question. There are other ways to get meds to patients and none of them involve a drug rep. Let me share something else with you my friends - your companies are listening to us more and more, and all they want to know is how do we 1) stay on formulary 2) keep large hospital systems and their physician owned practices engaged with our product - we tell them to start with - we do not want to see reps. You know what the response is - NO PROBLEM WE CAN WORK WITH THIS.
Enjoy your, what was it $140K income smart ass - those days are coming to an end.

Learn to write and spell properly and maybe you won`t make such a fool out of yourself next time. Wake up moron and stop your delusional dreaming about this make believe luxurious job of yours.