Does anyone know a dm Brian W from RI


Look, if you're going to make an ass of yourself, please be more original. Pinning responses on individuals who don't give a flying fuck about you or this site, is old.

But, you're here responding. I'd say you give a lot more than a flying fuck or you wouldn't be posting here, would you? So, if the shoe fits, wear it, Anne. You're not fooling anyone. He had your number and called you on it. I repeat - move on.

But, you're here responding. I'd say you give a lot more than a flying fuck or you wouldn't be posting here, would you? So, if the shoe fits, wear it, Anne. You're not fooling anyone. He had your number and called you on it. I repeat - move on.

Anne has a lot more on her plate than this fool, she's out to clean house and get rid of ineffective DM's, especially after what happened with him last month, he's toast.

Anne is NOT going anywhere. Cleaning house, getting rid of ineffective DM's. If Brian W from RI is an issue, than I will check into it. Sounds like something that needs attention. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, you're another of the legion of managers who monitor this site for the real truth. Riiiiiiiiight.

Anne is NOT going anywhere. Cleaning house, getting rid of ineffective DM's. If Brian W from RI is an issue, than I will check into it. Sounds like something that needs attention. Thanks for the heads up.

The Anne referred to previously worked for Brian. He called her on cheating and forging. He fired her. She's still pissed and posts dirt about him. Totally NOT the Anne to whom you refer.