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Does anyone even care about the FCR report?


Incredible that this organization thinks this report is even relevant ! Does the sales force even care what a manager writes about our performance? Guess what? We could care less. Wouldn't it be great if the sales force could write a FCR on their manager after every visit? Now that would actually mean something!!


Incredible that this organization thinks this report is even relevant ! Does the sales force even care what a manager writes about our performance? Guess what? We could care less. Wouldn't it be great if the sales force could write a FCR on their manager after every visit? Now that would actually mean something!!

Guess what you aren't a manager - they are. You don't get to babysit they do .

Incredible that this organization thinks this report is even relevant ! Does the sales force even care what a manager writes about our performance? Guess what? We could care less. Wouldn't it be great if the sales force could write a FCR on their manager after every visit? Now that would actually mean something!!

You get paid to do what your manager says, so if you want to keep getting paid, you should probably pay a bit more attention to the FCR. Plus, you have the attitude of mediocrity. People get on this site wondering why Sanofi has gone to shit, and it's because people like you never look to change or get better at anything. But, I'm sure you'll fire back and blame your manager, when the issue is really your shitty attitude.

And the reason why you don't get to write an FCR on your manager is because no one gives a shit about what you have to say about him. Not really that hard to understand, is it?

You get paid to do what your manager says, so if you want to keep getting paid, you should probably pay a bit more attention to the FCR. Plus, you have the attitude of mediocrity. People get on this site wondering why Sanofi has gone to shit, and it's because people like you never look to change or get better at anything. But, I'm sure you'll fire back and blame your manager, when the issue is really your shitty attitude.

And the reason why you don't get to write an FCR on your manager is because no one gives a shit about what you have to say about him. Not really that hard to understand, is it?

You want mediocrity? How about a patent extension on a drug that was a cash cow that's worthless today? How about a sales model that's insanely stupid that no one believes in, how about 20 failed launches in the past 10 years, how about a 3rd rate diabetes combo drug that's doomed to fail? How about an entire sales force that HATES the company they work for? How about a leadership that were losers at other big pharma companies they came from. How about zero pipeline? You're an idiot ABL-- you're not mediocre, you're an idiot supreme.

Have a nice day, c*nt :)

You want mediocrity? How about a patent extension on a drug that was a cash cow that's worthless today? How about a sales model that's insanely stupid that no one believes in, how about 20 failed launches in the past 10 years, how about a 3rd rate diabetes combo drug that's doomed to fail? How about an entire sales force that HATES the company they work for? How about a leadership that were losers at other big pharma companies they came from. How about zero pipeline? You're an idiot ABL-- you're not mediocre, you're an idiot supreme.

Have a nice day, c*nt :)
Nice rebuttal and all true.

This is how to use an FCR. Gain commitment in writing from your ABL to move the ratings scale forward for each competancy if you do x and y. If they fail to do it you have documented it. Be sure to put it in the comments that you both agreed to x and y to move forward.

So you got a shit FCR. we all have at some point. You ultimately have two choices. Grow a pair and reject it or use it as a launchpad and commit to improve it and make SURE you get concrete steps to move the rating from foundational to profficient.

Finally, cut and paste that crap to show growth in your mid year, unless of course you have zero intention to change. if thats the case its a lot more work trying to make shit up in your review.

You want mediocrity? How about a patent extension on a drug that was a cash cow that's worthless today? How about a sales model that's insanely stupid that no one believes in, how about 20 failed launches in the past 10 years, how about a 3rd rate diabetes combo drug that's doomed to fail? How about an entire sales force that HATES the company they work for? How about a leadership that were losers at other big pharma companies they came from. How about zero pipeline? You're an idiot ABL-- you're not mediocre, you're an idiot supreme.

Have a nice day, c*nt :)

Don't forget YOU. You're also mediocre. I guess that makes you a good fit. No wonder you still work for a company you apparently despise - you can't find work anywhere else. Love the blame shifting, though. NEVER saw that coming!! :)

Don't forget YOU. You're also mediocre. I guess that makes you a good fit. No wonder you still work for a company you apparently despise - you can't find work anywhere else. Love the blame shifting, though. NEVER saw that coming!! :)

Do you really believe the garbage you write, or the things you say? Are you that delusional? You don't see the numbers? You don't see the hull of this pathetic ship filling with water and about to sink? Were you asleep during the last round of lay- offs and do you think another isn't coming by June? Are you that detached from reality and are you that INSANE? Did you drown in the poisoned Kool-aide you're idiot masters forced down your pathtic throat?

THIS is why this garbage heap is in the mess it's it. It's EXACTLY this idiots thinking that got us where we're at.

Do you really believe the garbage you write, or the things you say? Are you that delusional? You don't see the numbers? You don't see the hull of this pathetic ship filling with water and about to sink? Were you asleep during the last round of lay- offs and do you think another isn't coming by June? Are you that detached from reality and are you that INSANE? Did you drown in the poisoned Kool-aide you're idiot masters forced down your pathtic throat?

THIS is why this garbage heap is in the mess it's it. It's EXACTLY this idiots thinking that got us where we're at.
It’s important to note that anger is a form of fear. Someone does something, and suddenly the mind feels ungrounded and reacts with anger, trying to reestablish a firm ground by reaffirming one’s narrow sense of self. Anger’s aim is to establish safety in that deluded way.

It’s important to note that anger is a form of fear. Someone does something, and suddenly the mind feels ungrounded and reacts with anger, trying to reestablish a firm ground by reaffirming one’s narrow sense of self. Anger’s aim is to establish safety in that deluded way.

Is this how you run your district? I'll give you some advice- take your spreadsheets with all your reps faked calls, their faked pharmacy calls, their faked webinars and their phony flex events- you take that spread sheet and shove it so far up your a55 so when you talk you can actually feel it choking you- then call your boss and maybe they'll think your choking is passion for your job and it'll buy you some time till your next conference call. Ok, Freud?

This is how to use an FCR. Gain commitment in writing from your ABL to move the ratings scale forward for each competancy if you do x and y. If they fail to do it you have documented it. Be sure to put it in the comments that you both agreed to x and y to move forward.

So you got a shit FCR. we all have at some point. You ultimately have two choices. Grow a pair and reject it or use it as a launchpad and commit to improve it and make SURE you get concrete steps to move the rating from foundational to profficient.

Finally, cut and paste that crap to show growth in your mid year, unless of course you have zero intention to change. if thats the case its a lot more work trying to make shit up in your review.

This is well said, I think it's also important that you also recognize that foundational isn't necessarily a bad thing; it might just be that you're inconsistent in some behaviors, or your sales results are poor. Developmental is where you really need to be concerned and get your act together. And just because you killed with old products, it's a new world out there, sell launch brands and be consistent and you'll be fine on the FCR.

Can't complain too much about our FCR's. Afterall, our ABL pretty much has us write them ourselves. This whole gig is such a joke. The ABL's are as miserable as the rest of us. Hate this company, hate this job...just dig deep to find a way to continue developing yourself - hopefully for another career. We all know there is NO opportunity here long term.

What is truly mediocre is management and upper management! They couldn't sell themselves out of a paper bag if their lives depended upon it! The remaining Salesforce after repetitive cuts has won multiple awards along the way. We know what we are doing- you don't!! Please leave us alone to do our jobs ! We don't need adult daycare! We don't need your big salaries taking away from our bottom line!

Is this how you run your district? I'll give you some advice- take your spreadsheets with all your reps faked calls, their faked pharmacy calls, their faked webinars and their phony flex events- you take that spread sheet and shove it so far up your a55 so when you talk you can actually feel it choking you- then call your boss and maybe they'll think your choking is passion for your job and it'll buy you some time till your next conference call. Ok, Freud?

Just so I'm clear - you admit to faking physician calls, you admit to faking pharmacy calls, and you admit to not even making an effort to take anything away from your manager's coaching? But, somehow, the problem is with your boss and the FCR!!?? You are delusional, my friend. Go look in the mirror, and you'll see the root cause of your problems. Now, go ahead and blame a few more people and lash out again - I'm sure that will make it all better. Enjoy your mediocrity; it's apparently here to stay.

Just so I'm clear - you admit to faking physician calls, you admit to faking pharmacy calls, and you admit to not even making an effort to take anything away from your manager's coaching? But, somehow, the problem is with your boss and the FCR!!?? You are delusional, my friend. Go look in the mirror, and you'll see the root cause of your problems. Now, go ahead and blame a few more people and lash out again - I'm sure that will make it all better. Enjoy your mediocrity; it's apparently here to stay.

You should quite while you're miles and miles behind but I suspect you won't- you're probably one of the idiots that think Challenger will save this sh*thole.

Just so I'm clear - you admit to faking physician calls, you admit to faking pharmacy calls, and you admit to not even making an effort to take anything away from your manager's coaching? But, somehow, the problem is with your boss and the FCR!!?? You are delusional, my friend. Go look in the mirror, and you'll see the root cause of your problems. Now, go ahead and blame a few more people and lash out again - I'm sure that will make it all better. Enjoy your mediocrity; it's apparently here to stay.
This sound like my manager that was displaced. It also sounds like my new manager; an ass kissing "Dumb & Dumber" poster child that is leaderless, clueless, and has a bad haircut.

You should quite while you're miles and miles behind but I suspect you won't- you're probably one of the idiots that think Challenger will save this sh*thole.

I didn't say anything about Challenger. Regardless, I'm sure if someone tried to coach you on it, you wouldn't do any of it, and then blame the sales model, right? Classic self-love from a sales rep. "I'm awesome, just ask me."

And, I'm sure you'd love it if I "quite", but I think I'll keep going.

I didn't say anything about Challenger. Regardless, I'm sure if someone tried to coach you on it, you wouldn't do any of it, and then blame the sales model, right? Classic self-love from a sales rep. "I'm awesome, just ask me."

And, I'm sure you'd love it if I "quite", but I think I'll keep going.

You get an "A" for tenacity and an A+ for stupidity. You've been crushed like a roach, but you got that one little leg that keeps on twitching. And you're right---if you coached me on using Challenger it would take everything in me to not call you a f*cking idiot right to your face. By the way, how's tresiba doing in your district????? Maybe not enough webinars--- hold that team accountable....and coach the hell out of them. :). Where should I email this spreadsheet?

Just so I'm clear - you admit to faking physician calls, you admit to faking pharmacy calls, and you admit to not even making an effort to take anything away from your manager's coaching? But, somehow, the problem is with your boss and the FCR!!?? You are delusional, my friend. Go look in the mirror, and you'll see the root cause of your problems. Now, go ahead and blame a few more people and lash out again - I'm sure that will make it all better. Enjoy your mediocrity; it's apparently here to stay.
So in the name of transparency and clarity, we can all agree that the ABL is a little fish in a big sea. Another words low on the food chain.

So if you think that the field sales reps are all idiots and lazy, then the management team has done a shitty job in recruitment and screening in interviews. Furthermore, for example, take a drug like Praluent, which has produced revenues of $115 million in a year and a half timeframe, one would have to ask themselves, is this a result of 100% of the salesforce being lazy and ineffective? Or could this be the failure of a company at large? You can even extrapolate the sales success of every other Sanofi promoted drug and come to the same conclusion. My bet is on the failure of senior leadership that is responsible for the poor execution of strategies that would make this company successful. The field force has very little to do with the macro planning in bringing a drug to market. If your drug is not on formulary and PBMs put Ndc blocks on patient access to your drug, field reps don't have chance. You can use challenger sales techniques all day long and the patient is still not getting access to your drug, period.
Top that, Regeneron is taking full advantage of Sanofi and the idiots that run this company. That's why Lynn S is a billionaire.