"Do Not Rehire" list?

So why has no one been contacted to collect damages or to join a class action? It’s because no one is willing to bear that expense on their own to get it started or because they just want to blow hot air. It’s not right or ethical that this has happened, but the talk has been going on for over six years.
People will say...”Just wait and see. These people are going down.” Yet all we ever see or hear are crickets chirping.

It’s not right, but also understand that pharma and the government are hand in glove. Pharma is only tried in our judicial system if one of those fuckers really piss someone off on the inside and a reason is needed to take someone or a group of individuals down, then something will be done.

This company is not Pharma, it’s a Staffing Agency which is much different. And the expense will be a Contingency w/ a firm.

You are correct about it being only a staffing company, however the direct companies are the ones pulling the strings. The reason why names show up on the list has to do with decisions made by managers of the companies that Publicis is contracted with and those are mostly pharma.
There are a few threads talking about this least and one dates back to 2010.
The managers are very confident nothing will be done. That’s why after seven years, HR and management is haughty and cavilier. They can and will make claims that are untrue. They think they’re cute and very funny when they make up lies that can’t be confirmed.

It's only going to take one person to produce the list and verify it to bring the whole house down. Perjury is a funny thing...
Nothing will be done most likely, but you never know. My suggestion is to destroy managers that are targeting you on social media. Managers and regionals hate that they cant do anything about it. They say they don't mind, but they get pissed because its one thing they can't control. You can even plant rumors or hell just tell the truth and word gets around. Some of these guys here have really bad reputations and it would take a lot for that to ever be repaired in the first place.

I found out that I was on the list from a MANAGER at NOVARTIS!!
Publicis recruiters and managers have been forwarding the list outside of the company.
It definitely hurt my career.

Nothing will be done most likely, but you never know. My suggestion is to destroy managers that are targeting you on social media. Managers and regionals hate that they cant do anything about it. They say they don't mind, but they get pissed because its one thing they can't control. You can even plant rumors or hell just tell the truth and word gets around. Some of these guys here have really bad reputations and it would take a lot for that to ever be repaired in the first place.

Don't ever used someones name or you will be in the same boat as them. Don't use initials either. Titles, areas, contracts, jobs could mean anyone at anytime, keep it vague. This above post is bait.

If another company is dumb enough to not at least interview you because you are on this so called DNHL then that shows you how trivial it is. Most of the people who get fired or have a beef w/ management have had some kind of personal vendetta against them by the manager. I'm willing to guess that over 80% of the people are good reps that have had great careers, did the job and one manager who was immature enough to have something personal against the rep got them fired. It happens all the time but the next hiring manager from another company will have absolutely no problems at all and get a great representative. So I wouldn't think much of it. You know who you are and if you did the job that was asked and some lame manager had some kind of beef w/ you...good riddance... Any company that supports the list will be just as bad.

Don't ever used someones name or you will be in the same boat as them. Don't use initials either. Titles, areas, contracts, jobs could mean anyone at anytime, keep it vague. This above post is bait.
You're either a fool or someone who has screwed over sooooo many people that you know that you're time is coming my friend. You're just hoping and praying that your victims aren't as ballsy as you've been in the past. This act of obliging someone on social media is a very good lesson of how bad it can get when you choose to throw someone under a bus. Some of you guys need to get schooled. You create a list and laugh behind a persons back...you're going to get fucked in return!

Don't ever used someones name or you will be in the same boat as them. Don't use initials either. Titles, areas, contracts, jobs could mean anyone at anytime, keep it vague. This above post is bait.
The only way that they would find out is if you let out too much info about yourself. Most of these managers that nail people have had several grievances with multiple reps. That means that they have no idea who it could be. Sometimes they make assumptions based on their realization that they screwed one particular individual over very hard, but that does not mean that the people that they hurt the most was the person getting them back. That's why these guys are idiot clowns. They make assumptions about people that are so not true and they need to be taken down.

Don't ever used someones name or you will be in the same boat as them. Don't use initials either. Titles, areas, contracts, jobs could mean anyone at anytime, keep it vague. This above post is bait.
So let me get this straight… Your name has been placed on a list among others and you are not to be rehired according to this list, but you need to be very careful not to say anything about the people who put you on the list. Oh, I see how this works. Just make sure you protect the managers and see that the reps get fucked.

So let me get this straight… Your name has been placed on a list among others and you are not to be rehired according to this list, but you need to be very careful not to say anything about the people who put you on the list. Oh, I see how this works. Just make sure you protect the managers and see that the reps get fucked.

I worked for the Harvey Weinstein of Publicis.... apparently he thinks it's still the year 2000 when the good ol boy behavior was "acceptable" he's batting @ 80% turnover ..... thought he had my back at first but quickly learned I was being thrown under the bus and run over when I was terminated - no good deed goes unpunished. However, revenge is a dish best served cold.

I was told by a manager at inVentiv that my name is on the list.
She said she got the list from a former co-worker of hers that is a recruiter for Touchpoint.
She admitted that the list is widely circulated and she does not interview anyone whose name is on the list.

I was told by a manager at inVentiv that my name is on the list.
She said she got the list from a former co-worker of hers that is a recruiter for Touchpoint.
She admitted that the list is widely circulated and she does not interview anyone whose name is on the list.
You need to go ahead and take down who placed you and that list. At least your manager was big enough to tell you, but that doesn’t make them innocent.
Geez... I would never want to mess with a rep like that. Eventually it will come back around and haunt the perpetrator.