So can some one send me this list?
I hope there is a DO NOT HIRE LIST because I want to be on it. I never want to be hired by PDI again.
Who cares put my name on it in bold print then an asterisk followed by these words “this mutha fucks is out of line”
I'm on the list and I never even worked here. I interviewed once. It has hurt my career!
PS. And, I am a manager.
For those stating that they want to be on it...Understand that it’s being circulated outside of Publicis and to other Pharm companies. This is because managers that have access to it, they leave and go to other companies and they bring that excel file with them and share it. Oh and by the way, it’s ok for them to fuck You like that if you’re not a minority or protected class and as an FYI, being a woman doesn’t count unless you have dark skin. The dark skinned reverse racists in HR are very proud of that fact.
Honestly, the list has been circulated for years and not a damn thing has been done about it. The list of names just grows and people who have tried to hire attorneys have been told to let it go.
Honestly, the list has been circulated for years and not a damn thing has been done about it. The list of names just grows and people who have tried to hire attorneys have been told to let it go.
Exactly, no legal grounds or proof to litigate.
It's only going to take one person to produce the list and verify it to bring the whole house down. Perjury is a funny thing...
So why has no one been contacted to collect damages or to join a class action? It’s because no one is willing to bear that expense on their own to get it started or because they just want to blow hot air. It’s not right or ethical that this has happened, but the talk has been going on for over six years.This is not a "TRY" it has happened. And no foolish manager would ever "try to intimidate" someone after someone lawyers up. And, there is this thing in discovery called a deposition and if you lie during it, it's call perjury which is a felony. There are to many leaks in "their" system.