"Do Not Rehire" list for lawsuit

Hey dimwitted asshole. Yes, there is a list. I have it and PSS is squirming to try to figure out what to do about this. I would bet you anything their HR dept. and attorneys are all over this board looking at posts about it. The hiring managers cannot "take it with a grain of salt" since they are directed NOT TO HIRE OR INTERVIEW ANYONE ON THE LIST. Can you you process that through your uniformed little brain? I was a DM here and got the list via email from on of PSS's recruiters. Yes there are 1698 people on it and yes there are people black balled from employment with no stated reason and yes many are over 40 and/or other protected classes. So yes it does exist idiot and yes PSS is at great legal exposure when it gets made public.

From now on when you have no idea waht you are talking about keep your moth shut moron.

So, the urban myth continues. Come on, use your brain and think this through. What manager or Recruiter would have the time to go through a list (of nearly 1700 names per the poster) to check a candidate name against a list of "do not hires" every time that they need to hire a team or hire an individual rep. Even the HR Department doesnt have the time to perform this STUPID task if it were in play. I have personally never been given a list nor have I been subjected to a DONT HIRE THAT SPECIFIC PERSON ever! The only caveat would come if the CLIENT would reject the person because the Candidate previously worked for the Client and were not cleared per the CLIENT... OR if your previous manager has asserted that you were not the best of performers or were a negative asset to the team. Even then, the new hiring manager can make their own decision on the talent they hire (input is just input positive and negative) That said, those issues are in play with any organization. Face it, if you are not getting anywhere in this industry then perhaps you should admit that the competition has left you in the dust. You can believe the myth (the lie of a list of 1698 and apprently stagnant at that number?) if it helps you get through the day but for those who seek a reality world.......focus on your interviewing skills and if you land another position within this industry dont be the negative teammate and do everything you can to be the BEST. Sad to say but for some of you this is a novel concept. I have interviewed enough of you to know the difference.....Hate on.

So, the urban myth continues. Come on, use your brain and think this through. What manager or Recruiter would have the time to go through a list (of nearly 1700 names per the poster) to check a candidate name against a list of "do not hires" every time that they need to hire a team or hire an individual rep. Even the HR Department doesnt have the time to perform this STUPID task if it were in play. I have personally never been given a list nor have I been subjected to a DONT HIRE THAT SPECIFIC PERSON ever! The only caveat would come if the CLIENT would reject the person because the Candidate previously worked for the Client and were not cleared per the CLIENT... OR if your previous manager has asserted that you were not the best of performers or were a negative asset to the team. Even then, the new hiring manager can make their own decision on the talent they hire (input is just input positive and negative) That said, those issues are in play with any organization. Face it, if you are not getting anywhere in this industry then perhaps you should admit that the competition has left you in the dust. You can believe the myth (the lie of a list of 1698 and apprently stagnant at that number?) if it helps you get through the day but for those who seek a reality world.......focus on your interviewing skills and if you land another position within this industry dont be the negative teammate and do everything you can to be the BEST. Sad to say but for some of you this is a novel concept. I have interviewed enough of you to know the difference.....Hate on.

Hey dumbfuck; I have the list of 1698 names. It is an excel spreadsheet listed alphabetically. It takes a few seconds to scan and view the list. Yes if your name is on it you cannot ever be rehired here. I am a DM and see this list regularly. from now on just keep your yap shut about things you know nothing about.

Hey dumbfuck; I have the list of 1698 names. It is an excel spreadsheet listed alphabetically. It takes a few seconds to scan and view the list. Yes if your name is on it you cannot ever be rehired here. I am a DM and see this list regularly. from now on just keep your yap shut about things you know nothing about.

If you had the list, you wouldn't be on Cafe Pharma shooting your mouth off about.
You're such an idiot.

If you had the list, you wouldn't be on Cafe Pharma shooting your mouth off about.
You're such an idiot.

If you had a half a clue what you don't know you would keep your yap shut so you don't keep embarrassing yourself moron. yes there is a list that is updated regularly and sent out to managers and recruiters.

Hey dumbfuck; I have the list of 1698 names. It is an excel spreadsheet listed alphabetically. It takes a few seconds to scan and view the list. Yes if your name is on it you cannot ever be rehired here. I am a DM and see this list regularly. from now on just keep your yap shut about things you know nothing about.

hmmmm....what contract would that be? You are first and foremost NOT A DM because you lack any integrity and if there WAS a list you would be ON IT! Again, an Urban Myth (which apparently has not been updated from 1698 names since you first posted). If you see this list "regularly" then please state where you see it.....is it posted somewhere on the Manager's Lion's Den.....answer: NO - because you are a liar and you can not face the fact that you lack something that results in your not being hired. Sad (for you) and a relief for the rest of us.

Most employers maintain records of past employment, including a flag indicating not eligible for rehire, and probably a general reason. How would this be actionable in any way? To the guy who says he has a version of such a list, the real legal trouble could be yours and the person who gave it to you if it is used improperly, same as any proprietary company information. Same as if you had a list of SS numbers of past employees, for example.

If you had a half a clue what you don't know you would keep your yap shut so you don't keep embarrassing yourself moron. yes there is a list that is updated regularly and sent out to managers and recruiters.

OK. If you have such a list, keep YOUR yapper shut, quit gloating about it on cafe pharma and do something about it. You don't need to be affirmation from those of us on cafe pharma. We think you're an idiot for talking about it.

OK. If you have such a list, keep YOUR yapper shut, quit gloating about it on cafe pharma and do something about it. You don't need to be affirmation from those of us on cafe pharma. We think you're an idiot for talking about it.

Hey assfuck, if you don't like the posts then don't read them you inbreed dipshit.

To that DM that obtained the list. How long ago did you get the list? Is it recent within the last couple years? I am just wondering if I would be on it. I left the company about two years ago.

Is it true that people who have never worked for the company are on it? There's a manager that says he's never seen it, but stated that people who have tried to interview that had been black balled from other companies have been added to it by managers that knew about them at another company. With all of the layoffs that have occurred at different companies, it appears that some rumors have circulated from managers claiming they have inside information regarding people that worked for their company and to keep them out, they are requesting that they be added to the list if that person requests to interview. I think its strange that this manager has all of this information but has never seen the list.

"You can believe the myth (the lie of a list of 1698 and apprently stagnant at that number?) if it helps you get through the day but for those who seek a reality world.......focus on your interviewing skills and if you land another position within this industry dont be the negative teammate and do everything you can to be the BEST. Sad to say but for some of you this is a novel concept. I have interviewed enough of you to know the difference.....Hate on."

I'm not sure that everyone who is complaining does not have a job. There is just a bit of unfinished business with how this place has conducted their day to day activities and they need a bit of reality check themselves especially if they're circulating this list to other managers within the industry not affiliated with Publicis.

Also...although you sound very condescending, I kind of doubt you were or are in management. "Hate on" ?? Who does that? Are you 12? The only "novel concept" has been managers not having an issue with "chip on the shoulder" syndrome.

Is it true that people who have never worked for the company are on it? There's a manager that says he's never seen it, but stated that people who have tried to interview that had been black balled from other companies have been added to it by managers that knew about them at another company. With all of the layoffs that have occurred at different companies, it appears that some rumors have circulated from managers claiming they have inside information regarding people that worked for their company and to keep them out, they are requesting that they be added to the list if that person requests to interview. I think its strange that this manager has all of this information but has never seen the list.

I think Post #21 answers your question. If you wish to believe that you are listed somewhere then you have a skeleton in your closet (PIP, poor review, questionable practices, problem behavior) or have prior managers who know you as a negative factor. Either way I am happy to know that you self eliminate from the process for those of us who do not have these concerns. Easier for me to be hired!

Is it true that people who have never worked for the company are on it? There's a manager that says he's never seen it, but stated that people who have tried to interview that had been black balled from other companies have been added to it by managers that knew about them at another company. With all of the layoffs that have occurred at different companies, it appears that some rumors have circulated from managers claiming they have inside information regarding people that worked for their company and to keep them out, they are requesting that they be added to the list if that person requests to interview. I think its strange that this manager has all of this information but has never seen the list.

It is possible that some DMs have added people to the list that have not worked for PSS and they did so to black ball them for something else previous. I say this because the list has a area at the end where a reason can be given. There are notations for people such as "termination" "rejected offer" "failed background check". However, there are countless people on the list with no reason given whatsoever. I believe that is the part that puts PSS at exposure legally for black balling people for no listed reason at all. What a classy company.

I know a manager who used to be with Publicis and is now with another company.
It is my understanding that she still uses the Do Not Rehire List from Publicis.
Has she circulated it to other hiring managers at her new company???

I know a manager who used to be with Publicis and is now with another company.
It is my understanding that she still uses the Do Not Rehire List from Publicis.
Has she circulated it to other hiring managers at her new company???

If you are referencing the DM who's last name is Ness and first name is Loch, then the answer is yes, she has.

I know a manager who used to be with Publicis and is now with another company.
It is my understanding that she still uses the Do Not Rehire List from Publicis.
Has she circulated it to other hiring managers at her new company???

It sounds like this is the rub where the real issue lies. I wonder if some of the former pathological managers are on it or are they a "protected class". LoL

It is possible that some DMs have added people to the list that have not worked for PSS and they did so to black ball them for something else previous. I say this because the list has a area at the end where a reason can be given. There are notations for people such as "termination" "rejected offer" "failed background check". However, there are countless people on the list with no reason given whatsoever. I believe that is the part that puts PSS at exposure legally for black balling people for no listed reason at all. What a classy company.

I'm sure that the person on the list that rejected the offer given is sure to be a "trouble maker". What a relief it is that they were not hired. I mean what if they accepted the offer but then quit after six months because they found something better. That would have been a very negative experience for me to see that.

I'm sure that the person on the list that rejected the offer given is sure to be a "trouble maker". What a relief it is that they were not hired. I mean what if they accepted the offer but then quit after six months because they found something better. That would have been a very negative experience for me to see that.

Every rep I have known on the 2 contracts I have worked here is always looking for something better. These low paying temp jobs are a joke and if you're not constantly looking for something better then you are a moron and deserve this cesspool..