Benefits is well aware. I have spoken to them twice about this matter. They also told me they are getting alot of calls about this as people begin to understand the implications.
I got a form letter in the mail on the last day of June saying that as I am on LTD from Novartis the medical pool I was in was being changed. Effective July 1, 2011 all persons on LTD were being put into the pre or post retirement age group medical pool. We would be able to continue to pay the current rates until Dec. 31, 2011 and then would be billed the new rates. Depending on whether you are under or over 65 determines where you are placed in the new pool. I then asked what the rate would be for me in in this new pool. The woman I was speaking with immediately told me that the rates for 2012 in the pre and post retirement pools were not yet available. This is probably what you ran into. I then asked her to give me the rate as of today if I were in the pre-retirement pool. She got off the phone for a few minutes and then came back. She said that for family coverage the current rate was almost $2,400/month. She immediately qualified her answer saying that this would not be the rate on Jan. 1, 2012 but only an approximation of where the rate would be. I currently pay below $300/month for family coverage on LTD through Novartis.
I have called back since. I asked if people were still calling in about this change and she said yes they were still getting many calls about this. It may also be that if you are not on LTD presently they have been instructed not to discuss this with you as it does not pertain to you personally. The point is, Benefits Resources are well aware of the changes being made and may (as reported also by some on this thread that HR is doing the same) be trying to keep it as quiet as possible.