Disabled on Cancer & Novartis is taking away my healthcare

Called last week and spoke with person at benefits dept. she didn't have info on rates but said she would look them up and call me back. About 1 hr later she did call and told me the 2012 rates would be the same as my 2011 rates. I questioned her about this and she stated that her answer to me was correct.

If I was getting jerked around I do have her name, time I called, time she called me back because ALL calls are recorded!

Don't think they want to go "the Nixon Route" in erasing tapes do you. I'll keep you advised if I here any thing else.

Also one way to find out how our ins benefits will change in 2012 just ask one of your MD's to have his office call benefits for pre-authorization and benefits for a certain procedure in Jna 2012. This will tell you if we are still getting the SAME coverage and co-pays or if we are getting different ones!

I will do this today and let you know as i have a appt with my MD and a great relationship with his office mgr who does the ins billing.

Called last week and spoke with person at benefits dept. she didn't have info on rates but said she would look them up and call me back. About 1 hr later she did call and told me the 2012 rates would be the same as my 2011 rates. I questioned her about this and she stated that her answer to me was correct.

If I was getting jerked around I do have her name, time I called, time she called me back because ALL calls are recorded!

Don't think they want to go "the Nixon Route" in erasing tapes do you. I'll keep you advised if I here any thing else.

Also one way to find out how our ins benefits will change in 2012 just ask one of your MD's to have his office call benefits for pre-authorization and benefits for a certain procedure in Jna 2012. This will tell you if we are still getting the SAME coverage and co-pays or if we are getting different ones!

I will do this today and let you know as i have a appt with my MD and a great relationship with his office mgr who does the ins billing.

I hope that you are right.The last thing we need is to have to fight about insurance rates. I have spoken with current reps and their increase in rates was minimal. Thanks for the info.

I called Novartis Benefits over 2 weeks ago and they said they would send me rate sheet for 2012. I still have received nothing. Anyone else gotten any news on 2012 rates for LTD Novartians?

99% of anyone at Novartis that has ever been on any kind of disability leave have been laid off or terminated. This company needs to be out of the healthcare business in the USA

Wait until they are depositioned & have to fess up

None of their actions are in a vacume. This will all come bacxk at them . Wait & see.

I thought that under FMLA, the federal gov't protects your job, and Novartis can't lay you off or terminate you???? anyone know the real answer??? I'm on FMLA and STD for chemo treatments and surgeries

I thought that under FMLA, the federal gov't protects your job, and Novartis can't lay you off or terminate you???? anyone know the real answer??? I'm on FMLA and STD for chemo treatments and surgeries

They obviously don't fire you when you are out on FMLA , however when you finally return you are marked & they will dump you at the earliest available opportunity.

The only exception is maternity leave & even then , mothers that take what they deem too long too return are targeted.

V&B's is the easiest tool for this sort of discrimination

I have my tent ready & the media contacted to "occupy novartis" if they screw us on the health care so I kinda hope they do . I want the world to see what POS this fraud of a healthcare company really is.

I received the paperwork for the rates for 2012. My payment increased from $204.50 to $216.00 per month. They could have prevented much anxiety if they actually had the foresight to let us know that the increase in rates was minimal.

I received the paperwork for the rates for 2012. My payment increased from $204.50 to $216.00 per month. They could have prevented much anxiety if they actually had the foresight to let us know that the increase in rates was minimal.

I heard, indirectly, that they did look into the legality, as it related to both ERISA section 702 and the American with Disabilties Act. They realized that aside from the horrible PR that would have been generated they would ultimately have lost the legal dispute. It also would have warranted having been tried in a federal court. Federal labor awards add 33% to the awards to take care of lawyer's contingencies so the award is made whole to the plaintiffs. This is why nothing has come of it. They also became aware of this thread on CP relating to all this which got their attention. This was all told to me by a friend I still have in EH in legal. What an angel she is. There is a strong possibility that future LTD claimants will have a new re-written policy as to how they are impacted by this; meaning the company will not be as generous in the future but will not impact those already on LTD.

Got the same package only a $13.00 increase/mo over 2011 rates. I guess all the bitching and moaning we did helped. Couldn't think of how screwed we would have been trying to get ins with a prior disability or the costs

Merry Christmas for all who were worried that we were going to take the hit!

I got some letter today acknowledging small increase but also larger deductibles and other changes. Can anyone figure out what this all means? The letter was several pages long.