Disabled on Cancer & Novartis is taking away my healthcare

One of my docs asked me about this today as she takes care of a novartian on disability. I professed ignorance. It must really be true what they are doing?

Don't ignore it tell them the truth . You could be next . Think about it . Freak accident . Drunk driver while your working . Some disease picked up at a docs office.

We all on LTD will expose and fight these assholes at Novartis too the end. Did I hear someone say LAW SUIT!!!!!!!

Go ahead and screw with us. Just because we are sick and disabled doesn't mean we are STUPID or MENTALLY CHALLENGED. We will unite and do what the women did. Sue the shit out of ya and then expose you for the money grubbing chocolate makers your are.

How fun would it be if every employee...EVERY employee, got our doc to write us off on LTD. There are a host of dx to satisfy the criteria. No reps selling anywhere. I know it's a ludicrous, insane thought but one that makes me smile. I have a coworker with cancer and I am ashamed that this is happening.

How fun would it be if every employee...EVERY employee, got our doc to write us off on LTD. There are a host of dx to satisfy the criteria. No reps selling anywhere. I know it's a ludicrous, insane thought but one that makes me smile. I have a coworker with cancer and I am ashamed that this is happening.

Considering more than 1/2 will ultimately get the boot I'd say it's more practicle than fun.

Don't ignore it tell them the truth . You could be next . Think about it . Freak accident . Drunk driver while your working . Some disease picked up at a docs office.

I cannot believe this is even being considered. How can a company that bases its' existence on health and professes to meet unmet medical need do this to its' own employees? If this is true is it possible that Dan Vasella, the company heads and the board are aware of this being done? Can they be ignorant enough to think this will go without notice both by the medical community as well as public opinion?

I cannot believe this is even being considered. How can a company that bases its' existence on health and professes to meet unmet medical need do this to its' own employees? If this is true is it possible that Dan Vasella, the company heads and the board are aware of this being done? Can they be ignorant enough to think this will go without notice both by the medical community as well as public opinion?

My guess is they insulate themselves so as to pretend they had no knowledge when they are pulling the strings. When the shit hits the fan they'll cry plausible deniability

My guess is they insulate themselves so as to pretend they had no knowledge when they are pulling the strings. When the shit hits the fan they'll cry plausible deniability

Are you seriously falling for this??? This is total propaganda from some mass market loser that wants to get the jackals all worked up. Anyone that would turn to Cafe Pharma for support or guidance and not an attorney is a freakin idiot. This website is like the bathroom wall inside a gas station toilet.

Are you seriously falling for this??? This is total propaganda from some mass market loser that wants to get the jackals all worked up. Anyone that would turn to Cafe Pharma for support or guidance and not an attorney is a freakin idiot. This website is like the bathroom wall inside a gas station toilet.

Really ? so you are saying novartis is NOT cutting off disabled employees healthcare ?
Nice try to deflect this atrocious act by these greedy swiss nazi POS's Goebbels.
You sound like a dude from aushcwitz that would turn on the gas valves once the victims were packed in the chambers & then during nuremberg say he was only following orders.
You should be sitting in a bathtub with your wrists slit you pathetic excuse for a human.
PS- hopefully you & your family will suffer a crippling disease &/or accident & novartios will go shit on your grave in the name of profits

"Profits before people" great slogan for these nazis'

what's scary is any one on LTD never had to sign waivers to sue etc..so if they were to feel burned imagine how much dirty laudry they'd be capable of airing with impunity.
I'm glad I never worked with anyone on LTD. they'd have a field day with our pod, district , region , prescribers & on & on & on ..........

Are you seriously falling for this??? This is total propaganda from some mass market loser that wants to get the jackals all worked up. Anyone that would turn to Cafe Pharma for support or guidance and not an attorney is a freakin idiot. This website is like the bathroom wall inside a gas station toilet.[/QUOTE

Unfortunately, this is really happening. The employees on disability have no other hub. This is very convenient for the company as it hinders a unified front from appearing. Ask your HR person if they are changing the insurance pools for the LTD plans you are paying insurance for. Regrettably we are not making this up but we are all being victimized by this new structure. Your safety net just got alot weaker. You will have to pay a hefty tax out of your LTD should you ever need it.

Are you seriously falling for this??? This is total propaganda from some mass market loser that wants to get the jackals all worked up. Anyone that would turn to Cafe Pharma for support or guidance and not an attorney is a freakin idiot. This website is like the bathroom wall inside a gas station toilet.[/QUOTE

Unfortunately, this is really happening. The employees on disability have no other hub. This is very convenient for the company as it hinders a unified front from appearing. Ask your HR person if they are changing the insurance pools for the LTD plans you are paying insurance for. Regrettably we are not making this up but we are all being victimized by this new structure. Your safety net just got alot weaker. You will have to pay a hefty tax out of your LTD should you ever need it.

you make it sound like Novartis owes you something...it is the insurance company that is dropping you...not Novartis or any other corporation! I was laid off from NVS and have a disability and things were tough. I found help and although we are almost bankrupt, I do not blame NVS. They were fair to me for the 12 years I worked there and they took care of my family. My new company has supported me and things are getting better. They are no more a hero for what they are providing than NVS is goat for what they couldnt do. It was up to me to make the difference and show some accountability for my own life. You all act like someone owes you something in this world. Get over it and stop blaming others for your crappy existence!!

you make it sound like Novartis owes you something...it is the insurance company that is dropping you...!!

Hey you lying sack of shit it IS Nocrapus dropping employees you disingenous piece of crap
Hope you your mom your kids your friends yourself all get a horrible fatal painful disease & or fatal accident
Then we'll see how flippant you are with your assinine remarks oh & btw the measly 24 month coverage is what we signed up for .
Noshitus likes to change rules mid game like they do with bonus & a host of other crap
despite record earnings no less & the facade of being a 'healhcare' co.
Go hang yourself in shame

you make it sound like Novartis owes you something...it is the insurance company that is dropping you...not Novartis or any other corporation! I was laid off from NVS and have a disability and things were tough. I found help and although we are almost bankrupt, I do not blame NVS. They were fair to me for the 12 years I worked there and they took care of my family. My new company has supported me and things are getting better. They are no more a hero for what they are providing than NVS is goat for what they couldnt do. It was up to me to make the difference and show some accountability for my own life. You all act like someone owes you something in this world. Get over it and stop blaming others for your crappy existence!!

It is all done by Novartis. First of all they are self-insured. This means the money you are paid either on STD or LTD comes from Novartis. Metlife only administers the plan (and receives payment for doing this). Secondly, it is Novartis that is shifting around the insurance pools, not an insurer. This is all being done at the direction of Novartis and probably some consultants that they hired to tell them to do this. This is just how they got rid of AMEX points for all of us. Consultants told them to take the points for themselves, which they do, and use it towards corporate expenses. You get 50% LTD coverage automatically and can pay a little more for 67%. The net effect of these coverages will now be about 20 to 30% less to you, should you ever need it. This is because you will have to pay several thousand dollars (it will continue to go up with time) a month for the medical insurance pool the LTD group is being put into. As a result, your effective disability pay will go down significantly should you need it.

Hey you lying sack of shit it IS Nocrapus dropping employees you disingenous piece of crap
Hope you your mom your kids your friends yourself all get a horrible fatal painful disease & or fatal accident
Then we'll see how flippant you are with your assinine remarks oh & btw the measly 24 month coverage is what we signed up for .
Noshitus likes to change rules mid game like they do with bonus & a host of other crap
despite record earnings no less & the facade of being a 'healhcare' co.
Go hang yourself in shame

your vulgar language is a sign you are ignorant and realize you're wrong. You have the option to sign up with Metlife and catastrophic insurance for nothing...why didn't you do that?? I did it and it has worked out for me...things happen in life and I am sorry for those who are impacted. Those impacted however would benefit form someone other than you as an advocate...you embarass them instead of help...

Hey you lying sack of shit it IS Nocrapus dropping employees you disingenous piece of crap
Hope you your mom your kids your friends yourself all get a horrible fatal painful disease & or fatal accident
Then we'll see how flippant you are with your assinine remarks oh & btw the measly 24 month coverage is what we signed up for .
Noshitus likes to change rules mid game like they do with bonus & a host of other crap
despite record earnings no less & the facade of being a 'healhcare' co.
Go hang yourself in shame

While I disagree with the persons post...they are correct about you. You are vulgar and ignorant. If you had any opinion to offer it wouldn't sound like something a third grader would say. Grow up...

your vulgar language is a sign you are ignorant and realize you're wrong. You have the option to sign up with Metlife and catastrophic insurance for nothing...why didn't you do that?? I did it and it has worked out for me...things happen in life and I am sorry for those who are impacted. Those impacted however would benefit form someone other than you as an advocate...you embarass them instead of help...

You're way off...but you're not as big an idiot as the other loser...he made you look brilliant. Both of you should mind your own business. You need to just wake up...the other hate filled poster needs to just change the diaper and take a nap:)

Hey you lying sack of shit it IS Nocrapus dropping employees you disingenous piece of crap
Hope you your mom your kids your friends yourself all get a horrible fatal painful disease & or fatal accident
Then we'll see how flippant you are with your assinine remarks oh & btw the measly 24 month coverage is what we signed up for .
Noshitus likes to change rules mid game like they do with bonus & a host of other crap
despite record earnings no less & the facade of being a 'healhcare' co.
Go hang yourself in shame

just go and die already loser...now...go and clean the spill on aisle four!!

Hey you lying sack of shit it IS Nocrapus dropping employees you disingenous piece of crap
Hope you your mom your kids your friends yourself all get a horrible fatal painful disease & or fatal accident
Then we'll see how flippant you are with your assinine remarks oh & btw the measly 24 month coverage is what we signed up for .
Noshitus likes to change rules mid game like they do with bonus & a host of other crap
despite record earnings no less & the facade of being a 'healhcare' co.
Go hang yourself in shame
