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Did AZ put rep in danger of getting Covid?

Man, I wish I had access to 1/3 of my targeted doctors. I'd say about 15-20 percent. Half the ones I can see are older with smaller patient loads. The other docs I can see if you call it that require lunch and I have to feed a herd of hogs. Maybe just maybe I get a signature and a 20 second call. Most of my district mates are in the same boat. This can't last. They could lay off reps and combine territories to give a rep a full days work. I feel bad about not working full days but I don't have enough work. I could make five or six retail calls a day but that's not going to do much for my business. I would be surprised if this gig lasts even two years.
If we’re being honest, this is all of us. They need to collapse the field force which means about 1/3 the reps, maybe 1/4 of the DMs, and the CBD role is useless so they should just eliminate and have the DMs report one level up. It’s hard to believe an organization driven by profit would allow the massive waste to continue.

Time for a Backdoor strategy for Omicron!
COVID variants don’t mean variance in strategy, gang. The back door strategy is great any time our HCPs try to keep us from delivering an impactful sales message. I don’t care if we’re dealing with the Black Death, you have to find a way to get in front of your customer and sell! Don’t forget to close!


COVID variants don’t mean variance in strategy, gang. The back door strategy is great any time our HCPs try to keep us from delivering an impactful sales message. I don’t care if we’re dealing with the Black Death, you have to find a way to get in front of your customer and sell! Don’t forget to close!


“Hey, Dr., now that you’ve brought out your dead, can I ask what matters to you most when you prescribe medicines for your patients?”

Man, I wish I had access to 1/3 of my targeted doctors. I'd say about 15-20 percent. Half the ones I can see are older with smaller patient loads. The other docs I can see if you call it that require lunch and I have to feed a herd of hogs. Maybe just maybe I get a signature and a 20 second call. Most of my district mates are in the same boat. This can't last. They could lay off reps and combine territories to give a rep a full days work. I feel bad about not working full days but I don't have enough work. I could make five or six retail calls a day but that's not going to do much for my business. I would be surprised if this gig lasts even two years.

Man, I wish I had access to 1/3 of my targeted doctors. I'd say about 15-20 percent. Half the ones I can see are older with smaller patient loads. The other docs I can see if you call it that require lunch and I have to feed a herd of hogs. Maybe just maybe I get a signature and a 20 second call. Most of my district mates are in the same boat. This can't last. They could lay off reps and combine territories to give a rep a full days work. I feel bad about not working full days but I don't have enough work. I could make five or six retail calls a day but that's not going to do much for my business. I would be surprised if this gig lasts even two years.

Right on. You make a good point. We all want our jobs don’t want people to lose a job. But holy shit there are too many reps and not enough to do. I fight with all the different reps in my city to go to the accessible offices.
Come on Ruud. Reduce the sales force for our sanity.

Right on. You make a good point. We all want our jobs don’t want people to lose a job. But holy shit there are too many reps and not enough to do. I fight with all the different reps in my city to go to the accessible offices.
Come on Ruud. Reduce the sales force for our sanity.
I sense sarcasm, but if we’re being completely honest, we could reduce the sales force by 50% with zero measured effect on sales revenue. It would seem heartless to put that many people out of work since they don’t really have any skills and it would be nearly impossible for them to find work earning what they’re earning as drug reps, but this is not a charity. You’d need to cut the “support” structure deeply too - managers, directors, etc. - since they don’t provide any real value.

I sense sarcasm, but if we’re being completely honest, we could reduce the sales force by 50% with zero measured effect on sales revenue. It would seem heartless to put that many people out of work since they don’t really have any skills and it would be nearly impossible for them to find work earning what they’re earning as drug reps, but this is not a charity. You’d need to cut the “support” structure deeply too - managers, directors, etc. - since they don’t provide any real value.
Sad, but true. There just isn’t anything real going on out there. Feeding people who should know it’s time to diet, and that’s about it.