It’s like we can’t get out of own way. Our HR coven does things completely ass backward - they’re supposed to be here to ensure fair treatment, but they function like a feminazi gestapo. In a better world, they would have the courage to do the right thing, and BG would be someone who has vision and who knew how to motivate people. Instead he spews mindless and insincere messages about performance and then pushes us to do things we know aren’t wise for our health or business. When this is revealed for all to see, AZ sticks it’s head in the sand while using these two people to prepare for the next round of layoffs where they will no doubt come out just fine. The second someone voices opposition to anything they do or say, they’re suddenly set up to fail, and yet we’re forced to listen to stupid presentations on “speak up culture” and asked to pretend that “we do the right thing” is actually something we subscribe to. When your actions and words are out of alignment, your words become meaningless.