Dermatology Comp plan

Agreed....There will be some interest. But, it will be in babies and infants. It's not going to be approved there. Adults will use topicals. NP's and PA's will be fearful of prescribing an injection-derms are difficult to call on as they are interested in money makers--cosmetic. PSO is different. It's so visible to patients that they come to get treated and demand to be treated. Many have dermatitis on areas not too visible. My brother had it.

Oh yeah me too, blah, blah, blah, blah. Neither of you have a clue, but please continue!

Exactly! If no calls have been made, and no one has been offered a job, why do people think they were rejected? If you never got a live interview I don't think you should expect a live phone call.

Word on rejections is spreading, although ACTUAL calls from HR or the hiring manager haven't happened yet. Tacky!!!

It happens when candidates who are friends share what they have heard and one candidate called recruiter and was told the manager went with the internal candidate instead of all of the others. Still no call from the manager or HR to say thanks but no thanks.