Dermatology Comp plan

I agree all the way! The Derms that don't see high volume cosmetics are cheapppp as hell with patients not wanting to spending $10 on a topical. These are also the Derm offices who refuse to send patients to speciality pharmacies AND it's the same patients who refuse to use speciality pharmacies. Atopic Derms are only
1-2% of the total volume of their patients. Either way it's a lose lose situation. Tough as nails market. Don't see how anyone can make any money on bonuses in this market. You'll be required to do speaker programs at least 2-3 times a quarter! Hate to tell ya but DERMS DO NOT ATTEND SPEAKER OR DINNER PROGRAMS! Esp for atopic Derm.


They are this week. Very shady leadership in the west. Only for those that truly need a job.

Don't listen to this stupid ass troll who must have been fired by KS the RD. He pissed in his jammies and now sits around and blasts KS on every thread he can. Time for dinner dipshit. Your mom made meatloaf again.

I interviewed in Dallas this week as well. I got an email From Regeneron HR today asking me to respond to document. I opened it and it asked if I had a criminal record. I wondered if anyone else got this. Is it a good sign that they sent it after the interview?

Good luck on getting ANY script. This is not a disease state where Derms are inclined to use a biologic. PA's and NP's are the ones seeing atopic patients and trust me they won't spend a second on trying to get a biologic filled for an Atopic patient.

Who will sign up for the adverse potential with a monoclonal antibody? For atopic dermatitis to boot? Think benefit to risk

FEW will prescribe.

It's too risky to leave your current job.

Totally agree with this. Have done market research in derm for many years and demos will use this as a absolute last resort. AD is very different from pso.
Companies are building these sales forces way too big. I would bet that they cut 20% in a year.

Totally agree with this. Have done market research in derm for many years and demos will use this as a absolute last resort. AD is very different from pso.
Companies are building these sales forces way too big. I would bet that they cut 20% in a year.

Agreed....There will be some interest. But, it will be in babies and infants. It's not going to be approved there. Adults will use topicals. NP's and PA's will be fearful of prescribing an injection-derms are difficult to call on as they are interested in money makers--cosmetic. PSO is different. It's so visible to patients that they come to get treated and demand to be treated. Many have dermatitis on areas not too visible. My brother had it.