No one should be laughing about anything. Put your big boy pants on and grown up. It's exciting to have another therapy for such a terrible chronic disease. If you were passed on the job, just get over it. There will be other opportunities. Also, quit stereotyping Genentech Employees. Yes, I'm sure there are some real arrogant bastards, but not everyone is like that. It's hard when your passed on an opportunity, but you do yourself a complete disservice by continuing to come on here and read posts. It's almost as if you are wishing something bad to happen which is really warped and sick, my advice to anyone that was passed on: quit torturing yourself and coming on here and start to look for another great opportunity. There are plenty of other opportunities in the works right now.
I never applied I have a great job outside of MS. Many of my friends interviewed and were treated like crap. PML will happen and you will be brought back to reality. No need to be dicks on the interview.