CYMBALTA-- the new oxycontin??

Are all of you Lilly hired bashers and brainwashed "lilly" reps finished?? Face reality. You all live in a fantasy world and just spout whatever the corporate line is. I see this everyday in real life conceerning Cymbalta and not in a make beleive detail type things you guys do at your meetings. This is the truth from the real world and not your training sessions.
Cymbalta is nothing but a problem and a me-too Effexor. As I remember, my Lilly rep did nothing but bash Effexor when it came out and now he says nothing but glorious things about Cymbalta. All of a sudden the panacea for all mental illness is an Effexor first cousin drug. Why don't you get your stories straight. So sorry I rained on your fantasyworld parade, but you have a product with problems, just like Zyprexa. Oh by the way Lilly also told you there was NO connection btw diabetes and Zyprexa and then go out and spend 1.2 Billion on trying to keep this quite. This will all be exposed in the upcoming congressional investigations for all to finally see what a bunch of liers Lilly has made you all out to be, so get ready to start backtracking with all of the doctors you lied to if they take the time to see you ever again.
I love to post on this forum facts that nobody can refute, since the majority of you have very limited science background. You get all of your information from marketing via the recent corporate verbatims. As for the comment on saving lives and suicide, why don't you look at your own clinical trials on Cymbalta and see how many people actually commited suicide on this drug for just the very reason I pointed out--withdrawal. It was more than just the one poor college student that was reported in the press nationwide. Then there is all the off label hype with Fibromyalgia useage of Cymbalta before it was even OK'ed by the FDA. Don't think Grassley and Waxman haven't already been made aware about that too.
The number one reason other than acute medical trama cited as the reason people seek help in ER's nationwide is this withdrawal syndrome with Effexor and Cymbalta. Look it up if you can figure out how to "google".
Go ahead and bash the fact that I am a pharmacist if you want, but this just exposes your glowing lack of drug knowledge and your own avoidance of clinical data and facts. It's much esier to get your "information" from the marketing people since they too have such a vast knowledge on the one drug they are involved with in their efforts to reap as much money as they can from the product no matter how inferior it may be.
One can rationalize all you like, but one day you will see what a pawn you are in a huge corporation and how you were lied to repeatedly, perhaps then you can grasp the meaning of my posts.

Did you see the ads for Brintellix yet? I started to do a google search for Brintellix and you what Google filled in? BRINTELLIX STREET VALUE .... laughed my arse off.

Must be pretty good stuff.

Why did we think of that? Oh... that's right, no more old white guys around (may be some truth in that)

Are all of you Lilly hired bashers and brainwashed "lilly" reps finished?? Face reality. You all live in a fantasy world and just spout whatever the corporate line is. I see this everyday in real life conceerning Cymbalta and not in a make beleive detail type things you guys do at your meetings. This is the truth from the real world and not your training sessions.
Cymbalta is nothing but a problem and a me-too Effexor. As I remember, my Lilly rep did nothing but bash Effexor when it came out and now he says nothing but glorious things about Cymbalta. All of a sudden the panacea for all mental illness is an Effexor first cousin drug. Why don't you get your stories straight. So sorry I rained on your fantasyworld parade, but you have a product with problems, just like Zyprexa. Oh by the way Lilly also told you there was NO connection btw diabetes and Zyprexa and then go out and spend 1.2 Billion on trying to keep this quite. This will all be exposed in the upcoming congressional investigations for all to finally see what a bunch of liers Lilly has made you all out to be, so get ready to start backtracking with all of the doctors you lied to if they take the time to see you ever again.
I love to post on this forum facts that nobody can refute, since the majority of you have very limited science background. You get all of your information from marketing via the recent corporate verbatims. As for the comment on saving lives and suicide, why don't you look at your own clinical trials on Cymbalta and see how many people actually commited suicide on this drug for just the very reason I pointed out--withdrawal. It was more than just the one poor college student that was reported in the press nationwide. Then there is all the off label hype with Fibromyalgia useage of Cymbalta before it was even OK'ed by the FDA. Don't think Grassley and Waxman haven't already been made aware about that too.
The number one reason other than acute medical trama cited as the reason people seek help in ER's nationwide is this withdrawal syndrome with Effexor and Cymbalta. Look it up if you can figure out how to "google".
Go ahead and bash the fact that I am a pharmacist if you want, but this just exposes your glowing lack of drug knowledge and your own avoidance of clinical data and facts. It's much esier to get your "information" from the marketing people since they too have such a vast knowledge on the one drug they are involved with in their efforts to reap as much money as they can from the product no matter how inferior it may be.
One can rationalize all you like, but one day you will see what a pawn you are in a huge corporation and how you were lied to repeatedly, perhaps then you can grasp the meaning of my posts.

As a pharmacist that has seen literaly 100's of people try to get off Cymbalta after finding it does absolutely nothing for them, I find it interesting that Lilly that "really ethical" drug company choose to put it in the doseage forms it comes in. As a compouding pharmacist I find myself spending more and more time helpoing physicains come upwith a means to taper patients off from this addicting drug. Try stopping it after a few months cold turkey and see what happens. ER visit with all kind of bizarre symptoms.
Can Lilly make it anymore difficult to taper a dose of product?
Zyprexa tablets that can't be split is bad enough, but really, how much time did you guys spend trying to come up this mess. A bunch of tiny pellets in a capsule that just have easily been put in in a tablet form that could be broken in hlves or quarters to get patients off this addictive drug.
Lilly used to be a well thought of drug company, but of late all they do is raise prices of existing drugs, make impossible dosing formulations for tapering and kep some guy by the name of Taurel running the show. For what?? MONEY.
All who work for Lilly should ask themselves what great innovative product have they come up in the last 10 years??
Don't insult my intelligence by telling me this is the only form that you could possibly make it in. It was done by design and you know it. In my area you are losing business faster than you are replacing it from the all medical specialists once they have to go through this in getting a patient off this drug. I no longer dispense "new" prescritions for Cymbalta and and send the patient down the road with the information I have about geting off it a mediocre drug at best. I tell them to think it over and get back to the prescriber. I have almost a full time job now just compounding alternative doseage forms to help those wishing to get a way from this Effexor like drug since the word has spread in our community that I have the means to take it on and do it successfully.
Quit looking at the bottom line and start comming up with as you say "answers that matter" for the patient rather than answers that will fill the corporate back accounts. As for Zyprexa, the ethics of medicine do state "do no harm" but again you don't care about the patient, just that botom line and stock options.
I am currently submitting data to Rep Waxman and Senator Grassley on this issue and hope they rake you guys big time for being the "bad players" you are in the pharmaceutical industry. Lilly is no longer the Lilly that once was top of the line in its field. Get back to what you can really do to help patients and not yourselves.

in response to the pharmacist, as I recall, originally the dosage was to be much lower, with option to take more than one capsule if higher dosage required.

But, it's complicated... very expensive to have overseas factory making multiple dosage firms. If anything can go wrong, it will. However, I don't think anyone anticipated crazy withdrawl symptoms. Must drive you nuts to count all those pellets. Sorry!

Cymbalta has been, quite literally, a miracle drug for me! I have tried many antidepressants as part of a "drug cocktail" for RSD / CRPS.
No other similar drug worked and the side effects were unbelievable! For instance, I gained over 40 lbs. in less than 2 years while on Lyrica and did not experience any noticeable benefits. I was about to give up when my doctor suggested I try Cymbalta. Not only did my pain levels drop, I lost almost all the weight I gained within 1 1/2 years without changing my diet or activity level.
Cymbalta was a true Godsend for me. If you want to slam an antidepressant, why not slam Lyrica?!

Trial lawyer=yes

He has a chip on his shoulder and can't spell. Well maybe he is a pharmacist.
To the pharmacist..personally I don't trust a pharmacist that can't even spell..I mean come on my 12 year old daughter can spell better than than you. You are just bashing a company and that's your issue. I'll believe my Dr. And my research vs a pharmacist that spells like a 6 year old.

This was my post...Cymbalta saved my life when no other antidepressant would work except Nardil. Your population of patients in your pharmacy is different than mine.

I don't work for Lilly, but do work for another pharamceutical company and have worked in clinical medicine for years. I'm a PA/MPH and working on my DPH and I think you're way overboard with this subject matter.

I started having depression at the age of sixteen, tried every known treatment including ECT at the age of eighteen which didn't even help. At the age of ninteen I began taking Deseryl and had a seizure on it while driving my mother's car while she was in the passenger seat. She was decapitate and killed instantly when the car flipped over. Cymbalta has saved my life!!

Hell, I wouldn't give a shit if it were addicting in which in my opinion it isn't as the daily life of major depression is so devestating that I couldn't function, ie barely got through the work day, couldn't go to the gym to work out, lost to much weight (and I'm a body builder) , my love life and personal relationships suffered.

Why are you against a medication that even if it's had negative side effects on some, but has saved other's lives?

The pharmacist is an idiot! Thank God that's not my pharmacist, I'd have to beat the hell out of them. And I agree, good luck in jail!
I'm a nurse of 19 years. I work at a cardiology, surgical hospital. We have many MD's that want their patients on Cymbalta. I believe in it because I have seen the positive side of the medication. Every med can cause adverse effects upon stopping it suddenly. Hell, Norco is worse! I'm on Cymbalta myself and it helps my greatly. I'd rather take that and work that Norco and be drowsy and not able to make quick decisions that affect one's life! So get over yourself or freaking retire and do us all a favor!

I take Prozac. I launched Prozac. Those were the days. When I started we only hired pharmacists. Hiring a pretty woman was unheard of.

Now the company sucks. The kids brag because their Lantus knockoff is a big seller. Lilly selling knockoffs? It is time for me to retire.

I only do this to keep me busy during the day. Good luck. You will need it.

>30yrs, proud to be a detail man, embarrassed to see what Lilly has become.

I take Prozac. I launched Prozac. Those were the days. When I started we only hired pharmacists. Hiring a pretty woman was unheard of.

Now the company sucks. The kids brag because their Lantus knockoff is a big seller. Lilly selling knockoffs? It is time for me to retire.

I only do this to keep me busy during the day. Good luck. You will need it.

>30yrs, proud to be a detail man, embarrassed to see what Lilly has become.

I know how you feel. I started in neuroscience clinical development. Hard to believe now but I worked on fluoxetine, duloxetine, atomoxetine, and olanzapine for over 20 years. Left a few years back because the neuroscience pipeline died.

I've taken Cymbalta . . and have NO idea what the OP is even talking about. . addicting??? must be a joke. Comparing it to Oxycontin?? another doozier
...Hi I agree in the beginning it helped me immensely..having had cancer and chemo really made me think about all the drugs for my illness I’m on..cymbalta is very addicting..not like a heroin addict so to speak..but now that it is not working anymore I haven’t been able to get off it!

I personally want to thank you for the courage to stand up against this med and others like it (effexor)... Something is not right... The drug is minimally effective with the maximum amount of side effects and addictiveness.

Are all of you Lilly hired bashers and brainwashed "lilly" reps finished?? Face reality. You all live in a fantasy world and just spout whatever the corporate line is. I see this everyday in real life conceerning Cymbalta and not in a make beleive detail type things you guys do at your meetings. This is the truth from the real world and not your training sessions.
Cymbalta is nothing but a problem and a me-too Effexor. As I remember, my Lilly rep did nothing but bash Effexor when it came out and now he says nothing but glorious things about Cymbalta. All of a sudden the panacea for all mental illness is an Effexor first cousin drug. Why don't you get your stories straight. So sorry I rained on your fantasyworld parade, but you have a product with problems, just like Zyprexa. Oh by the way Lilly also told you there was NO connection btw diabetes and Zyprexa and then go out and spend 1.2 Billion on trying to keep this quite. This will all be exposed in the upcoming congressional investigations for all to finally see what a bunch of liers Lilly has made you all out to be, so get ready to start backtracking with all of the doctors you lied to if they take the time to see you ever again.
I love to post on this forum facts that nobody can refute, since the majority of you have very limited science background. You get all of your information from marketing via the recent corporate verbatims. As for the comment on saving lives and suicide, why don't you look at your own clinical trials on Cymbalta and see how many people actually commited suicide on this drug for just the very reason I pointed out--withdrawal. It was more than just the one poor college student that was reported in the press nationwide. Then there is all the off label hype with Fibromyalgia useage of Cymbalta before it was even OK'ed by the FDA. Don't think Grassley and Waxman haven't already been made aware about that too.
The number one reason other than acute medical trama cited as the reason people seek help in ER's nationwide is this withdrawal syndrome with Effexor and Cymbalta. Look it up if you can figure out how to "google".
Go ahead and bash the fact that I am a pharmacist if you want, but this just exposes your glowing lack of drug knowledge and your own avoidance of clinical data and facts. It's much esier to get your "information" from the marketing people since they too have such a vast knowledge on the one drug they are involved with in their efforts to reap as much money as they can from the product no matter how inferior it may be.
One can rationalize all you like, but one day you will see what a pawn you are in a huge corporation and how you were lied to repeatedly, perhaps then you can grasp the meaning of my posts.

i worked for over a year to get off cymbalta and it was not has terrible side effects and it causes hearing loss. Cutting it in half every other day for 6 months. Then cutting it again for 6 months. But the side effects to get off this drug are so severe. It plays havoc with your emotions, your personality, and I was lucky I actually made it threw the withdrawal and got off it. Take a different drug but do not take this one. Do your research before you decide to take this drug, there have been lawsuits over trying to get off it.

Cymbalta is aweful!!! Brian zaps, itchiness, joint pain and swelling. Does not relieve any nerve pain for me and I have nerve damage. I am so scared the fact jes weaning me off bc of the side affects it is awful. And for people who think she's just being closed minded everyone's body reacts differently. There are currently over 60,000 lawsuits to drs who prescribed them this and domt even mention that once you do come off of it has lifetime physical and mental affects. I have never been so scared of weaning off an antidepressant like this one it's so awful. I guess none of you you experienced the brain zaps where it feels like your being electrocuted from the top of your head to the tip of you toe!! Ibe gain I went from 130-135 to 180 in 2 months time on it and i eat healthy small portions. I RECOMMEND ANYONE ABOUT TO HET PUT ON IT DO NOT DO IT TO YOURSELF IT CAN TAKE UP TO A YEAR TO WEAN OFF AS WELL AS SEVERE AND LIFE ALTERING SIDE AFFECTS!!! EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE WHEN I SAY FUCK CYMBALTA!!!