CYMBALTA-- the new oxycontin??

Yes - someone please tell me. I'm on day three of this hellish withdrawal. My doctor, nor the prescribing information ever did mention ANYTHING about BRAIN ZAPS. FU Eli-Lily & Cymbalta and all you pushers who KNOW about this hell but conveniently neglect to mention it! (did I say neglect? can you say CRIMINAL?) I was given this drug because I have a herniated disc in my neck and was told that 60mg of Cymbalta would help with the pain - which it did. My new doc insists I get off this drug - hello liver damage. YES - you ALL knew about it!!! Ocycontin??? Only to help with the Cymbalta withdrawal HELL.

This was sent to me by someone in the industry - NOT Eli-Lilly:

If you have a REAL solution to help with this withdrawal - email me @

Yes, I am more angry than you could imagine. Try hooking up YOUR brain to electric shocks EVERY ten seconds for over 72 hours now. GREAT drug you are selling there - sleep well - I need to go vommit again.

To the OP,

So what has worked in getting patients off from duloextine?

yeah, a pharmacist wrote that. if so, go back to school. you could read a PDR and quote what you did. every MD in the country was waiting on duloxetine. not a me too drug whatsoever. not to say other ssris/nsris don't work but it is clear, from every thought leader in the country, that duloxetine is superior. perhaps someone else will have one even "cleaner" within a couple of years. you are scamming your customers as a "compounding pharmacist". take after protein and you'll be fine. IDIOT

upon reading posts it's evident that the physician is the one at fault. as with most anti depressants, you have to taper off the drug. it is called seretonin syndrome. if you've experienced problems since you've discontinued Cymbalta then it's because someone didn't inform you as to how to properly do so. further, Cymbalta is the most studied neuroscience medication in history and of course, doesn't mean it's appropriate for everyone, however; when taken correctly according to its label it is the new "Prozac" (Prozac=fluoxetine Cymbalta=duloxetine).

Yes - someone please tell me. I'm on day three of this hellish withdrawal. My doctor, nor the prescribing information ever did mention ANYTHING about BRAIN ZAPS. FU Eli-Lily & Cymbalta and all you pushers who KNOW about this hell but conveniently neglect to mention it! (did I say neglect? can you say CRIMINAL?) I was given this drug because I have a herniated disc in my neck and was told that 60mg of Cymbalta would help with the pain - which it did. My new doc insists I get off this drug - hello liver damage. YES - you ALL knew about it!!! Ocycontin??? Only to help with the Cymbalta withdrawal HELL.

This was sent to me by someone in the industry - NOT Eli-Lilly:

If you have a REAL solution to help with this withdrawal - email me @

Yes, I am more angry than you could imagine. Try hooking up YOUR brain to electric shocks EVERY ten seconds for over 72 hours now. GREAT drug you are selling there - sleep well - I need to go vommit again.

Same thing happened to my wife. She has been on a few other ADP's with only minor withdrawal issues. Cymbalta is pure hell trying to get off of. If you don't agree with this post, educate yourself with the link at the FDA.

We are considering a lawsuit. I have never sued anyone and someone should have to pay for this. Neither her physician nor Lilly warned about the horrific withdrawal. Effective drug yes. Good luck getting off of it. You and your family will suffer attempting to get off of it. I have no doubt that Lilly and the physician are both liable here.

Same thing happened to my wife. She has been on a few other ADP's with only minor withdrawal issues. Cymbalta is pure hell trying to get off of. If you don't agree with this post, educate yourself with the link at the FDA.

We are considering a lawsuit. I have never sued anyone and someone should have to pay for this. Neither her physician nor Lilly warned about the horrific withdrawal. Effective drug yes. Good luck getting off of it. You and your family will suffer attempting to get off of it. I have no doubt that Lilly and the physician are both liable here.

Guess what? FDA doesn't give a shit about Cymbalta withdrawal! In fact Lilly is setting up a pediatric clinical trial right now to put kids and their unsuspecting through the same wringer!

Hit the pediatricians and Sell! Sell! Sell! We got young brains to fry!

Its been almost 2 years since my husband started taking Cymbalta from nerve pain
he will tell you it was the biggest mistake of his life, taking Cymbalta he hopes that
some law suit is pursued to help those who have suffered taking the drug or
lost their lives you think b/c your doctor prescribes something its safe
we suggest doing your research prior to taking any drug and know what to watch for
b/c within a short period of time he lost so much weight he was unrecognizable.
Mentally he was no longer himself he seemed to care about nothing, he had always been an outspoken manly man, active in sports, lifted weights excercised and was awonderful husband, father and friend, and dependable he became, so passive I didnt know him anymore.One day he told me he wanted to go off Cymbalta, at that time I did not understand why. I read it was very difficult to do, and the side effects were horrible as the pharmacist posted about .......his doctor wanted him on a lower dosage for 30 days then just stop taking it. He did that and I found a website with info on how to tapper the drug we had some extra so I would open the capsules and count out all the little dots, as directed. He suffered with constant brain shocks, and difficulty breathing after stopping the drug his health suddenly went down hill he was hospitalized for irregular heart beat, fluid in his lungs and almost lost his life. I can not put into words what he went thru and how I watched him suffer. Those of you reading this will probably say it wasn't the Cymbalta. You'd just have to have went thru all this with us, I would not wish whats happened to anyone. He has recovered for the most part but still has brain shocks after all this time. I personally believe the Cymbalta effected him mentally and I wonder if he will ever be the person I knew and loved. But whats hardest for me to tell you about is what happened while he was on Cymbalta one day he was at work, all of the sudden he kissed (mouth)and hugged a woman co-worker. He said she looked shocked and did not kiss him back. He can not remember anything that triggered him doing that, or remember any conversation prior to his kiss. Just remembering how made he was at himself and his disbelief he had done this. He would tell you as I will, and anyone who knows him he is not the type of person to kiss /hugg a stranger or acquittance. To me by the time you notice personality changes something that can not be fixed may have already happened or be to late to fix. This was totally not in his personality. He's not a flirt. He told me as soon as he kissed her he immediately knew it was wrong. He has told me he just did not care while taking the Cymbalta, I really fell he was loosing his will for life. I don't think he'd be here if he had stayed on Cymbalta. I hope anyone who reads my post sincerely researches the drug and uses extreme caution when considering Cymbalta. We do not recommend using Cymbalta
and feel it should be taken off the market !

Yes - someone please tell me. I'm on day three of this hellish withdrawal. My doctor, nor the prescribing information ever did mention ANYTHING about BRAIN ZAPS. FU Eli-Lily & Cymbalta and all you pushers who KNOW about this hell but conveniently neglect to mention it! (did I say neglect? can you say CRIMINAL?) I was given this drug because I have a herniated disc in my neck and was told that 60mg of Cymbalta would help with the pain - which it did. My new doc insists I get off this drug - hello liver damage. YES - you ALL knew about it!!! Ocycontin??? Only to help with the Cymbalta withdrawal HELL.

This was sent to me by someone in the industry - NOT Eli-Lilly:

If you have a REAL solution to help with this withdrawal - email me @

Yes, I am more angry than you could imagine. Try hooking up YOUR brain to electric shocks EVERY ten seconds for over 72 hours now. GREAT drug you are selling there - sleep well - I need to go vommit again.

I asked my doc to take me off of Cymbalta on my own--It was working for me; I was just concerned about being on it for extended periods of time. I know that you cannot stop taking Cymbalta "cold turkey". Ask your doctor for a step down drug. My family nurse practitioner knows that a step down is necessary.

She cut my Cymbalta dosage from 60 to 20 and supplemented with Fluoxetine. Gradually, I took myself off of that. Had no brain zaps, no tingling--absolutely no negative symptoms at all. Not at all unpleasant.

As a pharmacist that has seen literaly 100's of people try to get off Cymbalta after finding it does absolutely nothing for them, I find it interesting that Lilly that "really ethical" drug company choose to put it in the doseage forms it comes in. As a compouding pharmacist I find myself spending more and more time helpoing physicains come upwith a means to taper patients off from this addicting drug. Try stopping it after a few months cold turkey and see what happens. ER visit with all kind of bizarre symptoms.
Can Lilly make it anymore difficult to taper a dose of product?
Zyprexa tablets that can't be split is bad enough, but really, how much time did you guys spend trying to come up this mess. A bunch of tiny pellets in a capsule that just have easily been put in in a tablet form that could be broken in hlves or quarters to get patients off this addictive drug.
Lilly used to be a well thought of drug company, but of late all they do is raise prices of existing drugs, make impossible dosing formulations for tapering and kep some guy by the name of Taurel running the show. For what?? MONEY.
All who work for Lilly should ask themselves what great innovative product have they come up in the last 10 years??
Don't insult my intelligence by telling me this is the only form that you could possibly make it in. It was done by design and you know it. In my area you are losing business faster than you are replacing it from the all medical specialists once they have to go through this in getting a patient off this drug. I no longer dispense "new" prescritions for Cymbalta and and send the patient down the road with the information I have about geting off it a mediocre drug at best. I tell them to think it over and get back to the prescriber. I have almost a full time job now just compounding alternative doseage forms to help those wishing to get a way from this Effexor like drug since the word has spread in our community that I have the means to take it on and do it successfully.
Quit looking at the bottom line and start comming up with as you say "answers that matter" for the patient rather than answers that will fill the corporate back accounts. As for Zyprexa, the ethics of medicine do state "do no harm" but again you don't care about the patient, just that botom line and stock options.
I am currently submitting data to Rep Waxman and Senator Grassley on this issue and hope they rake you guys big time for being the "bad players" you are in the pharmaceutical industry. Lilly is no longer the Lilly that once was top of the line in its field. Get back to what you can really do to help patients and not yourselves.

"Addicting drug", huh? Do you honestly think we give a rat's ass that Cymbalta is addictive? This is big business you idiot!!! Millions of dollars are at stake!!! WE NEED THE SALES AT ANY COST!! Get over it and fill those damn Rx's.....NOW!

I told my doctor I thought I had adrenal fatigue, she heard I had anxiety and so I walked out with samples of 30mg of cymbalta. I had a few days of feeling awful and then it wore off. It helped me sleep and I did feel less anxiety. It didn't make me happy, didn't take away my depression but it did make me less anxious and emotional. Well after a month I decided to go up to 60 mg to see what it would do. Well at 60mg all I want to do is sleep. I am numb, don't want to do anything but sleep. I am lazy, don't have any motivation or any interest in life. Numb, lazy and hollow of a person is what I would describe myself right now. I have no anxiety but I also don't have much emotion or energy to carry out my daily routine. Cymbalta doesn't seem to be addictive because I don't like it and am ready to say goodbye to it. I would rather be anxious than hollow and lazy with no interest besides sleeping. Some it may be the right drug for but it isn't for me. Now I just have to try and get my old self back again.

First, I am a sales rep. Second, I'm on Cymbalta. I've been on it for over 1 year for fibro. My dr tried everything....I felt like I was going crazy! The pain was still here I am a year later and I am so much better. Are there days I have pain? Yes. But how much? I'm so happy for Cymbalta - I was a little scared since it was an anti-dep -but it is controlling my fibro pain. And, I dont worry about withdrawal - since I will be taking it to help me!

Thank you Colonel Eli!

Maybe for those that are in pain it will help. People that are just anxious and depressed I would say it isn't the drug for them.

HEY OP: as a person whos dealt with long term pain and who's started and stopped takin both cymbalta and OxyContin after being on each med for 6 months and 12 months, respectfully.

OPIATE WITHDRAWL SYMPTOMS A PERSON EXPERIENCES ARE NOT EVEN IN THE SAME UNIVERSE AS THE "withdrawl" stmptoms from cymbalta. I tapered off of them at different times slowly over 6 weeks.

It takes strength and determination to stop opiate use and you're comparison is frankly insulting to all those people struggling with opiate addiction. Last time I checked, no ones held up a pharmacy demanding cymbalta pills.

Hey OP-what's the street value of cymbalta? How bout compared to Oxys? You're a pitiful angry man who needs to chill out before all your pent up anger and tension gives you a heArt attack and reduces your lifespan

OP is not a pharmacist. If he was, he would realize that Cymbalta comes in 20, 30, and 60mg capsules. My guess:
A. Scientologist
B. Lawyer
C. Competitive Rep getting his butt kicked.

OP is not a pharmacist. If he was, he would realize that Cymbalta comes in 20, 30, and 60mg capsules. My guess:
A. Scientologist
B. Lawyer
C. Competitive Rep getting his butt kicked.

Um okay. But if Cymbalta is good for pain, does the same danger exist for down-regulation of pain sensitivity? Just the facts, ma'am, PLEASE.

Are all of you Lilly hired bashers and brainwashed "lilly" reps finished?? Face reality. You all live in a fantasy world and just spout whatever the corporate line is. I see this everyday in real life conceerning Cymbalta and not in a make beleive detail type things you guys do at your meetings. This is the truth from the real world and not your training sessions.
Cymbalta is nothing but a problem and a me-too Effexor. As I remember, my Lilly rep did nothing but bash Effexor when it came out and now he says nothing but glorious things about Cymbalta. All of a sudden the panacea for all mental illness is an Effexor first cousin drug. Why don't you get your stories straight. So sorry I rained on your fantasyworld parade, but you have a product with problems, just like Zyprexa. Oh by the way Lilly also told you there was NO connection btw diabetes and Zyprexa and then go out and spend 1.2 Billion on trying to keep this quite. This will all be exposed in the upcoming congressional investigations for all to finally see what a bunch of liers Lilly has made you all out to be, so get ready to start backtracking with all of the doctors you lied to if they take the time to see you ever again.
I love to post on this forum facts that nobody can refute, since the majority of you have very limited science background. You get all of your information from marketing via the recent corporate verbatims. As for the comment on saving lives and suicide, why don't you look at your own clinical trials on Cymbalta and see how many people actually commited suicide on this drug for just the very reason I pointed out--withdrawal. It was more than just the one poor college student that was reported in the press nationwide. Then there is all the off label hype with Fibromyalgia useage of Cymbalta before it was even OK'ed by the FDA. Don't think Grassley and Waxman haven't already been made aware about that too.
The number one reason other than acute medical trama cited as the reason people seek help in ER's nationwide is this withdrawal syndrome with Effexor and Cymbalta. Look it up if you can figure out how to "google".
Go ahead and bash the fact that I am a pharmacist if you want, but this just exposes your glowing lack of drug knowledge and your own avoidance of clinical data and facts. It's much esier to get your "information" from the marketing people since they too have such a vast knowledge on the one drug they are involved with in their efforts to reap as much money as they can from the product no matter how inferior it may be.
One can rationalize all you like, but one day you will see what a pawn you are in a huge corporation and how you were lied to repeatedly, perhaps then you can grasp the meaning of my posts.

I am speaking out as an ex-Cymbalta user.
I have never been suicidal in my life until I took the supposed wonder drug for back pain. It didn't help the back pain much and after only 6 weeks I was so depressed that I wanted to end it all and almost did.
To add insult to injury it then took me 4 1/2 weeks to taper down to 10mg - I had to take my capsules apart to taper as the company that makes this stuff obviously don't care about the people who cannot take their drug as the smallest dose is 20 or 30mg depending on where you live.
Even with all that tapering down, it was too fast as I had all the symptoms listed in the SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome checklist, plus a few that are not mentioned. Of course in all fairness to the doctors who developed the checklist, Cymbalta had not made a name for itself yet when they made up the checklist.

The pharmacist who posted his obviously seriously considered information should not be treated the way he was by the people posting after him as he was dead on with his information.

My discontinuation from Cymbalta has been a trip to hell and back. I am 28 days off and still suffering. The cost of this drug cannot be calculated in Dollars alone, the physical side effects suffered by the almost 8,000 people on the support site I am a proud member of cost millions. This is not a wonder drug, I know that it helps many, but Lilly needs to step up to the plate here and help those of us who have tried it and found that it wasn't the right drug for us.

I am not some teenager or young adult who one expected may develop suicidal thoughts. I am a well educated 51 year old woman who has always had a positive outlook on life despite the hardships I have had to deal with.

I thank God everyday for having my pharmacist became concerned by the questions I asked about cymbalta the day I decided that I would take it all and end the pain.

One other note here for those who think they are so smart - my own pharmacists did not know that it was possible to get 20mg cymbalta until I mentioned it and for them it had to be done as a special order.

All anti-depressants are long-term brain chemical altering drugs. They have a very LONG half-life and are hard as hell to get off of. Cymbalta (Crapalta) is the worst of the bunch (personal experience). Narcotics, stimulants, and benzos are nowhere near as dangerous or life-threatening as Cymbalta. By the way, for you whiz-bang Lilly-eating sales weenies; I'll be joining the class action lawsuit filed against you on October 1, 2012. Lilly is going down on this one.

OP/ and users of Cymbalta, Listen up haven't you figured out that pharma is all about dreaming up a problem then selling a pill to fix it, .....and then spinning all the data for the reps to sell while they try to brain wash you about how great it is! Well cymbalta did 1.3 billion in last qtr, I think they got it done,....they really don't care about helping people which is really terrible, it's just all about the billions and the monie for the people at the top! I was a rep am believe it or not, I really did care and want to help people but big pharma is just a crock,.... There are studies out there that indicate that anti depressants don't even work so be wise and think it through! Sad to say

As a pharmacist that has seen literaly 100's of people try to get off Cymbalta after finding it does absolutely nothing for them, I find it interesting that Lilly that "really ethical" drug company choose to put it in the doseage forms it comes in. As a compouding pharmacist I find myself spending more and more time helpoing physicains come upwith a means to taper patients off from this addicting drug. Try stopping it after a few months cold turkey and see what happens. ER visit with all kind of bizarre symptoms.
Can Lilly make it anymore difficult to taper a dose of product?
Zyprexa tablets that can't be split is bad enough, but really, how much time did you guys spend trying to come up this mess. A bunch of tiny pellets in a capsule that just have easily been put in in a tablet form that could be broken in hlves or quarters to get patients off this addictive drug.
Lilly used to be a well thought of drug company, but of late all they do is raise prices of existing drugs, make impossible dosing formulations for tapering and kep some guy by the name of Taurel running the show. For what?? MONEY.
All who work for Lilly should ask themselves what great innovative product have they come up in the last 10 years??
Don't insult my intelligence by telling me this is the only form that you could possibly make it in. It was done by design and you know it. In my area you are losing business faster than you are replacing it from the all medical specialists once they have to go through this in getting a patient off this drug. I no longer dispense "new" prescritions for Cymbalta and and send the patient down the road with the information I have about geting off it a mediocre drug at best. I tell them to think it over and get back to the prescriber. I have almost a full time job now just compounding alternative doseage forms to help those wishing to get a way from this Effexor like drug since the word has spread in our community that I have the means to take it on and do it successfully.
Quit looking at the bottom line and start comming up with as you say "answers that matter" for the patient rather than answers that will fill the corporate back accounts. As for Zyprexa, the ethics of medicine do state "do no harm" but again you don't care about the patient, just that botom line and stock options.
I am currently submitting data to Rep Waxman and Senator Grassley on this issue and hope they rake you guys big time for being the "bad players" you are in the pharmaceutical industry. Lilly is no longer the Lilly that once was top of the line in its field. Get back to what you can really do to help patients and not yourselves.

Take it to Home Office, pal. This is a forum for pharma reps, not rants from pill-bottle-fillers. We sell the meds, not make them.
I thought pharmacists were too busy peddling generics to pick up a few incentive shekels to bother talking to patients.