CYMBALTA-- the new oxycontin??

When does the generic cymbalta come out?

Oh don't won't. Lilly will find another reason to get that pushed back by marketing it for some other bodily issue. Urinary incontinence anyone? Yeah, you should look that up...and find out that Lilly is poisoning people with in in clinical trials by making them take extreme amounts of it and then placebo-ing them for a few days. I have never EVER experienced anything like this in my life. I'm really grateful to have a supportive family to help me through this. This drug is a horror story with withdrawal symptoms that are akin to that of a hard drug. I can't believe I would have to ever go through something like this.

I am a chronic pain patient due to spinal injuries, and have been on OxyContin for 4 years. When taken as directed it has helped me have my life back. Depression is also a part of chronic pain. After trying several different antidepressants I am now on cymbalta. It is a low dose 20mg. And it is working just fine. I have no axe to grind with the pharmas making money. It costs money to develop new drugs... Billions. When they pay their quarterly dividends there are a lot of union people, moms and pops and little guys making a return on their investments. That's how the economy works. Gripe about their profits, but look at where the money goes. And look at the bottom line. They are getting ready to be hosed, with the rest of us, over Obama care. And, yes, all drugs have side effects. If you know something is addictive, make a withdrawal plan or don't use the drug. Real simple isn't it? The doc may prescribe it but he can't make you put it in your mouth. Weigh the benefits against the downside. OxyContin is addictive. I had a choice, be in perpetual pain or not. I choose to live pretty normally while taking it and cymbalta. You have your choices as well.

I have worked with pharmacists either in retail pharmacy, hospital pharmacy or as colleagues within Lilly for over 40 years.

They are individuals which share unique characteristics in common.

1. They are very intelligent.
2. They tend to be emphathetic.
3. They are very careful.
4. They know how to spell.

This post is bogus.

Compound that.

Are you a company man ......Fool

EVERY rep I know who works for Lilly is depressed.

It`s the District Managers. They all SUCK!!!!!!!!!!! Sanctimonious assholes who preach GPP while flagrantly violating it themselves, especially TM.

Listen amigo I'm a manger and your right but we make a lot of money and retire rich from Lilly . Saludos. The Crazy Horseman

Yes - someone please tell me. I'm on day three of this hellish withdrawal. My doctor, nor the prescribing information ever did mention ANYTHING about BRAIN ZAPS. FU Eli-Lily & Cymbalta and all you pushers who KNOW about this hell but conveniently neglect to mention it! (did I say neglect? can you say CRIMINAL?) I was given this drug because I have a herniated disc in my neck and was told that 60mg of Cymbalta would help with the pain - which it did. My new doc insists I get off this drug - hello liver damage. YES - you ALL knew about it!!! Ocycontin??? Only to help with the Cymbalta withdrawal HELL.

This was sent to me by someone in the industry - NOT Eli-Lilly:

If you have a REAL solution to help with this withdrawal - email me @

Yes, I am more angry than you could imagine. Try hooking up YOUR brain to electric shocks EVERY ten seconds for over 72 hours now. GREAT drug you are selling there - sleep well - I need to go vommit again.

I was successfully on Cymbalta for about four years. I lost my insurance due to a layoff and could no longer afford the prescription. The 3 months that I was tapering off the drug was the absolute worst experience in my life. I was warned by my Dr. that this drug was similar to Effexor, if I ever needed to get off of it. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. The electrical shocks, nausea, and sever flu like symptoms were almost unbearable. Not too mention the crying and bouts of uncontrolled emotions. I'd rather be depressed than deal with that again... SCARY!!!

Good call . I took it for Fibro and actually fixed things from stretching . Cymbalta , whatever it does. Takes your mind to a place that it should never be taken to . Say so you take Mushrooms . The next day , you see things in a good , different and positive perspective . Cymbalta obliterates your brain . I don't think the step down method would eliminate side effects . Best thing is to sit back , read Dante's "Inferno" and prepare for battle.

As a pharmacist that has seen literaly 100's of people try to get off Cymbalta after finding it does absolutely nothing for them, I find it interesting that Lilly that "really ethical" drug company choose to put it in the doseage forms it comes in. As a compouding pharmacist I find myself spending more and more time helpoing physicains come upwith a means to taper patients off from this addicting drug. Try stopping it after a few months cold turkey and see what happens. ER visit with all kind of bizarre symptoms.
Can Lilly make it anymore difficult to taper a dose of product?
Zyprexa tablets that can't be split is bad enough, but really, how much time did you guys spend trying to come up this mess. A bunch of tiny pellets in a capsule that just have easily been put in in a tablet form that could be broken in hlves or quarters to get patients off this addictive drug.
Lilly used to be a well thought of drug company, but of late all they do is raise prices of existing drugs, make impossible dosing formulations for tapering and kep some guy by the name of Taurel running the show. For what?? MONEY.
All who work for Lilly should ask themselves what great innovative product have they come up in the last 10 years??
Don't insult my intelligence by telling me this is the only form that you could possibly make it in. It was done by design and you know it. In my area you are losing business faster than you are replacing it from the all medical specialists once they have to go through this in getting a patient off this drug. I no longer dispense "new" prescritions for Cymbalta and and send the patient down the road with the information I have about geting off it a mediocre drug at best. I tell them to think it over and get back to the prescriber. I have almost a full time job now just compounding alternative doseage forms to help those wishing to get a way from this Effexor like drug since the word has spread in our community that I have the means to take it on and do it successfully.
Quit looking at the bottom line and start comming up with as you say "answers that matter" for the patient rather than answers that will fill the corporate back accounts. As for Zyprexa, the ethics of medicine do state "do no harm" but again you don't care about the patient, just that botom line and stock options.
I am currently submitting data to Rep Waxman and Senator Grassley on this issue and hope they rake you guys big time for being the "bad players" you are in the pharmaceutical industry. Lilly is no longer the Lilly that once was top of the line in its field. Get back to what you can really do to help patients and not yourselves.

Good call . I took it for Fibro and actually fixed things from stretching . Cymbalta , whatever it does. Takes your mind to a place that it should never be taken to . Say so you take Mushrooms . The next day , you see things in a good , different and positive perspective . Cymbalta obliterates your brain . I don't think the step down method would eliminate side effects . Best thing is to sit back , read Dante's "Inferno" and prepare for battle.

Cool I'll order a copy of the Inferno. Will it cost $400 a month. More or less with O-care?

I was successfully on Cymbalta for about four years. I lost my insurance due to a layoff and could no longer afford the prescription. The 3 months that I was tapering off the drug was the absolute worst experience in my life. I was warned by my Dr. that this drug was similar to Effexor, if I ever needed to get off of it. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. The electrical shocks, nausea, and sever flu like symptoms were almost unbearable. Not too mention the crying and bouts of uncontrolled emotions. I'd rather be depressed than deal with that again... SCARY!!!

Hey is weight gain or loss a side effect ???

Same case with all these types of drugs...Zoloft is classic example, heavily promoted , cute little animated sales promo, just take a little pill, tons of samples and reps..every PC doc found it easy to write (don't have time to listen to anxious mom complain about rug rats and non helpful husband) side effects, mild! then try getting off it.. Head Zaps (google this up)..just keep taking them and get on Ambien (that one is only for 'infrequent' use for sleep)

uuummmm.... to the DUMB ASS who posted [upon reading posts it's evident that the physician is the one at fault. as with most anti depressants, you have to taper off the drug. it is called seretonin syndrome. if you've experienced problems since you've discontinued Cymbalta then it's because someone didn't inform you as to how to properly do so. further, Cymbalta is the most studied neuroscience medication in history and of course, doesn't mean it's appropriate for everyone, however; when taken correctly according to its label it is the new "Prozac" (Prozac=fluoxetine Cymbalta=duloxetine)] using the term 'Seretonin Syndrome' for what happens when discontinuing Cymbalta (SSRI's, but none as bad as Cymbalta) you are dead-on WRONG!! Seretonin Syndrome and Cymbalta Discontinuation Syndrome are two VERY DIFFERENT shut up and keep selling the shit Lily hired you for!...its very interesting and disturbing that seemingly ALL Lily reps are depressed & being treated with the very medications they are, what suckers you guys are...allowing yourself to be diagnosed as depressed and treated like a guinea pig just so you can be the proof that 'this drug my company is selling is awesome, just look how it has changed my life!', you must put every one of your patients on it!! Yes other SSRI's have withdrawal type symptoms, but NONE compared to the hell that is getting off of Cymbalta!!

uuummmm.... to the DUMB ASS who posted [upon reading posts it's evident that the physician is the one at fault. as with most anti depressants, you have to taper off the drug. it is called seretonin syndrome. if you've experienced problems since you've discontinued Cymbalta then it's because someone didn't inform you as to how to properly do so. further, Cymbalta is the most studied neuroscience medication in history and of course, doesn't mean it's appropriate for everyone, however; when taken correctly according to its label it is the new "Prozac" (Prozac=fluoxetine Cymbalta=duloxetine)] using the term 'Seretonin Syndrome' for what happens when discontinuing Cymbalta (SSRI's, but none as bad as Cymbalta) you are dead-on WRONG!! Seretonin Syndrome and Cymbalta Discontinuation Syndrome are two VERY DIFFERENT shut up and keep selling the shit Lily hired you for!...its very interesting and disturbing that seemingly ALL Lily reps are depressed & being treated with the very medications they are, what suckers you guys are...allowing yourself to be diagnosed as depressed and treated like a guinea pig just so you can be the proof that 'this drug my company is selling is awesome, just look how it has changed my life!', you must put every one of your patients on it!! Yes other SSRI's have withdrawal type symptoms, but NONE compared to the hell that is getting off of Cymbalta!!

Lack of appetite, morning nausea, sweating, Oh I can count the ways Lilly drugs almost killed me. Very nice for a while but DO NOT UP THE DOSE WHEN IT STOPS WORKING.. taper off


Here in Indiana the real opiod problem is OPANA which is contributing to the spread of HIV

Generally, victims get hooked on the prescription opiods, then when those run out and are not available, they opt for heroin.

It's a big problem. Twice as many deaths from prescription opiods as from heroin...

Go figure.

Again, you are a pharmacist; not a MD; not the FDA. You can get arrested in some states for doing your own compounding without proper licensing. Good luck in jail.

The pharmacist is an idiot! Thank God that's not my pharmacist, I'd have to beat the hell out of them. And I agree, good luck in jail!
I'm a nurse of 19 years. I work at a cardiology, surgical hospital. We have many MD's that want their patients on Cymbalta. I believe in it because I have seen the positive side of the medication. Every med can cause adverse effects upon stopping it suddenly. Hell, Norco is worse! I'm on Cymbalta myself and it helps my greatly. I'd rather take that and work that Norco and be drowsy and not able to make quick decisions that affect one's life! So get over yourself or freaking retire and do us all a favor!