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CV Town Hall


Did I hear Neil correctly?

Leqvio - no adjustments to current IC because it is important to pay for performance. But we know the data is bad so we will be spending a lot more to get it correct in future. Just hang with us. But in mean time, we will be using the crappy data to pay you and decide who wins president club and other awards.

Entresto - if you just focused on your tier 1 and 2s more of you would be at goal.



Honestly- I’m so sick to death of these phony calls where they tell us nothing. All we heard was congratulations and patting ourselves on our backs. Wake up! Its a disaster launch and your sales force is completely checked out and unmotivated by your same crap different day.

Honestly- I’m so sick to death of these phony calls where they tell us nothing. All we heard was congratulations and patting ourselves on our backs. Wake up! Its a disaster launch and your sales force is completely checked out and unmotivated by your same crap different day.
• Q3 sales grew +12% (cc, +12% USD) with core operating income growing +21% (cc, +17% USD)
o Growth driven by continued strong performance from Kesimpta (+124% cc), Entresto (+31% cc)
Thank you sales

Did I hear Neil correctly?

Leqvio - no adjustments to current IC because it is important to pay for performance. But we know the data is bad so we will be spending a lot more to get it correct in future. Just hang with us. But in mean time, we will be using the crappy data to pay you and decide who wins president club and other awards.

Entresto - if you just focused on your tier 1 and 2s more of you would be at goal.


When did he say those things?
How is it performance based when its goaled as a district, not a territory?
He's not really that stupid, is he?

The call today was insulting. It did not leave a lot of hope it will be better anytime soon. Loved when they took credit for the restructure leading to increased Leqvio. If only they knew who to credit the orders to. Failed to mention the same restructure is also when they started seeing Entresto decline. The drug actually making $. Oh yeah…. Just call on your tier 1 and 2 targets. That will fix it. Great idea.
Also, please stop comparing the Leqvio launch to the Entresto launch. With the Entresto launch we had some faith in the data we were receiving.

Neil. No worries. While we make record sales and record profits. You just need to suck it up with bad goals and data. Don't worry about your massive bonus pay cuts, because management is making all their goals and getting paid. New face. Same BS.

Did I hear Neil correctly?

Leqvio - no adjustments to current IC because it is important to pay for performance. But we know the data is bad so we will be spending a lot more to get it correct in future. Just hang with us. But in mean time, we will be using the crappy data to pay you and decide who wins president club and other awards.

Entresto - if you just focused on your tier 1 and 2s more of you would be at goal.

Focus on 1s and 2s…so laughable!

So… another Duane…. Call on tier 1 and tier 2. Ridiculous! 8 people out over 400 projected to hit goal. Most Entresto Reps will get 0 while they (corporate) brag about results. So disappointed in Neil. I had hoped. He just proved to be another cog in the corporate wheel rolling over us all.

THEY ARE ALL THE FUCKING SAME!!!! Outdated thinking - call on tier 1 and 2. Hey dummies - there are mid levels and new docs driving business that aren’t tiered. And tier 1 and 2 who are sick of seeing us so often. Gosh this whole company is filled with outdated useless bodies

I am saddened that neither RD’s nor ABL’s have the courage and or true leadership to represent the field…. Fear based leadership it appears. Lots of yes sir how high should I jump. Cowards who will wonder why they lose their best people.

Our “culture” is laughable. And the divide between home office cv “leaders” and field sales is worse than ever. clearly neither group have any regard or respect for each other. We’ve been in downwards spiral since Duane started and nothing will fix this mess unless HQ takes action instead blowing smoke. There’s no accountability anywhere and leqvio will never succeed until leadership takes in account the feedback from customer facing personnel. Senior leaders think reps are replaceable, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with Novartis, your experience level or past performance. & some believe you are more replaceable when you are a strong performer because the territory is already suceeding. We all know why people are leaving - who wants to work in a high pressure sales job with non existent bonuses? Who wants to be lied to all time and act like what they are listening to is gospel? I’m keeping appearances w/ my abl and definitely with accounts until I can move on. There’s bs everywhere in pharma but it can’t possible be as bad as Novartis.

Early in the call, they credited the initiative of calling on T1s and T2s for Entresto success, but later in the call they said the segment that’s showing the greatest amount of weakening is the T1 and T2, so we need to double down on frequency with them. Which is it?! Perhaps sample dripping them once a week is causing us to give away too many scripts.

When did he say those things?
How is it performance based when its goaled as a district, not a territory?
He's not really that stupid, is he?
I so wanted to point out to him that yes, my whole area is dividing my performance and being bonused on it. Unfortunately, I’m not being paid on my performance.

I so wanted to point out to him that yes, my whole area is dividing my performance and being bonused on it. Unfortunately, I’m not being paid on my performance.

Sad to see him show his ass this early in his tenure.
Probably best to know he's simply nothing more than a hand-puppet for Victor and Dez.
Failing to point out what a gross embarrassment district goaling is and not articulating steps to fix it destroyed his credibility.
He is clearly o.k. with performers dragging along the reps who haven't turned in an honest day of work since Leqvio launch, just as long as accounting doesn't have to pay any of them.
I didn't expect a dramatic improvement, and we got even less.
And a call-out to Diane - metronomically repeating the word "culture" will not create one.
You know what's on the Glint scores, and its not that we need to hear about a field immersion for a half hour.
No bonuses, no individual accountability and worthless call metrics are the issue, and you know it.
Until you fix these issues you're free to save your breath.

It will get worse for you. Once you have your own territory goals, you will be punished by your previous success. No win situation.
You are likely correct. The right thing to do would be to attribute us all an equal baseline for the time we were paid equal bonus so at least the achievers could have a trimester or two of success for all we have done for this company in the last 2 years, but I bet Novartis takes any steps necessary to save money and not pay the people who make it for them.

You are likely correct. The right thing to do would be to attribute us all an equal baseline for the time we were paid equal bonus so at least the achievers could have a trimester or two of success for all we have done for this company in the last 2 years, but I bet Novartis takes any steps necessary to save money and not pay the people who make it for them.
Won’t happen. New to territory reps would be screwed.

Won’t happen. New to territory reps would be screwed.

How? Because they inherit a territory goal? What other product across the entire industry doesn't operate that way?
It would be reasonable and equitable to divide the objectives equally for at least a trimester so they could establish some sort of quantifiable baseline.
The fact that the malingerers were paid for doing nothing doesn't even matter, as it is sensible to distribute the goal since they don't have a fucking clue how many syringes are being purchased in the first place.
The only certainty is that senior management will figure out the surest way to pay the least amount in bonus (if this product ever does anything, watch Dez lift the payout floor to 100%) and never explain their methodology.

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