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COVID Hitting Hard but Keep Working in Field NNI


Will there be any announcement? This is insane..states getting shutdown again, and we are little plebs working in the field. Is HO WFH? WTF is wrong with ET? I certainly do not feel like I can ask to WFH with three initial crazy bitch as my AVP......(hint...starts with K and ends with P) surely I would be on a PIP in no time. Clinics shutting doors and doctors asking us why are you out here? Get a f***ing clue ET.....please come for a field ride in my county this week...7 day positivity rate is at an all time high over 30%. We cant eat anywhere or have coffee anywhere because everything is shut down again! WHERE IS THE LEADERSHIP???????????????????


Will there be any announcement? This is insane..states getting shutdown again, and we are little plebs working in the field. Is HO WFH? WTF is wrong with ET? I certainly do not feel like I can ask to WFH with three initial crazy bitch as my AVP......(hint...starts with K and ends with P) surely I would be on a PIP in no time. Clinics shutting doors and doctors asking us why are you out here? Get a f***ing clue ET.....please come for a field ride in my county this week...7 day positivity rate is at an all time high over 30%. We cant eat anywhere or have coffee anywhere because everything is shut down again! WHERE IS THE LEADERSHIP???????????????????

Leadership is home staying safely sheltered with their families looking over the final ZS displacement files.

What is ridiculous is that managers are scheduling in person meetings with their new teams. How are we suppose to do that safely? How are we suppose to go to dinner as a large group and be socially distanced? Why can’t they just hold it virtually like every other company and not put everyone in jeopardy?
Seems like a huge liability, if this is a pandemic and they selfishly schedule these when there is no reason to not do virtual.

What is ridiculous is that managers are scheduling in person meetings with their new teams. How are we suppose to do that safely? How are we suppose to go to dinner as a large group and be socially distanced? Why can’t they just hold it virtually like every other company and not put everyone in jeopardy?
Seems like a huge liability, if this is a pandemic and they selfishly schedule these when there is no reason to not do virtual.

It’s a choice by your employer. They pay the checks, so they decide how you’ll be doing business. There are 100 different ideas on how things should be done, and they can’t all be placated. So, they decide what they want you to do and how they want to do it, and you accept a paycheck under the pretenses that you’ll carry out the job in the manner they ask you to. You have 2 choices: either do what they ask you to do or quit accepting their money. You don’t get to take someone else’s money and pretend there are no strings attached.

Will there be any announcement? This is insane..states getting shutdown again, and we are little plebs working in the field. Is HO WFH? WTF is wrong with ET? I certainly do not feel like I can ask to WFH with three initial crazy bitch as my AVP......(hint...starts with K and ends with P) surely I would be on a PIP in no time. Clinics shutting doors and doctors asking us why are you out here? Get a f***ing clue ET.....please come for a field ride in my county this week...7 day positivity rate is at an all time high over 30%. We cant eat anywhere or have coffee anywhere because everything is shut down again! WHERE IS THE LEADERSHIP???????????????????

You've never had any leadership.

It’s a choice by your employer. They pay the checks, so they decide how you’ll be doing business. There are 100 different ideas on how things should be done, and they can’t all be placated. So, they decide what they want you to do and how they want to do it, and you accept a paycheck under the pretenses that you’ll carry out the job in the manner they ask you to. You have 2 choices: either do what they ask you to do or quit accepting their money. You don’t get to take someone else’s money and pretend there are no strings attached.
Well guess what little manager....yours will be virtual after all. Who is laughing now? Me! However, for the record...I have no problem working in the field with my mask and doing what I need to do. But to have us in a room and then also sitting a dinner table with 12 people is putting us all at unneeded risk. Selfish and reckless. Glad to see the company got it right and didn’t let you all get greedy with your dumb ass meetings that can be done virtually! They are always a waste of time anyways!

Well guess what little manager....yours will be virtual after all. Who is laughing now? Me! However, for the record...I have no problem working in the field with my mask and doing what I need to do. But to have us in a room and then also sitting a dinner table with 12 people is putting us all at unneeded risk. Selfish and reckless. Glad to see the company got it right and didn’t let you all get greedy with your dumb ass meetings that can be done virtually! They are always a waste of time anyways!

You sound like a winner. Maybe we’ll give out a douchebag award at the virtual POA this year, and you can tell us how awesome you are and how everyone else’s job is stupid and pointless.

And just like going live, your employer now made the choice to go virtual. Neither live nor virtual is right or wrong, it’s just the requirement set forth by your employer for collecting your paycheck. I never advocated for face to face, I just pointed out that was the choice of your employer, not you. So, if you’re laughing for some reason now, maybe you should visit your therapist.