More deaths is a scary thing. 6 months ago there was 25000 dead, and the death rate vs. infection rate was at 2.5%. 6 months later 200000 more dead and the infection rate vs. death rate is still at 2.5%. FYI, more testing is not causing more people to die! What has caused more deaths is that one he virus has spread, more people have become infected in all 50 states, and the death rate % has remained the same.

:eek: wow numbers numbers :eek:


Sign the Petition

There's a petition on the right that when enough signatures are received, congress/law makers would have to look at it. Imagine receiving money every month until the "pandemic" is over? Many people need it. Please share the link with others.

If everybody has 2000 dollars, nobody has 2000 dollars.

Think extreme inflation and money to literally burn because that’s the only way you’re going to get heat.

They're already wasting money on meaningless campaigns and keeping drugs illegal and air craft carriers that aren't even used by most countries around the world. We could use that money. Only teachers and medical staff are receiving a bonus from state officials here in Florida. They're already working, wtf?? Silly 2% mortality rate fear monger virus is dividing us so much.