they don’t take care of themselves, have underlying health conditions, have always played the victim, and haven’t been following any of the recommendations- but of course the media will try to say its racism and not personal responsibility.
Poor health outcomes are associated with lower socioeconomic’s not all about choice, it’s also education and access to quality nutrition food items; this is compromised both financially and geographically (food islands). So it’s easy to “blame” people, but until you actually live in their shoes you can’t really understand the forces that work against living a more healthy lifestyle. If we want to bend the Medicare cost curve we should make more societal investments to address these multifaceted issues.

Poor health outcomes are associated with lower socioeconomic’s not all about choice, it’s also education and access to quality nutrition food items; this is compromised both financially and geographically (food islands). So it’s easy to “blame” people, but until you actually live in their shoes you can’t really understand the forces that work against living a more healthy lifestyle. If we want to bend the Medicare cost curve we should make more societal investments to address these multifaceted issues.

40% of America is obese, but it isn't their fault. They NEED to be on a caloric surplus. And cigarette's are addicting. They NEED to smoke. Let's be compassionate and destroy the economy so they can live. :rolleyes:

it’s mostly minority’s all ages thats you!

Are you even trying? :eek:


Based on some of these messages, and messages which have been deleted, must really upset some employees that they work for a medical device company whose products are intended for use to improve and prolong the lives of all patients regardless of age, weight, or ethnicity. Don't forget to wear your pointy white hood and mask when you go out to the grocery store!

This memo is for all at Conmed Largo facility.

Our current Board of Directors, Daniel S. Jonas, Esq., Human Resources, to this date have not issued a directive/protocol to protect what they consider " Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During Covid-19 Response" They further state that per the DHS Memorandum and as detailed by President Trump's guidance: you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule".

The facts at Largo are: In the last 90 days Conmed Largo has contracted with PMG to staff our Largo facility to ensure that all projected production requirements are met. This comes at a critical time as the Conmed facility in Anaheim Ca. was closed and relocated to Largo, Fl. We now are experiencing a serious labor shortage due to this decision. The solution was to contract with PMG and bring in hired qualified employees to help sustain product output. Although this would seem to be the solution it is costing the share holders $70 per man hour. Not a bad decision although now with the current state of affairs is it the best decision to continue to bring in contract employees from all over the country without a Covid-19 screening? We continue to bring in PMG talent from, Lousiana, Texas, Virginia to name a few. Although Conmed has covered there ass by issuing suggested social distance requirements, it seems that this was only that. Also let it be noted that all "Unessential Staff" are now working from home with full pay for 45 days. Now I ask? Who are the real "Essential Employees" here?

This memo is for all at Conmed Largo facility.

Our current Board of Directors, Daniel S. Jonas, Esq., Human Resources, to this date have not issued a directive/protocol to protect what they consider " Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During Covid-19 Response" They further state that per the DHS Memorandum and as detailed by President Trump's guidance: you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule".

The facts at Largo are: In the last 90 days Conmed Largo has contracted with PMG to staff our Largo facility to ensure that all projected production requirements are met. This comes at a critical time as the Conmed facility in Anaheim Ca. was closed and relocated to Largo, Fl. We now are experiencing a serious labor shortage due to this decision. The solution was to contract with PMG and bring in hired qualified employees to help sustain product output. Although this would seem to be the solution it is costing the share holders $70 per man hour. Not a bad decision although now with the current state of affairs is it the best decision to continue to bring in contract employees from all over the country without a Covid-19 screening? We continue to bring in PMG talent from, Lousiana, Texas, Virginia to name a few. Although Conmed has covered there ass by issuing suggested social distance requirements, it seems that this was only that. Also let it be noted that all "Unessential Staff" are now working from home with full pay for 45 days. Now I ask? Who are the real "Essential Employees" here?

This memo is for all at Conmed Largo facility.

Our current Board of Directors, Daniel S. Jonas, Esq., Human Resources, to this date have not issued a directive/protocol to protect what they consider " Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During Covid-19 Response" They further state that per the DHS Memorandum and as detailed by President Trump's guidance: you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule".

The facts at Largo are: In the last 90 days Conmed Largo has contracted with PMG to staff our Largo facility to ensure that all projected production requirements are met. This comes at a critical time as the Conmed facility in Anaheim Ca. was closed and relocated to Largo, Fl. We now are experiencing a serious labor shortage due to this decision. The solution was to contract with PMG and bring in hired qualified employees to help sustain product output. Although this would seem to be the solution it is costing the share holders $70 per man hour. Not a bad decision although now with the current state of affairs is it the best decision to continue to bring in contract employees from all over the country without a Covid-19 screening? We continue to bring in PMG talent from, Lousiana, Texas, Virginia to name a few. Although Conmed has covered there ass by issuing suggested social distance requirements, it seems that this was only that. Also let it be noted that all "Unessential Staff" are now working from home with full pay for 45 days. Now I ask? Who are the real "Essential Employees" here?

Our quality control is NADA......we have produced more scrap since the PMG workers/hired contractors have been on site after the decision to move CMO to Largo...CMO, the once very profitable California division which was previously staffed with highly qualified CNC machinists. There is no accountability for these highly paid PMG contract workers. We as long term employees that actually take pride in our ability to produce the best products for our customers and understand the importance and impact not only on our reputation as a world class leader in our field and show our appreciation to all who are invested and believe in us. We can and will strive to do better. It will take a leader unlike no other to realize this.....I have a solid and profitable plan that takes our current talent to the next level. No politics, no BS, just engaging our best talent to take the lead.

Our quality control is NADA......we have produced more scrap since the PMG workers/hired contractors have been on site after the decision to move CMO to Largo...CMO, the once very profitable California division which was previously staffed with highly qualified CNC machinists. There is no accountability for these highly paid PMG contract workers. We as long term employees that actually take pride in our ability to produce the best products for our customers and understand the importance and impact not only on our reputation as a world class leader in our field and show our appreciation to all who are invested and believe in us. We can and will strive to do better. It will take a leader unlike no other to realize this.....I have a solid and profitable plan that takes our current talent to the next level. No politics, no BS, just engaging our best talent to take the lead.

Spoken like a true bullshitter. You should be a manager here.

Detecting a high temperature isn't a way to avoid the spread of covid-19. Blocking us from entering all but one entrance in the designated building of employment is really unnecessary. Phase II has begun in society. Cases are not rising. More and more news stories of false positives and an estimated 50% of test results for the virus were inaccurate. Are we going to pee in a cup before every shift next month?

As of Friday, October 30'th 2020, 12:15 a.m.:




Mortality rate

Doesn't seem like a big threat. Not everyone is exercising social distancing. Masks are a pain the bubble butt. More testing being done now than ever before, resulting in more cases now than ever before. The media is run by greedy controlling manipulating people. Maybe population control? Desperate jobless people kill and hurt each other. Small businesses shut down, big businesses dominate the market$$$$$$. Senior citizens and people with compromised immune systems and underlying health conditions of the lungs should have stayed in hiding. The rest of us could move on. Way too much pathetic panicking. This is ridiculous. The media tries to fill in empty spots with "the virus could make a third wave if we open up the economy too soon...."

Must be nice to be a house cat right now. Purring, pooping, eating, sleeping, playing. Not a care In the world of this virus that kills less people than kidney disease, tuberculosis, liver disease, road incidents, diarrheal disease, neonatal deaths, lower respiratory infections, dementia, diabetes, respiratory disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. No mass media coverage on trying to solve those problems.

I think it's 2.6%. You must move the decimal place 2 spots over when you find the percentage by dividing one number by the other. :eek: