You people are so pathetic for making employees stay in their buildings. Send us home if you really care about us. You sent engineers home for a very long time.

FEAR!!!!!! Fear what?

I don't understand the fearmonger of catching a virus.


Most of us are not over 60.

But beside that, see what the main concern SHOULD be:




YEAH. Eat up piggies. Stay indoors and get fatter. But wear masks and you'll be okay. :eek:

Someone in building four largo came to work with the corona virus and almost died and had to be taken away by ambulance and customer service and Field inventory workers were told to pack their laptops and leave immediately. To show you how much they care, they didn’t tell or warn anyone that it happened. Only stay in your building.

Someone in building four largo came to work with the corona virus and almost died and had to be taken away by ambulance and customer service and Field inventory workers were told to pack their laptops and leave immediately. To show you how much they care, they didn’t tell or warn anyone that it happened. Only stay in your building.

And they're still not shutting down the largo facilities?? Can you confirm this person had the virus? Were they diabetic? Did they forget to take medications that should prevent this? From my understanding, they shove a long q-tip down your nose into your nasal cavity, BOTH SIDES, you have teary eyes for a little bit, then they pass it on for a lab test. It could take hours for results. How do you know it was the virus? Please give us facts, not gossip.

The person just came back from a cruise and he was sick. He said he was fine, of course the company didn’t verify it, he stopped breathing and the ambulance removed him from the premises. Scary sight. HIPPA privacy laws prevent detailed info from being released, but customer service and field inventory have been working from home and will be at until at least April 30th. Ask the company they’ll deny it, and say they can’t discuss it, but it happened.

The person just came back from a cruise and he was sick. He said he was fine, of course the company didn’t verify it, he stopped breathing and the ambulance removed him from the premises. Scary sight. HIPPA privacy laws prevent detailed info from being released, but customer service and field inventory have been working from home and will be at until at least April 30th. Ask the company they’ll deny it, and say they can’t discuss it, but it happened.

NO! There's no hippa in this! They NEEEEEEED to tell us this! Or else lawsuits will flood them. This is life or death. They hold this in, people could get infected by that one person and spread it to everyone. Young people and athletic people are fighting it off with ease. But we can pass it on to someone that raised us or someone who raised our parents.

First questions police ask you when you enter a hospital/walk in clinic right now is:

1. Have you been out of the country recently?

2. Have you traveled out of town recently?

The person just came back from a cruise and he was sick. He said he was fine, of course the company didn’t verify it, he stopped breathing and the ambulance removed him from the premises. Scary sight. HIPPA privacy laws prevent detailed info from being released, but customer service and field inventory have been working from home and will be at until at least April 30th. Ask the company they’ll deny it, and say they can’t discuss it, but it happened.

I work there. No rumors on that. Are you trying to start gossip/panic?

I work there. No rumors on that. Are you trying to start gossip/panic?

See the problem with that ignorant statement about starting rumors/gossip proves that you do not have any concept or understanding of Hippa. Once an employee qualifies for FMLA, your employer is not allowed to disclose by law said employees illness and in most cases is not even aware of the illness unless the employee voluntarily discloses that to management/human resources, etc. Look around you. Any coworkers suddenly not at work for a week or more? Were you in contact with them? The continual transfer of this virus is from asymptomatic persons that exhibit very little or no visible signs of being a carrier.

Our country went over 500000 cases (most in the World) of diagnosed patients with the virus. We have had over 32000 NEW cases today, it's still raging! Tomorrow. Sat April 11, the USA will go over 20000 deaths (most in the World). Very sobering! Stay safe everyone! Enjoy Easter with your families!

Our country went over 500000 cases (most in the World) of diagnosed patients with the virus. We have had over 32000 NEW cases today, it's still raging! Tomorrow. Sat April 11, the USA will go over 20000 deaths (most in the World). Very sobering! Stay safe everyone! Enjoy Easter with your families!
We’re doing ok, quite well actually, some people say we are doing great. Happy Easter, DJT

Our country went over 500000 cases (most in the World) of diagnosed patients with the virus. We have had over 32000 NEW cases today, it's still raging! Tomorrow. Sat April 11, the USA will go over 20000 deaths (most in the World). Very sobering! Stay safe everyone! Enjoy Easter with your families!