Corona Virus- National Meetings

Covered a colon/stapling case yesterday. I can access 40% of my accounts. Caseload began increasing this week and we’re starting a conversion soon. I’d rather count suture than suffer another day at home. Any decent Ethicon rep can find a way into at least some of their accounts. Gravy train is over soon for those that don’t get out and convert something.

Where? What state?

This times 100^. I've already had in person discussions with a few of my facilities and case coverage for bariatric and thoracic starting next week. I still contend that if cuts are coming Ethicon needs to take a real hard look at middle management. My DM literally does nothing and I legitimately mean nothing. Could cut half of them tomorrow. My RSS is more helpful but ~80% of RSS's do nothing.

Next week will be telling as to the true character of Ethicon and individuals. Lets see how different employees respond in a time of crisis to show empathy instead of cheap self promotion.

I will be watching for:
1. Marketing and training to not waste time with our training next week. I don't have a problem with getting this training in but realize that most of us have children at home and some have an elderly parent they are taking care of. We are now caretakers for many and its an all day affair since everything is shut down. BS role plays, success stories, breakouts, etc should be eliminated. Give us the nuts and bolts and let us get back to our families.

2. RSM's--Which one will self promote and try to look good in this crisis? Which ones will waste our time next week with BS simply because they want to "one up" their fellow RSM's. Whatever direction they take I can assure you it wont be forgotten.

3. AVP's--Same as above for the RSM's

I think JNJ has done an OK job overall and I am optimistic that the CREDO will indeed shine thru. I am concerned that so many of our peers will get caught up in the desire to look good and selfishly waste our time. Like the say the true character of a person isn't revealed until adversity hits.

Next week will be telling as to the true character of Ethicon and individuals. Lets see how different employees respond in a time of crisis to show empathy instead of cheap self promotion.

I will be watching for:
1. Marketing and training to not waste time with our training next week. I don't have a problem with getting this training in but realize that most of us have children at home and some have an elderly parent they are taking care of. We are now caretakers for many and its an all day affair since everything is shut down. BS role plays, success stories, breakouts, etc should be eliminated. Give us the nuts and bolts and let us get back to our families.

2. RSM's--Which one will self promote and try to look good in this crisis? Which ones will waste our time next week with BS simply because they want to "one up" their fellow RSM's. Whatever direction they take I can assure you it wont be forgotten.

3. AVP's--Same as above for the RSM's

I think JNJ has done an OK job overall and I am optimistic that the CREDO will indeed shine thru. I am concerned that so many of our peers will get caught up in the desire to look good and selfishly waste our time. Like the say the true character of a person isn't revealed until adversity hits.

Well, this person nailed it 2 months ago about some of the RSM's trying to look good. But the douche bags always reveal themselves when it comes to an opportunity to "one up" their fellow RSM. I'm hearing stories of RSM taking pictures of themselves doing mundane things in accounts. Hearing about one that is doing zoom role plays ad nauseam. These are the types that become a running joke on here and get their own "Spilker" reputation.

Well, this person nailed it 2 months ago about some of the RSM's trying to look good. But the douche bags always reveal themselves when it comes to an opportunity to "one up" their fellow RSM. I'm hearing stories of RSM taking pictures of themselves doing mundane things in accounts. Hearing about one that is doing zoom role plays ad nauseam. These are the types that become a running joke on here and get their own "Spilker" reputation.

Care to give the initials at least?

Well, this person nailed it 2 months ago about some of the RSM's trying to look good. But the douche bags always reveal themselves when it comes to an opportunity to "one up" their fellow RSM. I'm hearing stories of RSM taking pictures of themselves doing mundane things in accounts. Hearing about one that is doing zoom role plays ad nauseam. These are the types that become a running joke on here and get their own "Spilker" reputation.

So glad I left! I had a manager like that which is why I left. All the other managers in my area were good people and truly worked with their reps the right way. Lots of trust it seemed but I got the bad one like you are describing. I was there a long time and just know that these types usually have a way of being managed out because secretly no one likes them.

Sounds like some of you have a classic case of a micromanaging manager. My suggestion is to have a conversation with your avp if have a good one. I know for a fact that these conversations won’t get back to the RSM if you express your concern professionally. That’s a common myth.

if the whole team shares the same sentiment, then your have a very strong case. I’ve seen this play out. It’s not that uncommon. What managers don’t realize is they are not nearly as protected as they think.

I agree with the above poster. Definitely let your avp know. We have been lucky in our area during these trying times. Our managers and avp have really been aligned to the reps and aren’t creating busy work.

I’ve heard a few haven’t been so lucky. Is your manager asking the team what they need, what would be helpful/useful? Or are they mandating/assigning busy work.

There is more downtime than normal right now but there is no doubt that work is still being done within our accounts. I’d like to see some more community service even though that may be more challenging.

Most managers are good! However, I’m not naive and have been hearing that some are holding too many bs calls and sending bs success stories. Again, let someone on the team who has the best avp relationship let him or her know what’s being pushed or mandated on the team. A disgruntled team is a very bad thing for a manger

I agree with the above poster. Definitely let your avp know. We have been lucky in our area during these trying times. Our managers and avp have really been aligned to the reps and aren’t creating busy work.

I’ve heard a few haven’t been so lucky. Is your manager asking the team what they need, what would be helpful/useful? Or are they mandating/assigning busy work.

There is more downtime than normal right now but there is no doubt that work is still being done within our accounts. I’d like to see some more community service even though that may be more challenging.

Most managers are good! However, I’m not naive and have been hearing that some are holding too many bs calls and sending bs success stories. Again, let someone on the team who has the best avp relationship let him or her know what’s being pushed or mandated on the team. A disgruntled team is a very bad thing for a manger

My manager have a zoom call every other day. Is that normal for everyone else?

Once a week is too much too. Every other day is just strange. Where are you guys at and what are you zooming for?!

Letting your Managers boss know in whatever way is a good move. Maybe they will start reaching out to reps as a check in. That would be an easy opportunity to express the concerns of the team. Believe me, managers can and do get let go for creating a toxic environment. It has to be handled appropriately though.

The reality is some managers don't have the skillset or mental capacity to lead especially in a pandemic. 2 things are happening. First, they get nervous and feel the need to justify their jobs so they "Zoom." Second, SOME of them only know how to eat, sleep, and breathe sales numbers. They have a hard time leading in other ways.

IMO, the better question is what is the topic and is it beneficial to the team. If he or she isn't asking the team if its useful, then you have a bad manager. Period.

Here is the other problem. When reps are asked to meet and/or zoom, even for an hour, you must realize that you are essentially killing a half day minimum. Lets face it, some will take the whole day off. Probably why I don't see it much in my area.

How about taking the extra time to volunteer as a team and/or individually. What a perfect way to shine and give back in these times. That was a good suggestion.

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