Corona Virus- National Meetings

A lot of companies this morning are continuing to tell their employees to stay home. Facebook and Amazon have issued this statement. Lots of talk on the news regarding conferences and decisions companies are making.

Who is making this decision? Seems like major lawsuit implications. Crazy!

Facebook and Amazon telling their employees to stay at home today. Even talks of some schools closing temporarily and is actually happening in pockets across the country. Who is making this decision at JNJ?

And the #1 question is why would the leading healthcare company in the world not lead by example when ironically non healthcare companies are stepping up and making the right decisions?

I really think there is a decent chance someone would get sick. Its not paranoia at this point.

Ethicon did the right thing by cancelling the NTM. However, why in the world would they still insist on meeting as a region for hands on training?! Wont this still be in a hotel?

Ethicon did the right thing by cancelling the NTM. However, why in the world would they still insist on meeting as a region for hands on training?! Wont this still be in a hotel?

We marketing wanted to make sure that everyone knows about our products, what are coming in our pipelines, and know how to sell them to beat our BP target. Together we can do it guys!

The regional hands on this month will surely be cancelled. Social distancing is no joke. JNJ has been slow to respond and provide precise direction, but I do believe we will get it right. In times like these you should be proud to work for a large corporation that has a credo to protect employees for as long as it takes.

But according to Leslie you really need to get together to role play or you won’t be able to hit your number.
Don’t forget- Wound Closure and Biosurgery are going to save the franchise!!!!

Pretty tacky of JnJ to push all this training on reps in a national crisis. Regardless if it is online or not. People have children at home, older parents to take care of, 401k's being crushed, and just general anxiety. If training is going to happen at least make it very quick without the BS

Its all Nef’s leadership skills. She could have delayed this pre work kick off and subsequent VTMs by a couple weeks. It could have helped everyone from Com ed to marketing to reps everyone dealing from a personal impact and taking care of family and loved ones..

Its all Nef’s leadership skills. She could have delayed this pre work kick off and subsequent VTMs by a couple weeks. It could have helped everyone from Com ed to marketing to reps everyone dealing from a personal impact and taking care of family and loved ones..

Folks in the corporate office don't have to deal with these.

Next week will be telling as to the true character of Ethicon and individuals. Lets see how different employees respond in a time of crisis to show empathy instead of cheap self promotion.

I will be watching for:
1. Marketing and training to not waste time with our training next week. I don't have a problem with getting this training in but realize that most of us have children at home and some have an elderly parent they are taking care of. We are now caretakers for many and its an all day affair since everything is shut down. BS role plays, success stories, breakouts, etc should be eliminated. Give us the nuts and bolts and let us get back to our families.

2. RSM's--Which one will self promote and try to look good in this crisis? Which ones will waste our time next week with BS simply because they want to "one up" their fellow RSM's. Whatever direction they take I can assure you it wont be forgotten.

3. AVP's--Same as above for the RSM's

I think JNJ has done an OK job overall and I am optimistic that the CREDO will indeed shine thru. I am concerned that so many of our peers will get caught up in the desire to look good and selfishly waste our time. Like the say the true character of a person isn't revealed until adversity hits.

Next week will be telling as to the true character of Ethicon and individuals. Lets see how different employees respond in a time of crisis to show empathy instead of cheap self promotion.

I will be watching for:
1. Marketing and training to not waste time with our training next week. I don't have a problem with getting this training in but realize that most of us have children at home and some have an elderly parent they are taking care of. We are now caretakers for many and its an all day affair since everything is shut down. BS role plays, success stories, breakouts, etc should be eliminated. Give us the nuts and bolts and let us get back to our families.

2. RSM's--Which one will self promote and try to look good in this crisis? Which ones will waste our time next week with BS simply because they want to "one up" their fellow RSM's. Whatever direction they take I can assure you it wont be forgotten.

3. AVP's--Same as above for the RSM's

I think JNJ has done an OK job overall and I am optimistic that the CREDO will indeed shine thru. I am concerned that so many of our peers will get caught up in the desire to look good and selfishly waste our time. Like the say the true character of a person isn't revealed until adversity hits.

2) SW will let us all fist him live on stream!