The contract sales force as a whole is older and more experienced the average experience is 10 years.
Experienced and doing it to get some extra grocery money.
The contract sales force as a whole is older and more experienced the average experience is 10 years.
Everyone on these boards act like 27.50 an hour is low pay for what we do it is a lot the girls stuck in the offices we call on work full time and don't come close to what we make.
Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
The contract sales force as a whole is older and more experienced the average experience is 10 years.
Temporary job only or for those who have a just hit a sweepstakes someplace or who have spouse who makes the bacon.
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Well yes... it is for 2 family incomes.... but yes the reps do have 10 years experience on average. The CSO is made up of Moms and retired guys. 99% are Moms who have done really well but have a husband with a good job. We work 24 hours a week and get 27.50 an hour we bring home 1100 every 2 weeks. We do not have to do ANY programs or ANY night time work. We get paid @.50 a mile which means we receive about 800.00 a month in an expense check. So we NO do not earn 80,000 a year but we have a NO STRESS part time job that earns us about 34,000 a year. We are at EVERY FUNCTION our kids have and we can ALWAYS be with them when they are sick. In my book that is a decent second income and a GREAT MOM job.
Thats the answer! Extra income home is a happy home making the bills and taking care of the family. One income CSO income makes for unhappy home, under water with all the bills and unable to take care of anything. REALITY's extra cash, not a livlng.
The Merck contract has been a very nice fit for me. Great products, Drs love to see you and it is truly a 24 hr a week job. They respect that. I am thankful for this job. BTW I have over 12 yrs Pharma exp. I am not interested in making the big bucks. This is perfect for my family and life. I think contract is a way of the future in Pharma
Good for those who are in your situation. Allows you to be home with the kids at least part of the week fo them. Moms on the road all way!!!!!! If you have a professional spouse you should be home at least part of the week. If you cant do it on part-time CSO level pay then move to a more affordable neigborhood where one 1.0 - 1.5 incomes is enough. Kids are the #1 priority, not selling drugs to docs.
What happens when the 1.0 - 1.5 income gets displaced? What is your back up plan then? Need two dependable incomes in this economy from here on out. Just live on one but have a backup income.
While things don't exactly look rosy for the future of Merck reps, the contract reps' future isn't exactly good either. The contract will be ending next year - replaced by another CSO.
The Merck contract has been a very nice fit for me. Great products, Drs love to see you and it is truly a 24 hr a week job. They respect that. I am thankful for this job. BTW I have over 12 yrs Pharma exp. I am not interested in making the big bucks. This is perfect for my family and life. I think contract is a way of the future in Pharma
And how do you know that? Which CSO? Full time or part time?
It will be for full time - Inventiv.
It will be for full time - Inventiv.
Inventiv is recruiting for full time Merck products. Between PSS and Venootiv that will make 8 or nine prodducts the CSOs will be promting. This is not a good direction,
Inventiv is recruiting for full time Merck products. Between PSS and Ventiv that will make 8 or nine prodducts the CSOs will be promting. This is not a good direction,