Contract reps.

Why don't you uppity merck reps quit with the contract rep dispargement. What do you care what they get paid? Most are laid off (one step ahead of you) pharma, just trying to stay employed,get a paycheck, feed a family, supplement a retirement. you think that kicking a cso rep. makes a difference to merck? merck doesn't give a damn what you think. Merck is gonna keep laying off big salaried merck reps and replacing 'em with cso's. I been in the industry 25 years - 12 with merck. why is it that merck reps somehow always think they're special? you think you'll be around in ten years? How about 10 weeks? If you were smart you'd try and figure out how to help your cso help you make your numbers. oh I forgot merck doesn't care about "numbers" anymore, because merck's not a real sales organization anyway. How do you think "survey results" will play on a real job interview? Then you try unemployment when severence runs out. Let's see how proud you are then. Give it a rest. This is the most irrelevant thread on cp.

Tooooo touchy. Dont see anyone is disparaging you. The truth is that unless you are a young person with few financial obligations most people I know could never meet their financial obligations on the salary and bonus plans these companies offer. Its the second incomer, retirement supplementer, temporary employment searchers, or maybe low cost of living area people who are ideal candidates for these very temporary jobs. Most would agree a more sensible step is to sell in another pharma company or outside the industry completely. See yourself in many career possiblities. Good luck whatever you do.

Why don't you uppity merck reps quit with the contract rep dispargement. What do you care what they get paid? Most are laid off (one step ahead of you) pharma, just trying to stay employed,get a paycheck, feed a family, supplement a retirement. you think that kicking a cso rep. makes a difference to merck? merck doesn't give a damn what you think. Merck is gonna keep laying off big salaried merck reps and replacing 'em with cso's. I been in the industry 25 years - 12 with merck. why is it that merck reps somehow always think they're special? you think you'll be around in ten years? How about 10 weeks? If you were smart you'd try and figure out how to help your cso help you make your numbers. oh I forgot merck doesn't care about "numbers" anymore, because merck's not a real sales organization anyway. How do you think "survey results" will play on a real job interview? Then you try unemployment when severence runs out. Let's see how proud you are then. Give it a rest. This is the most irrelevant thread on cp.

25 years, 12 with Merck. Must be about 50 or more. 12 gives you retirement and med so have more otions with the job search. Go for 100% higher salary now.

Don't know pay for full time contracts, but for part time 24 hours a week, we get 27.50 per hour and no benefits. Paid mileage (.50). No budget, but MUCH MUCH less BS and stress than past pharma job I had.

Don't know pay for full time contracts, but for part time 24 hours a week, we get 27.50 per hour and no benefits. Paid mileage (.50). No budget, but MUCH MUCH less BS and stress than past pharma job I had.

LOL less stress? No money and not being able to pay bills means more than stress. I'll take all the BS, crap, pressure, and running to survive...and keep looking.

LOL less stress? No money and not being able to pay bills means more than stress. I'll take all the BS, crap, pressure, and running to survive...and keep looking.

So why is the contract position bad for the people who are okay with the pay and benefits? Dont get pissed at them because they are able to make it financially...People who are ripping them are either jealous or just plain stupid.

We all need to work together we are not here to replace you we are your back up for old products the plan is to change products in and out of our bag. The inVentiv contract is very limited only for areas where people are out on maternity leave etc. not a normal contract. I heard this directly from the Regional Manager from Merck to CSO at meeting. You say there is no way to measure our worth but it is built in. There are areas in the country that have no CSO as a measure this is how they measure impact. Again we are promoting products that you do not have time to promote your 7th 0r 8th product, we are your back up share of voice. I understand people lost their jobs and change is sad and hard. Please remember many of us were in the same boat at other companies. This is a super MOM job!!!!!

We make 27.50 an hour plus 50 cents a mile and expenses 24 hours a week however we schedule them we have total flexibilty!!! Let's be a team!!!

Don't you think that the number of displaced and contract reps is rapidly approaching the number of "permanent" dedicated reps industry wide? There are alot of "ronin" out there.

what are the contract reps getting paid? anyone know?

Yes they are being paid a very low salary - in line with a kid out of college - a new graduate. A salary that is a designed as a second salary, not a primary salary. Anyone who is all grown up and has real life bills and real life housing expenses can not live on the income.

Yes they are being paid a very low salary - in line with a kid out of college - a new graduate. A salary that is a designed as a second salary, not a primary salary. Anyone who is all grown up and has real life bills and real life housing expenses can not live on the income.

Yes, this is a second salary for me and most of my collegues. But guess what? I am all grown up and have real life bills and real life housing expenses. Fortuneatly, we didn't get over our heads. This job is college money for my kids. It's easy money. I have no desire to work full time in this dead end industry. I am working this job for all that it is worth. Last I checked, Pottery barn does not pay $28 per hour. This works for me and many others. Y'all should stop ripping on it. Not everyone needs to make the salary's you do. For most of us, being home with our kids is first priority. This job doesn't define us. It's just extra spending money. Now, can we please work together and stop worrying about what we make? Geez..

Yes, this is a second salary for me and most of my collegues. But guess what? I am all grown up and have real life bills and real life housing expenses. Fortuneatly, we didn't get over our heads. This job is college money for my kids. It's easy money. I have no desire to work full time in this dead end industry. I am working this job for all that it is worth. Last I checked, Pottery barn does not pay $28 per hour. This works for me and many others. Y'all should stop ripping on it. Not everyone needs to make the salary's you do. For most of us, being home with our kids is first priority. This job doesn't define us. It's just extra spending money. Now, can we please work together and stop worrying about what we make? Geez..

No one ripping. Painting a realistic picture. For those who must carry the burden of mortgage, high taxes, and other real bills, this job will never work....unless you've got a rich spouse or live in a very cheap area of the country.

Yes, this is a second salary for me and most of my collegues. But guess what? I am all grown up and have real life bills and real life housing expenses. Fortuneatly, we didn't get over our heads. This job is college money for my kids. It's easy money. I have no desire to work full time in this dead end industry. I am working this job for all that it is worth. Last I checked, Pottery barn does not pay $28 per hour. This works for me and many others. Y'all should stop ripping on it. Not everyone needs to make the salary's you do. For most of us, being home with our kids is first priority. This job doesn't define us. It's just extra spending money. Now, can we please work together and stop worrying about what we make? Geez..

Well this job pays me $100 per hour because I work it one day a week. It is all how you manipulate the numbers. That makes me feel better if I look at it that way. If I look at it honestly for what it is it is so humbling and embarassing. Contract is dead end

let's face it, contract reps are more secure in a job than we are right now. Can you honestly say you'll be employed here by the end of this year?

If you cant work in this industry the better route is to take your sales experience and move to another industry that pays better than pharma. If you have advanced education why settle for crap pay? Anyone with a grad degree and experience is worth a lot more in any industry. Too many people are not using their brains.

Well this job pays me $100 per hour because I work it one day a week. It is all how you manipulate the numbers. That makes me feel better if I look at it that way. If I look at it honestly for what it is it is so humbling and embarassing. Contract is dead end

Wow! You are pretty pathetic! So sorry you are embarassed to have this job. There are literally thousands of people that would kill for this gig. This is part of what's wrong with this industry. Really, you only work one day a week? I hope your DM finds out soon and axes you! There are too many people out there that actually like this job. Too bad, cause your ruining it for the rest of us. Please spare us all and QUIT NOW!