Complete Employee Disaster

There was an article in the financial news that said :

"Ares Capital Corp. is no longer overbought" there were 4 strong buy recommendations.

It just goes to show what happens when you scrape a turd like Allclammy off of your shoe. Things are looking up for Ares but not for us.


We are screwed blued and tatooed


With sincere apologies to Sir Elton John, Bernie Taupin and Davey Johnstone
I suggest you listen to the original song and read along. On company time.

I must get away
Been months but it seems like forever
The "leadership" sucks, site morale's in the tank
Abuse is part of the culture
And once I'm away
Two'll have the workload of five
And it won't be long before even more leave
Get far far away, from this dive

And I guess that’s just the Alcrummy Blues
Looks like Glassdoor, just quite can't get past two
Drive away workers, then wont rehire
Bus'ness conditions, approaching dire
And I guess that’s just the Alcrummy Blues

(Change to "asshole 'leader'" voice)

Now pick up your pace
I expect you to give not to take
Work extra hours, without compensation
I won't give you time for a break
Come in weekends
And late through the night, like a whore
Then still give more. We don't care 'bout you
Leave and we'll get someone else!

(Change back to "disgruntled, disengaged worker" voice)

That is what the ELT thinks of you
Sweat labor slaves, who are easy to screw
Don't care 'bout safety or any health threat
What matters most is the dollar target
Even with an acid tank fail or two

{This is the instrumental part. I use it to practice my acting skills, like pretending I still give a rat's ass
Or trying to convince customers we aren't really understaffed. It's not like their product quality is compromised. Trust us. Just don't look closely please.
Or trying to correct all the many mistakes made by people who are over worked.
I also use it as time to think it could be worse. What if I were in HR and had to give the Glassdoor Alcrummy Response?
Oh oh. Words are back}

Why don't they learn?
Cut on the staff to the bone
Till they move on - it simply will fail
Just like it has in the past

And I guess that’s just the Alcrummy Blues
They set bad plans, when it fails they blame you
Misleading metrics, self absorbed bosses
Mass deviations, financial losses
And I guess that’s just the Alcrummy Blues
It's "North Korea", "Proleptic Decay"
And I guess that’s just the Alcrummy Blues
"Better Think Twice" and "Burning Room Dances"
And I guess that’s just the Alcrummy Blues
And I guess that’s just the Alcrummy Blues

"Don't let them take it from you"

Still trying to figure out that how to spend my whopper bone-us.
It's down to using 93 octane fuel for the rest of the month vs. adding to my Pez dispenser collection.
Cheap fuckers.

Still trying to figure out that how to spend my whopper bone-us.
It's down to using 93 octane fuel for the rest of the month vs. adding to my Pez dispenser collection.
Cheap fuckers.

I enjoyed my bonus by getting extra pepperoni and black olives.

The bonus of interest is the one that ELT will get as part of their golden parachute from Ashley Madison. The better the second quarter, the better their going away bonus. If you think that decisions made at the end of previous months were “interesting” (to be generous) and that pressure was high to achieve, I wonder what we will be asked to do the rest of this week. And what sort of “creative interpretation” of common
accounting practices will be made all of next.

Plan on bringing in a cold lunch next week. All microwaves will be annexed by finance. No time for lean cuisine when you’ve got all those books needing to be cooked.

I enjoyed my bonus by getting extra pepperoni and black olives.

The bonus of interest is the one that ELT will get as part of their golden parachute from Ashley Madison. The better the second quarter, the better their going away bonus. If you think that decisions made at the end of previous months were “interesting” (to be generous) and that pressure was high to achieve, I wonder what we will be asked to do the rest of this week. And what sort of “creative interpretation” of common
accounting practices will be made all of next.

Plan on bringing in a cold lunch next week. All microwaves will be annexed by finance. No time for lean cuisine when you’ve got all those books needing to be cooked.

I enjoyed my bonus by getting extra pepperoni and black olives.

The bonus of interest is the one that ELT will get as part of their golden parachute from Ashley Madison. The better the second quarter, the better their going away bonus. If you think that decisions made at the end of previous months were “interesting” (to be generous) and that pressure was high to achieve, I wonder what we will be asked to do the rest of this week. And what sort of “creative interpretation” of common
accounting practices will be made all of next.

Plan on bringing in a cold lunch next week. All microwaves will be annexed by finance. No time for lean cuisine when you’ve got all those books needing to be cooked.
Hey, we were not supposed to know this.
Will Chad the Cabin Boy help Mark with the books in G'town? Will Adam pitch in with his fancy wisdom on how to push "production" forward? Don't worry, assholes, it's our little secret.

Hey, we were not supposed to know this.
Will Chad the Cabin Boy help Mark with the books in G'town? Will Adam pitch in with his fancy wisdom on how to push "production" forward? Don't worry, assholes, it's our little secret.
Friday and the end of the month in cheese country. Adam and Mini Me will have their best out today. Don't forget to laugh at their wonderful jokes. Have a mint. Relax and enjoy the condescension. It is so awesome to work for them.

Friday and the end of the month in cheese country. .

It's a new month. We can relax for a while.
As before, I suggest you listen to the original song and read along. On company time. Just like I wrote it.
With apologies to the late, great Mr. Harry Chapin.


A drum arrived just the other day
Supposed to be white though this powder was gray
The boss said "use this stuff, and screw assay
The buyer won't notice anyway"
And he was searching for more shortcuts, and found a few
Because it's all for revenue, man
It's all about the revenue

And the craps down in QA and it needs review
Don't really know what this bad lot will do
When you gonna release, do you know when?
We're coming up on our month end, we need the money by month end

We made the gray batch the other day
Boss said, "Go start it now we can't have delay"
"But the pressure control," I said "is not OK, and we won't purge O2"
He said, "Then just pray"
And then I walked away and I'm shaking my head
And said, "I'm gonna lose a limb, yeah
You know I'm gonna lose that limb."

Now the craps in the kettle and I'm sensing doom
Scrubber fans on but I still smell the fume
"Can't we pause this batch, boss, and fix the vent?"
"We haven't got the time to mend. We need the money by month end"

Well a small explosion came the other day
Thought that management would investigate
"Boss, can I help you, find the cause of the fire?"
He shook his head, and he said with a snarl
"What we really need now is start the next batch, see?. Month ends coming, charge the solvent please.

So this stuff is unstable and it did go boom
Got band three dust all across the whole room
Cannot taste or smell till I don't know when
The ringing oughta stop by ten, yeah
The ringing oughta stop by ten

I've long since resigned, work a normal day
Called my friend who's still in QA
He said "I'd love to see you, but have no time"
I said "I'd love to, pal, and now weekends are mine
You see my new job is awesome with good management too
And it sure does suck to be you, man
Yes it sure does suck to be you"

And as I hung up phone it occurred to me
That's life at Alcrummy
That's life at Alcrummy

And the crap in this fable is part false part true
If the customer had a half of a clue
They'd be looking close and
They'd focus in, but we keeping on tricking them, yeah
We need the money by month end

"You can't learn in school what will happen here next quarter"
July 1st

No shit, left last year. Better job, same pay, management that really gives a shit all around.
And weekends. In the summer. With the kids.
I always thought that I was missing out trying to make Allcrappy "succeed". But that is what they depend on, using people because they naive and hard working and want to believe the line of crap from senior management. Funny how much a person can appreciate the little things after working at a place like Allcrappy.
Had a recruiter just last week ask me if I knew of anyone willing to work in quality there. I told them I didn't hate anyone THAT much. Look at the turnover in the last 18 months. G'town is very thin in site Quality and EHS (that guy bolted after less than 6 months).
Here comes the FDA. And one more fire and you can bet another government acronym department will be in there right after them.
Good luck, you poor souls. Hope the sale brings change.