Complete Employee Disaster

Two fires, is that a new record?

Around thanksgiving we used to deep fry a turkey in the Wilmington Hall Street lab parking lot, that was a long time ago and many CEO's past. Never set the lab on fire tho. Maybe you guys in G-town should take the BBQ outside?

If you do have a cook out be careful to watch for ice-hole, they can ruin a party, or a company.
These corksuckers are fargin iceholes.
Looks like G'town is not a safe place to work. Process engineers/scientist looking to get out and live long, happy lives.

Monday is coming, if I stay at the RBG from now until closing time I should be ready to face the day at work.....after a couple of shooters to get going. Not much else close by in the way of work, Madison is a long drive.

A proven sado-masochist in good standing, Dr. Kutzer brings to Alcami over 20 years of experience of blaming others for his lack of management ability, cut throat customer dealings and screwing up large contract services enterprises. He has yet to learn about current fashion trends.

Prior to Alcami, Dr. Kutzer was Chief Operating Officer of Lonza’s Pharma and Biotech division (just wow! huh?), part of the global chemicals and biotechnology company, Lonza Group. The site went under when he couldn't figure what kwality really meant, which is still the case. He also served as Chief Operating Officer and President for several other Lonza mistakes, including Custom Manufacturing, Biopharmaceuticals, TL Biopharmaceuticals and Performance Chemicals. Seems he can't hold position anywhere. Steve likes to think people admire him, but they just tend to laugh at him and his shitty "jokes" (come on guyz, I vuz joking) just so he doesn't explode and act like the true asshole he is underneath.

A proven sado-masochist in good standing, Dr. Kutzer brings to Alcami over 20 years of experience of blaming others for his lack of management ability, cut throat customer dealings and screwing up large contract services enterprises. He has yet to learn about current fashion trends.

Prior to Alcami, Dr. Kutzer was Chief Operating Officer of Lonza’s Pharma and Biotech division (just wow! huh?), part of the global chemicals and biotechnology company, Lonza Group. The site went under when he couldn't figure what kwality really meant, which is still the case. He also served as Chief Operating Officer and President for several other Lonza mistakes, including Custom Manufacturing, Biopharmaceuticals, TL Biopharmaceuticals and Performance Chemicals. Seems he can't hold position anywhere. Steve likes to think people admire him, but they just tend to laugh at him and his shitty "jokes" (come on guyz, I vuz joking) just so he doesn't explode and act like the true asshole he is underneath.
He my hero.

The analytical labs have a new goal. Seven day turn around time for chemistry assays and ten days for microbiology tests. arbeit macht frei. Woe unto those who can't meet this new metric. Do you think quality will suffer if everything is a rush?|07210b65-8647-4573-b10d-d46851d60a5e


7 day TAT, that is a great joke.

I left for Quality Chemical a while back. When I worked at AAI we could do that sort of rush testing if needed. But getting every project out in a 7 day period would not have been possible.

I doubt that Alcami has improved so much that they can do this. This is either a marketing lie or there is enough short term capacity to do this for some clients, the rest will be disappointed.

Regardless of the truth this will put even more pressure on the already stressed out laboratory staff.

will there be any lube this time? I am tired of management making promises that we have to try and keep and then we have to take it dry from the angry clients.
Rumor has it that HR is looking to hire a lot of meth heads who will work 18 hour shifts for nothing but a few baloney sandwiches and warm beer. And yes, they will take it dry up the ass because they really don't care anyway.

Rumor has it that HR is looking to hire a lot of meth heads who will work 18 hour shifts for nothing but a few baloney sandwiches and warm beer. And yes, they will take it dry up the ass because they really don't care anyway.
Oh yeah, and I believe they are being coached to post on Glassdoor lately.
You'd have to be on drugs to believe that shit. Or hankering for a baloney sandwich and a warm Hamm's beer.

Rumor has it that HR is looking to hire a lot of meth heads who will work 18 hour shifts for nothing but a few baloney sandwiches and warm beer. And yes, they will take it dry up the ass because they really don't care anyway.

Plus smoking crystal meth makes your teeth fall out, all the better for the parking lot incentives that the ELT enjoys so much. I think PBR is more in line for the labs, Hamms is too expensive.

Allslimy would foot the bill for Hamms. It's how they show they care. Rumor has it they are going to add another picnic table to the designated crack smoking areas. It's all about valuing your employees.

Ted is that you?
Yes, I am leading the French Army to Waterloo.
Steve is thinking we can sell this dump soon but we have to stay the course. His joking around just makes me think he is nervous. He looks like crap, hope he can hold it together. I am getting bored with Chad and Mr. Clean. They are snappy but keep repeating the same packaged crap. Wish Carson would quit with the same hand movements. Over and fucking over.
Potential buyers read these boards.

Yes, I am leading the French Army to Waterloo.
Steve is thinking we can sell this dump soon but we have to stay the course. His joking around just makes me think he is nervous. He looks like crap, hope he can hold it together. I am getting bored with Chad and Mr. Clean. They are snappy but keep repeating the same packaged crap. Wish Carson would quit with the same hand movements. Over and fucking over.
Potential buyers read these boards.
Put the brakes on that, Ted. Stee-fin said once the crackheads are trained (this can be done on double time apparently) we will have our numbers up in no time. So, shut that mouth.

Put the brakes on that, Ted. Stee-fin said once the crackheads are trained (this can be done on double time apparently) we will have our numbers up in no time. So, shut that mouth.
Do crackheads come with ChemE degrees, can they do project management or know anything about EH&S? We could use some of those.
Eight hours a day is all it takes.

Do crackheads come with ChemE degrees, can they do project management or know anything about EH&S? We could use some of those.
Eight hours a day is all it takes.
Had PTSD this morning even though it is a day off. My mind only knew it was Monday so that meant going back to allcrackyhead.
Let's get back to the barbecue and beer.