Complete Employee Disaster

I fully agree the staff is unhappy. I don't (directly) blame SK for that.

At the GT site level, most of us have almost zero interaction with anyone on the ELT. We deal daily with the site leaders, and over the last three years about 100 employees have left. (May be more). IMHO, all of that can be credited to one person....Patient Zero. If Ashley Madison wants to stem the rampant turnover, all they need to do is to do is a bit of detective work.

No sign yet this will happen. Keep that resume up to date.

You whiners are getting just what you deserve & obviously want. If you half a brain and any balls you would leave.

quit yer bitching.

SK hired the pack of fools managing this shit hole. That makes him responsible.

Some days I get tired of taking it dry with no reach around. We need some better management.

Could be worse. You could be the top dog manager at Germantown who was brought in, allegedly to fix things, but in reality to serve as the fall guy when the bottom drops too far. Can't feel too sorry for him, though. I believe his job description includes: Is willing to assume the proverbial role of the fourth person in the party, along with Spock, Kirk and McCoy, to explore the newly found planet in the search of life forms.

You could say the same about the rest of the sites. Get rid of the worst 3-4 of the bad manages at each site and things would improve a lot. How we can replace them with anyone decent is a different problem. All of the good staff left long ago and none would come back to allshitty for any amount of money.

You could call Fred, I bet he would take it on 561.847-2302 or toll free at 800.SCI.8711

The hemooraging continues unchecked in GT. Turnover rate is on track to highest in 3years.

Hows that management style working out for ya?

Dont think that high turnover is seen as a bad thing with the ass hats at germantown. I can see them thumping their chests belittling those weaklings who could not keep up with them

This is why sports coaches dont always make good managers. Players get a break called the off season. Employees are at it essentially year round.

Dont think that high turnover is seen as a bad thing with the ass hats at germantown. I can see them thumping their chests belittling those weaklings who could not keep up with them

This is why sports coaches dont always make good managers. Players get a break called the off season. Employees are at it essentially year round.
How do you think they make millions in G'town. When you run 25-30% under full staffing and kick the shit out of salaried personnel you make a lot of dough. Over 80% of charged costs are sallies and benefits.
Do the math.

We don't need FDS we have SK to have sex with the help. What we need it get rid of some of the biggest ass hats. Every site has two or three sycophants that could be fired and replace with someone who does some work.

Dont think that high turnover is seen as a bad thing with the ass hats at germantown. I can see them thumping their chests belittling those weaklings who could not keep up with them

This is why sports coaches dont always make good managers. Players get a break called the off season. Employees are at it essentially year round.
Heard an interesting rumor last Friday. Seems as though a couple of the experienced manufacturing techs have been approached by union reps in what sounds like a scouting expedition.

Sign me up.

We don't need FDS we have SK to have sex with the help. What we need it get rid of some of the biggest ass hats. Every site has two or three sycophants that could be fired and replace with someone who does some work.
Super Stephen Euro Stinky (yeah, use more cologne, that will work) isn't the only person diddling the help.

ELT, and to a lesser extent, the SLTs have suppressed talent for at least the three years I was at Camp Wonderful. They are more interested in telling you how great they are than in listening about how to run things more efficiently. Clash of the Titan Egos.

When you blow out numbers in G'town because you can't keep good talent, well, that points the way, doesn't it?

Bad things on the horizon.

When you blow out numbers in G'town because you can't keep good talent, well, that points the way, doesn't it?

Bad things on the horizon.

Bad things on the horizon? Why, if I read the review properly, "We have the right people and leadership now...." which makes Alshitty at 4 star company. Shouldn't there only be good on the horizon??

(Granted, the leadership is the same, and the employees are all new because everyone else left. But that's a minor detail.

And didn't we hear that same line about 1.5 years ago? Management handed out a deck of Alcami-logo playing cards. I can't recall the exact message (have the right players? have the right cards to play a good hand?), but the message was that "now" we got rid of the dead weight and have the right team. That was 75% turnover ago.

Perhaps the message should have been this. Here's a deck of cards. Replace these with new cards, except for the jokers at the top. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Bad things on the horizon? Why, if I read the review properly, "We have the right people and leadership now...." which makes Alshitty at 4 star company. Shouldn't there only be good on the horizon??

(Granted, the leadership is the same, and the employees are all new because everyone else left. But that's a minor detail.

And didn't we hear that same line about 1.5 years ago? Management handed out a deck of Alcami-logo playing cards. I can't recall the exact message (have the right players? have the right cards to play a good hand?), but the message was that "now" we got rid of the dead weight and have the right team. That was 75% turnover ago.

Perhaps the message should have been this. Here's a deck of cards. Replace these with new cards, except for the jokers at the top. Lather, rinse, repeat.

How long will it take Madison Dearborn Partners to do something about this shithole they own. They sent bean counters now what?
Depends on what you mean by “something.”

Fire those responsible for driving the business to failure? Not soon enough.

Sell the dump to the next sucker? That will take a while.

Lock the doors and toss the key? Dont know....that is FDAs decision

Depends on what you mean by “something.”

Fire those responsible for driving the business to failure? Not soon enough.

Sell the dump to the next sucker? That will take a while.

Lock the doors and toss the key? Dont know....that is FDAs decision
FDA and customers. Allshitty can dance no more, all the good choreographers have left. There is no one left, except those brilliant minds at the top, to try to bullshit their way through.

Good quality management left Germantown many times over the years. Apparently they were sane, too.