Complete Employee Disaster

PW is the one who did the Germantown deal. His main motivation for that deal was that his golden parachute kicked in and so he took his money and ran. He has done the same thing (execute a deal/merger for a payday) since he left AAI. Smart business for him. Too bad the interests of the company and staff were a much lower priority than personal gain.

SK came later and made life miserable for all the peons that were left after the merger.

Living the dream.

Too bad Qasem Soleimani got splattered, he would fit right in as CEO. I am confident that the owners will find another miserable a-hole to run the place.


Three down. One to go.
Here, kitty kitty
5 positions. Now only 2 originals remain.
The financial guy seemed arrogant, but it may just be he was shy, focused or it was just me. No need to jettison him.

That leaves doucheous maximus. How this pompous prick has survived the new owners is beyond me.

And I hope he take ls his ‘boy wonder’ when marched out.

Bitter? A bit. Not just for me. For all of us who had to deal with this

5 positions. Now only 2 originals remain.
The financial guy seemed arrogant, but it may just be he was shy, focused or it was just me. No need to jettison him.

That leaves doucheous maximus. How this pompous prick has survived the new owners is beyond me.

And I hope he take ls his ‘boy wonder’ when marched out.

Bitter? A bit. Not just for me. For all of us who had to deal with this

Who dat?

ever have a really foul smell in the refrigerator? You throw out something you think is the culprit, but the stench remains. So you throw out the next item, and then another and another. And yet the stench lingers.

why? Simply put, the stinker is still there.

so to answer your question with a question, when did alsmelly start having a 20-50% turnover rate? As long as those people remain, keep a big stash of baking soda.

They are all bad...why try to single out the one that stinks the most? The smell of death is on each of them, they have killed this company.

And when they are gone some other third rate POS will be hired.


Want to see a real CRO? PPDI is up $5 since the IPO

Ted and Syed were two of the worst people I've ever had to deal with in my life. Just awful human beings. Scum. I hope all the bad things in life happen to them and only them. I worked in Talent Acquisition and I unfortunately had to go to the Wilmington ELT room quite a lot to discuss candidates and debrief on their interviews. Ted wouldn't have a clue what his own org chart was but would still yell at people when he didn't understand things, and Syed would hold the pettiest grudges against anybody, even non-exempt hourly employees. It was sickening. And they had spies everywhere and only wanted to hear what they wanted to hear.

I refused to use the term "Leadership" because they weren't leaders. They didn't know how to lead. They would just threaten to outsource our jobs if we didn't produce (which they eventually did) but that never made you want to work harder for them (hell, I was already working ~60 hours a week anyway and made all my hires on my own without spending company money on headhunters) - you just kept doing your job IN SPITE of them. They were clueless how to motivate people, no idea how to build high-functioning teams.

When Carson first arrived, he came in and wanted everybody in HR to read this book called "Change the Culture, Change the Game." It was actually encouraging, we had such high hopes for him. I remember as an example in the book, the author talked about how in a positive corporate environment, employees should be excited to get included in a meeting with leadership. In an environment with a toxic culture (well hey there Alcami!) employees dread meeting with leadership. NOBODY wanted to go to the Alcami ELT room. It sucked. And they couldn't understand why we had trouble filling seats. Well, it's pretty simple guys.... because in this day and age if you disenfranchise people, it gets out. EVERY single candidate was asking "Why am I reading such awful things about the leadership team?" Then you point outside and say "Hey, you see MLK Parkway there? 10 minutes on it and you're at the beach! Isn't that cool!?"

I now have my own business with 10 employees. I regularly cook for them on the grill. I grab a broom and sweep if I see something on the floor. If the phone rings or a register isn't manned, I'll hop on it. Basically I do everything OPPOSITE from what the ELT did - I lead here by example - and we actually have fun. We genuinely care about each other and are a family. So, I guess at least I can thank Ted, Syed, and the whole gang of A$$-Hats for teaching me how NOT to run a business.
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Ted and Syed were two of the worst people I've ever had to deal with in my life. Just awful human beings. Scum. I hope all the bad things in life happen to them and only them. I worked in Talent Acquisition and I unfortunately had to go to the Wilmington ELT room quite a lot to discuss candidates and debrief on their interviews. Ted wouldn't have a clue what his own org chart was but would still yell at people when he didn't understand things, and Syed would hold the pettiest grudges against anybody, even non-exempt hourly employees. It was sickening. And they had spies everywhere and only wanted to hear what they wanted to hear.

I refused to use the term "Leadership" because they weren't leaders. They didn't know how to lead. They would just threaten to outsource our jobs if we didn't produce (which they eventually did) but that never made you want to work harder for them (hell, I was already working ~60 hours a week anyway and made all my hires on my own without spending company money on headhunters) - you just kept doing your job IN SPITE of them. They were clueless how to motivate people, no idea how to build high-functioning teams.

When Carson first arrived, he came in and wanted everybody in HR to read this book called "Change the Culture, Change the Game." It was actually encouraging, we had such high hopes for him. I remember as an example in the book, the author talked about how in a positive corporate environment, employees should be excited to get included in a meeting with leadership. In an environment with a toxic culture (well hey there Alcami!) employees dread meeting with leadership. NOBODY wanted to go to the Alcami ELT room. It sucked. And they couldn't understand why we had trouble filling seats. Well, it's pretty simple guys.... because in this day and age if you disenfranchise people, it gets out. EVERY single candidate was asking "Why am I reading such awful things about the leadership team?" Then you point outside and say "Hey, you see MLK Parkway there? 10 minutes on it and you're at the beach! Isn't that cool!?"

I now have my own business with 10 employees. I regularly cook for them on the grill. I grab a broom and sweep if I see something on the floor. If the phone rings or a register isn't manned, I'll hop on it. Basically I do everything OPPOSITE from what the ELT did - I lead here by example - and we actually have fun. We genuinely care about each other and are a family. So, I guess at least I can thank Ted, Syed, and the whole gang of A$$-Hats for teaching me how NOT to run a business.

Also, from being in HR, I can confirm that the ELT 100% would change people's performance reviews if they had a personal beef with an employee, despite how that employee's manager reviewed him or her (I give Brian Dillion huge props for apparently resigning in protest of that practice). Then again, Alcami did run at a loss of like $1,000,000 in 2016 so its not like there was profit to actually be shared. I know that figure because I had to get it from Burton when we wanted to sponsor a federal Visa application for a foreign national we wanted to hire. I asked him "Wait, that's a MINUS sign there!?" "Yep" he said "we lost a million last year."
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  • fakeq   Feb 12, 2020 at 08:20: PM
Also, from being in HR, I can confirm that the ELT 100% would change people's performance reviews if they had a personal beef with an employee, despite how that employee's manager reviewed him or her (I give Brian Dillion huge props for apparently resigning in protest of that practice). Then again, Alcami did run at a loss of like $1,000,000 in 2016 so its not like there was profit to actually be shared. I know that figure because I had to get it from Burton when we wanted to sponsor a federal Visa application for a foreign national we wanted to hire. I asked him "Wait, that's a MINUS sign there!?" "Yep" he said "we lost a million last year."

Well stated. If it means anything, the toxic behavior trickled down to the plant level dictatorship at GT. We got exposed to the same corruption...only by rank amateurs.

Lauber still shows up as being part of the team.....if you believe the allcrappy web site then he is still there.

BOHICA those of you who remain. A new fool will soon arrive to continue the excellence, enjoy

How is the testing boom at all-crappy going?

Still cashing in on the gene therapy and Covid-19 vaccine boom? Oh, wait.....All Crappy doesn't do that sort of work because PW screwed up the biotech business.

Maybe you can get some small molecule work? That is if Quality Chem does not beat you to it

Ted and Syed were two of the worst people I've ever had to deal with in my life. Just awful human beings. Scum. I hope all the bad things in life happen to them and only them. I worked in Talent Acquisition and I unfortunately had to go to the Wilmington ELT room quite a lot to discuss candidates and debrief on their interviews. Ted wouldn't have a clue what his own org chart was but would still yell at people when he didn't understand things, and Syed would hold the pettiest grudges against anybody, even non-exempt hourly employees. It was sickening. And they had spies everywhere and only wanted to hear what they wanted to hear.

I refused to use the term "Leadership" because they weren't leaders. They didn't know how to lead. They would just threaten to outsource our jobs if we didn't produce (which they eventually did) but that never made you want to work harder for them (hell, I was already working ~60 hours a week anyway and made all my hires on my own without spending company money on headhunters) - you just kept doing your job IN SPITE of them. They were clueless how to motivate people, no idea how to build high-functioning teams.

When Carson first arrived, he came in and wanted everybody in HR to read this book called "Change the Culture, Change the Game." It was actually encouraging, we had such high hopes for him. I remember as an example in the book, the author talked about how in a positive corporate environment, employees should be excited to get included in a meeting with leadership. In an environment with a toxic culture (well hey there Alcami!) employees dread meeting with leadership. NOBODY wanted to go to the Alcami ELT room. It sucked. And they couldn't understand why we had trouble filling seats. Well, it's pretty simple guys.... because in this day and age if you disenfranchise people, it gets out. EVERY single candidate was asking "Why am I reading such awful things about the leadership team?" Then you point outside and say "Hey, you see MLK Parkway there? 10 minutes on it and you're at the beach! Isn't that cool!?"

I now have my own business with 10 employees. I regularly cook for them on the grill. I grab a broom and sweep if I see something on the floor. If the phone rings or a register isn't manned, I'll hop on it. Basically I do everything OPPOSITE from what the ELT did - I lead here by example - and we actually have fun. We genuinely care about each other and are a family. So, I guess at least I can thank Ted, Syed, and the whole gang of A$$-Hats for teaching me how NOT to run a business.
Carson assumed the role as another high ranking asshole quickly enough. His motivational talks to Quality in GT were the worst. Total dick.
So, Adam is the only asshole left? I forget the guy's name in Finance, the corporate guy was a good egg for the most part. The GT site Finance guy who left in early 2018 was a really good guy, covered up a lot of Adam the Human Torch's mistakes on the ledger. Or at least gave him good talking points when hauled before the Star Chamber.
There was life after AllCrappy, but the PTSD still lingers.