Complete Employee Disaster

People get to the top one of two ways. Those above pull them up or the employees below push them. Alcami was my third job. The first two were run by leaders we respected. Same with my current job.

Alcami employees, especially recent grads: you can find much better. Trust me. It is a toxic environment and, with the strong market we have now, you need not subject yourself to the abuse.

Alcami employees, especially recent grads: you can find much better. Trust me. It is a toxic environment and, with the strong market we have now, you need not subject yourself to the abuse.

Too true. No need to take the abuse if you are not locked into Wilmington, Germantown.....and who the hell would live in St. Louis?

This, of course, is cyclical. In the month since this was posted there has been a moderate increase in resume postings. Like the calm before a storm....hold on to your britches. Another wave of departures is on the horizon
Whenever I get feeling too positive about things, I think of my time at the gulog on G'town. It brings me back to earth and centers me.
Thank you, Alcami!

Whenever I get feeling too positive about things, I think of my time at the gulog on G'town. It brings me back to earth and centers me.
Thank you, Alcami!
I am a G’town flunky. Just over 2 years since I cried uncle.

I have to ask. Does the morning sunrise meeting still exist? Talk about humiliating!! Micromanagement barely touches it.

Perhaps worse, the metrics meeting. Designed to stroke the egos of those in SLT. Can i get you a cup of tea, sir?

Yep, taking it dry and no reach around. Same old same old.
Latest GD post referenced the GT RTO. Another “minor issue”like they had a couple years ago? I just started a few months before. They got it running fast. I tried to avoid walking anywhere near it after that. At some point, a paycheck just aint enough.

Latest GD post referenced the GT RTO. Another “minor issue”like they had a couple years ago? I just started a few months before. They got it running fast. I tried to avoid walking anywhere near it after that. At some point, a paycheck just aint enough.

These "minor" issues are actually cGMP violations.

How does wearing an orange jumpsuit suit you? How do you feel about killing someone? Do you sleep OK knowing that you cut corners to get product out????

We can"t spell qwality with out U.....


These "minor" issues are actually cGMP violations.

How does wearing an orange jumpsuit suit you? How do you feel about killing someone? Do you sleep OK knowing that you cut corners to get product out????

We can"t spell qwality with out U.....

So why would the minor issues be a cGMP violation? It seems to me that it would be a requirement. Or does it stand now for something other than carcinogenic Giant Metallic Projectiles?

Good questions, but dont expect answers from those who should answer. (The answers would be:
Not good, orange doesnt match my socks
Would it affect my bonus? -or- yes it would (Yeah, thats the ticket!)
Sleep ok? I sleep great. Shortcuts got me to where i am. And so far, no one has been killed.

Qwality may be your motto. At SLT the motto is

You wont endure your career rectal exam without I.

So why would the minor issues be a cGMP violation? It seems to me that it would be a requirement. Or does it stand now for something other than carcinogenic Giant Metallic Projectiles?

Good questions, but dont expect answers from those who should answer. (The answers would be:
Not good, orange doesnt match my socks
Would it affect my bonus? -or- yes it would (Yeah, thats the ticket!)
Sleep ok? I sleep great. Shortcuts got me to where i am. And so far, no one has been killed.

Qwality may be your motto. At SLT the motto is

You wont endure your career rectal exam without I.

This place is toxic. Literally and figuratively. Get out while you are still healthy.


I find it interesting that two consecutive glassdoor reviews make reference to the rto. I heard it was a doozy of a deflagration but cant bring myself to make the 20 minute drive back to germantown just to see the carnage.

I have seen at this website several references to what happens when decisions are made to take shortcuts in order to boost production. For the newbies who still drink the SLT kool-aid: The rto is a very visible answer to that question. Very obvious. But remember, the shortcuts, delayed maintenance, overstressing of the system, rigorous evaluation of raw materials, etc that led to the rto issueS (yes, plural) are the same shortcuts applied to, say, the fume control systems in the labs. The difference? You cant always detect when there is an issue if you cant smell the chemical. Think CO or olfactory fatigue.

Is the risk worth it?

So Ashley Madison will get a dollar instead of two dollars.

The business is not worth much. Old equipment, worn out people and a piss poor reputation.

Whomever buys it will repeat the cycle of not investing in the business and squeezing every cent out of the workers. You will long for the day when HR come to your desk with a box so you can pack up your stuff.