Complete Employee Disaster

Quit and sue the bastards...or better yet do a personal injury lawsuit.

That does not pay the rent. For those of us that need a job, where allcrappy is the only job around, that is not a solution. What would be better is if management would act like responsible humans instead of aholes who only care about covering their mistakes money.

Hard to believe it's been over a year for me. Tells you something when it has faded so fast. What a horrible company, what a horrible experience.
The best phrase I have seen is that it was just plain soul sucking. Honestly cannot understand how the SLT and ELT could treat people so poorly, and then turn around and expect them to work their tails off. And the lies, they were everywhere, nonstop, even between the upper echelons of "leader"ship. And you were expected to lie to customers.
Good riddance.

That does not pay the rent. For those of us that need a job, where allcrappy is the only job around, that is not a solution. What would be better is if management would act like responsible humans instead of aholes who only care about covering their mistakes money.

It's in your best interest to realize that the "what would be better" scenario you are looking for is a non-starter. Those at the top care only about the money; those near the top care only about getting to the top.

It's like a professional football player versus a college football player. The pro has all the money and fame. But it's the college kid who wants that mega paycheck, and so they'll do whatever it takes to make it to the pros. That explains the behavior of the dynamic duo at germantown. The VP wants to play in the big kids sandbox, and so he behaves as those above: belittling, power hungry, all around douchebag. His right handjob man does what he does to impress the VP and others above. The business and financial goals do get met,,which makes the pros richer, but at the expense of employee health and safety, and also product quality. (I could give a rats ass if the customer is happy or not; that won't a patient or employee. I really hope everyone at the floor level realizes that the hours they work and shortcuts they take are all so that the bosses can get what they want, and not some perverted belief that it's to help out the customer.

Just my opinion. But what do I know. I must be one of those Wilmington wimps.

Those at the top put together this fantastic onboarding video about the sheer wonderfulness of what the company does, and how it benefits mankind as a whole. When I watched it for the first time there were tears in my eyes, (yes! I was crying tears of joy!) as I contemplated how much I had been blessed to receive an offer of employment in Germantown. All those men, pillars of science and quality really, there on the screen explaining to me how their work, our work, would positively impact the world. It is so awe inspiring to think of the countless people we have helped, lives we have saved, in executing our duties in that little site just outside of Milwaukee.

Goosebumps people, goosebumps.

Those at the top put together this fantastic onboarding video about the sheer wonderfulness of what the company does, and how it benefits mankind as a whole. When I watched it for the first time there were tears in my eyes, (yes! I was crying tears of joy!) as I contemplated how much I had been blessed to receive an offer of employment in Germantown. All those men, pillars of science and quality really, there on the screen explaining to me how their work, our work, would positively impact the world. It is so awe inspiring to think of the countless people we have helped, lives we have saved, in executing our duties in that little site just outside of Milwaukee.

Goosebumps people, goosebumps.

Those aren't tears of joy. It's blepharochalasis, resulting from inhalation of chemical fumes and subsequent irritation of the eyelids. And those aren't goosebumps. It's contact dermatitis caused by irritation of the your stratum corneum, a condition arising from chemical fume exposure.

Site leadership values their career more than your health, and as such has little motivation to incur costly maintenance repairs or (even worse!) production delays when fume-control and other health/safety equipment fails to meet necessary performance standards.

I wouldn't worry about all those fumes you smell in the hallways, the fires, and other "easily detectable" conditions that have become commonplace and acceptable. I'd be worried about those conditions not as detectable. Just because you can't smell it doesn't mean it's not there and having some ill effect......

One more thing. That nauseous feeling you got when watching the onboarding video....yeah, that really was the video.

Never, ever, going back to Germantown.

And when I think about it, I cannot name a single person I worked with that left that didn't feel the same. Not a single one.

So the rah-rah, HR letters driven by the ELT have taken to lying. Color me shocked, not.

Same here, never ever going back to the 23rd street shithole in Wilmington NC. Lots of better places in RTP,more money and less aholes in management.

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you are not in Wisconsin. It is the worst here.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Hopefully you enjoyed your day.

I want to take some time to say how thankful I am that I am no longer at Alcami. Approaching my 1 year anniversary of telling HR my plans to pursue employment elsewhere. This Thanksgiving has been the best in the last 3 years...I believe the reason why is obvious.

I am also thankful that the vast majority of the friends I made there are also gone. Not surprising, what with about an 80% turnover in the last few years. Sending positive vibes of "hang in there" to the quaint few friends remaining (they are there not by choice, but because home obligations prevent them from finding other jobs. So far.).

I will try to walk off my over indulgence today over the next two days, but have decided to hit RBG for Bloody Mary Sunday. Hope to see you there.

Fight the weather, fight the timelines, fight your management.

What a gray day.

This is hurting my Christmas with my family. I try to shake it but it ALWAYS sits there like a 800 pond grinch. The SLT and ELT pretend to be part of the season but it is so superficial. They will screw anyone to get what they want, no matter the season.

Must be close to the time when performance evaluations get done. Something to look forward to, followed by no bonus.

90% will be told they are mediocre (“meeting expectations”). About 80% of them will be told they were thiiiiiiiis close to being rated as exceeding and will probably get that rating next year if only they put in a bit more effort.

Probably sounds far fetched, no?

I was in GT. Trust me. Thats straight from the playbook when you have a big group so new. Big carrots. In one year from now its the stick.

No new glassdoor posts in quite some time.

Must i accept the possibility that the executive and site leaddipshit teams actually got the message and have made things good there???

No new glassdoor posts in quite some time.

Must i accept the possibility that the executive and site leaddipshit teams actually got the message and have made things good there???
Naw, there is a limit and we are getting close. There are a few rah-rah players here but that is fading as they get shit on by the SLT.
Give it a 4-6 month induction period, it will start up in the spring, when the rivers thaw and the trout starts jumping!

90% will be told they are mediocre (“meeting expectations”). About 80% of them will be told they were thiiiiiiiis close to being rated as exceeding and will probably get that rating next year if only they put in a bit more effort.

Probably sounds far fetched, no?

I was in GT. Trust me. Thats straight from the playbook when you have a big group so new. Big carrots. In one year from now its the stick.

When I was there they tried to spin it that "meets expectations" was a good rating. I worked there for over 15 years and I NEVER got a bonus. We did get stock when it was AAI and AAI was a public company but then they went bankrupt and the stock was under water and worthless. Things turned really bad when PW showed up. He commoditized the business, focused on small molecule and merged with GT. When he cased in his golden parachute SK came along with his own pack of liars and fools and that was the time me to say adios pendejos. Can't say that I miss the a-holes but there were a lot of good folks that I worked with. Most of them have also left.