Complete Employee Disaster

Honestly cannot understand how the SLT and ELT could treat people so poorly, .

To this bunch, it's called sport.

What I can't understand is how anyone could stay a customer. I would guess it takes more effort to try to avoid seeing all the problems and deficiencies at Allshitty than it does to find them.

I can only guess they don't want to know what is going on.
Welcome to Ostrichville

Customers are desperate, capacity is tight. Allshitty promises and then does not deliver on time or on budget; and with low quality. The next fool comes along and gets the same substandard service, they don't have a choice because Eurofins (lancaster/ABC), PPD, Catalent, Covance etc are booked out for 1-2 quarters. It is a choice of waiting or using a third rate lab. You get what you pay for. The people who work at Allclammy are just as unhappy as the clients.

Customers are desperate, capacity is tight. Allshitty promises and then does not deliver on time or on budget; and with low quality. The next fool comes along and gets the same substandard service, they don't have a choice because Eurofins (lancaster/ABC), PPD, Catalent, Covance etc are booked out for 1-2 quarters. It is a choice of waiting or using a third rate lab. You get what you pay for. The people who work at Allclammy are just as unhappy as the clients.
Went with Eurofins for a recent lab proposition we had, they have a very professional PhD who did a great job with outlining their capabilities. And since I had worked at AllShitty it made the decision even easier. I feel bad for their customer rep, she did a good job but I know what is behind the words.
The contractors who use AllShitty constantly ride people at the site and you really can't blame them. They have to make money too. And AllShitty site management rides the same people but disappears when customers demand accountability. No wonder they go through project managers like crazy. You have to be insane to be a project manager/customer rep at AllShitty. Hell on earth.

Went with Eurofins for a recent lab proposition we had, they have a very professional PhD who did a great job with outlining their capabilities. And since I had worked at AllShitty it made the decision even easier. I feel bad for their customer rep, she did a good job but I know what is behind the words.
The contractors who use AllShitty constantly ride people at the site and you really can't blame them. They have to make money too. And AllShitty site management rides the same people but disappears when customers demand accountability. No wonder they go through project managers like crazy. You have to be insane to be a project manager/customer rep at AllShitty. Hell on earth.

AllShitty goes through employees like crazy in ALL departments. The only ones that dont leave, at least at GT, are the SLT.

As such, well, reread first sentence.

Forgot to add this before hitting send....

Tomorrow its back to work. So today i started with bloody marys (wont say how many, haha), grilled some J’ville brats, watched the Pack (erg!!!) and now the Brew Crew. 4-0 at this moment.

Great day! No knot in stomach.

Yes, I am ex-AllShitty. Life is good.

Did my duty again this week. Now up to five have been saved. Maybe more if they spread the word.

Steered another engineer and senior quality person away from responding to the ads for Alcami. Asked them to read these pages in addition to Glassdoor. Followed up with a Q&A session in my office. Pretty straightforward. Funny how the hardest part is to show them how a "professionally" run company can just be plain horrible. They could also spot the responses on the site put there by the geniuses from HR and the ELT.

I asked that they warn off anyone even considering AllShitty based on Glassdoor alone.

Did my duty again this week. Now up to five have been saved. Maybe more if they spread the word.

Steered another engineer and senior quality person away from responding to the ads for Alcami. Asked them to read these pages in addition to Glassdoor. Followed up with a Q&A session in my office. Pretty straightforward. Funny how the hardest part is to show them how a "professionally" run company can just be plain horrible. They could also spot the responses on the site put there by the geniuses from HR and the ELT.

I asked that they warn off anyone even considering AllShitty based on Glassdoor alone.

I still feel sorry for the suckers who walk into that mess. I fell sorry for the allcrappy staff and for the customers; both who end up getting screwed. On the plus side I am free and much better off.

I still feel sorry for the suckers who walk into that mess. I fell sorry for the allcrappy staff and for the customers; both who end up getting screwed. On the plus side I am free and much better off.

Lucky you!! I hope to be free by the end of the year.

Got a laugh out of the most recent Glassdoor post. A message to who ever it is that posted it: nice try, but we see through your fake posts. This one was a bit more realistic than the one you over-wrote. You know, the one that was "awesome!" The mistake you made was that 'real" employees don't say things like "we have made a huge difference in the culture here." That's how the SLT talks. What we would say, if it were true, is "things are getting better here."

Helpful hint: truly change the culture here so this place isn't so toxic, and all of us will be writing sincerely just how things have improved.

Lucky you!! I hope to be free by the end of the year.

Got a laugh out of the most recent Glassdoor post. A message to who ever it is that posted it: nice try, but we see through your fake posts. This one was a bit more realistic than the one you over-wrote. You know, the one that was "awesome!" The mistake you made was that 'real" employees don't say things like "we have made a huge difference in the culture here." That's how the SLT talks. What we would say, if it were true, is "things are getting better here."

Helpful hint: truly change the culture here so this place isn't so toxic, and all of us will be writing sincerely just how things have improved.

I read that review. As an exAlcamite, I too agree that it sounded phony. Interesting that they wrote that they were hiring back --> quite a few <-- people who left for greener grass.

An open question to current GT employees: just how many former employees have been rehired this year?

If it's 4 or more, then yeah, that is quite a few, and it's possible that SLT or ELT finally got the message and made some changes. If it's 3 or less....sounds like propagandia.

Never, ever, going back to Germantown.

And when I think about it, I cannot name a single person I worked with that left that didn't feel the same. Not a single one.

So the rah-rah, HR letters driven by the ELT have taken to lying. Color me shocked, not.

Never, ever, going back to Germantown.

And when I think about it, I cannot name a single person I worked with that left that didn't feel the same. Not a single one.

So the rah-rah, HR letters driven by the ELT have taken to lying. Color me shocked, not.

No one who has left allcrappy, from any site, wants to go back. The lower pay and higher levels of abuse prevent anyone from returning unless they are left with no other options. There are a few losers who do come back, but they are the the dregs, alcoholics, mentally ill and world class know it all a-holes who can't find work anywhere except allcrappy. And "surprise surprise" allcrappy takes them back, because they are willing to take any warm body that is dumb enough to sign on.

Have to wonder who is left? Germantown Koowality and Retched & Disaster, these key areas have been a revolving door outward since the start of 2017. People left and their duties were absorbed by those around them. More through less.

Our customers have to shake their heads watching AllShitty burn though professional and technical staff. Project manager hell. Zero leadership from site and corporate.

What a turd the HR guy turned out to be. All talk and an occasional bagel.

Here comes winter.

Have to wonder who is left? Germantown Koowality and Retched & Disaster, these key areas have been a revolving door outward since the start of 2017. People left and their duties were absorbed by those around them. More through less.

Our customers have to shake their heads watching AllShitty burn though professional and technical staff. Project manager hell. Zero leadership from site and corporate.

What a turd the HR guy turned out to be. All talk and an occasional bagel.

Here comes winter.

Duties do get absorbed by those that remain, and I know this is obvious but it is worth repeating.

The people left are incapable of doing the work they inherited. Not a comment on their competency, but rather the fact that there just aren't enough hours in a day. Sure, they work unreasonable hours, but they don't and can't work the hours needed to do all that work. At least, not do the work "properly." So naturally, they do the work of many by taking shortcuts. I know, call me Captain Obvious, but I can't help but wonder why customers don't ask the questions that should be asked. I just don't get it.

By the way, it's not winter. Another rupture disk blew and spewed white powder all over. Be sure to hold your breath on the way to Grant Drive.

Duties do get absorbed by those that remain, and I know this is obvious but it is worth repeating.

The people left are incapable of doing the work they inherited. Not a comment on their competency, but rather the fact that there just aren't enough hours in a day. Sure, they work unreasonable hours, but they don't and can't work the hours needed to do all that work. At least, not do the work "properly." So naturally, they do the work of many by taking shortcuts. I know, call me Captain Obvious, but I can't help but wonder why customers don't ask the questions that should be asked. I just don't get it.

By the way, it's not winter. Another rupture disk blew and spewed white powder all over. Be sure to hold your breath on the way to Grant Drive.
Customers do notice, at least the half dozen or so that I interfaced with when I was there. The ones that do not totally comprehend dial up Lachman for a carpet bombing session and try to squeeze what they need out of Germantown. More pressure on a totally maxed out situation. From the plant to the lab.
The ones that do understand, but cannot quite comprehend the really crappy level of service they contracted for, probably just pray.
They gave away a lot of talent. Assholes.

He is NOT asleep.

He has been silenced by those above.

Its just that simple.

You should let corporate safety know about your concerns for the health and welfare of the workers in Germantown.

While you are waiting for them to fill your left hand with the SOP(s) and paperwork associated with this issue you can take a shit on your right hand. Let us know which hand fills up first.

Let me echo what HR will say "Thank you for your suggestion and concerns" ....(or as the pagans would say "ARGO")

EHS, do you have a copy? EHS, do you have a copy?? Is anyone here in EHS??? Can someone in Grant Drive please wake up SD?!?

Got to say this irritates me. I think I know where this is coming from.

I envision that whoever wrote this has got to be a 0 to 6 month employee. Only someone that naive would believe that the responsibility of EHS is to tend to safety of the employee, or to protect the environment. Listen up, Bucko, the role of EHS is to protect the site management when they make decisions that either result in a safety risk, a safety situation (hint: how many fires have we had this year??), pollute the environment, etc.

Someone gets hurt following direction from those above? EHS will be there to assign blame to the worker and take the heat off the bosses.

Fumes from the process permeate the hallways and office space? EHS will find a way to cover...the smell isn't "that" bad, ya know.

Gets old. Fast. No wonder they burn out.

It's easy to sit back and say "if I was in that role, I'd do a better job by...." Well, how about this. Try saying that when you've got one kid in college and two more in the wings; when you've got 260 payments left on your home mortgage. When the boss says to do something, with the clear implication that if you don't you'll be walking the unemployment line, you do it. It's that sort of threat that pollutes that entire site.

Look around. Notice how everyone with more than a half year in has that look of total despair and deflation? That's why. I've seen that look before on magazine covers from the '40s.

Germantown? Shoot. I plan to call it Germancamp.

You nailed it

"....the role of EHS is to protect the site management "

And don't forget

"....the role of HR is to protect the company and site management"

You can however turn to the state.....too bad Walker gutted them

You nailed it

"....the role of EHS is to protect the site management "

And don't forget

"....the role of HR is to protect the company and site management"

You can however turn to the state.....too bad Walker gutted them

Government isn't the answer.

Bosses can do whatever they want, that's fine who cares. But when they do things and then make us the scapegoat? And then have the other bosses fall in line and protect each other? We get picked off one at a time. ,

That is why unions exist. I'm not a big fan, but its looking more and more likely. If that is what it takes to stop the madness., and put us on a level playing field, where can I sign up?