Company Culture

I hate it here and so do most of my team mates. It was so promising and I had high hopes. Coming back from the NSM we were all deflated. This should be an energizing time. Instead, we feel like this is as good as it gets. And this isn’t very good.

Absolutely spot on! I have been trying to stay positive and keep an open mind about Intra. However, the NSM revealed all I need to know about my future here. This is clearly not a company to grow with or to stay long term. I feel like I was duped into coming here with false promises of helping to build a culture. Upper management does not care about its sales employees at all. We are nothing more than warm bodies to help drive up the stock price so they can line their pockets.

Absolutely spot on! I have been trying to stay positive and keep an open mind about Intra. However, the NSM revealed all I need to know about my future here. This is clearly not a company to grow with or to stay long term. I feel like I was duped into coming here with false promises of helping to build a culture. Upper management does not care about its sales employees at all. We are nothing more than warm bodies to help drive up the stock price so they can line their pockets.
SPOT ON. That is the case or its absolute ineptitude in knowing how to build a culture in the 21st century by upper management. Our CEO (whom NONE of us has seen in person and has only once communicated to us live via Zoom) doesn’t even make a 10 minute appearance at our FIRST EVER in person POA!?!?!? That said it ALL to me. I’m out.

Absolutely spot on! I have been trying to stay positive and keep an open mind about Intra. However, the NSM revealed all I need to know about my future here. This is clearly not a company to grow with or to stay long term. I feel like I was duped into coming here with false promises of helping to build a culture. Upper management does not care about its sales employees at all. We are nothing more than warm bodies to help drive up the stock price so they can line their pockets.

First ever live meeting together as a company. What did we do to celebrate the kickoff of ITCI?


My manager (west) told me ITCI would be her last company in pharma. She left!

ITCI will suck the life out of you. Look at this place and a short term gig. After you’ve been laid off from your last pharma gig, land on your feet at ITCI at one of the many revolving job openings. Then take the time here to continue your job search and move on quickly!

ITCI will suck the life out of you. Look at this place and a short term gig. After you’ve been laid off from your last pharma gig, land on your feet at ITCI at one of the many revolving job openings. Then take the time here to continue your job search and move on quickly!

Really depends on your manager and the area director. We’re pretty happy in south central area. I have friends in other areas who are miserable. It’s like we work at two different companies.

No one in their right mind can survive this s&@!?t hole of a company!!! Yes, ITCI sucks the life out of as someone already, run don't look back, $$$ is not everything

I really appreciate messages from George and Sharon wishing us a merry Christmas and still refusing to give up the week between Christmas and New Years off. Every other company in this space gives that week off. We live and die by all the big pharma KPI metrics. Why not give us those big pharma perks as a well?

I really appreciate messages from George and Sharon wishing us a merry Christmas and still refusing to give up the week between Christmas and New Years off. Every other company in this space gives that week off. We live and die by all the big pharma KPI metrics. Why not give us those big pharma perks as a well?

While everyone else is sitting at home that week drinking wine and enjoying family time, it’s your time to shine baby! If you’re in the bottom 20%, you have those three days to pull yourself out while raising stock share for George and Sharon. Now get out there and sell Bob Cratchit!

I really appreciate messages from George and Sharon wishing us a merry Christmas and still refusing to give up the week between Christmas and New Years off. Every other company in this space gives that week off. We live and die by all the big pharma KPI metrics. Why not give us those big pharma perks as a well?

Vacation policy here sucks.

I really appreciate messages from George and Sharon wishing us a merry Christmas and still refusing to give up the week between Christmas and New Years off. Every other company in this space gives that week off. We live and die by all the big pharma KPI metrics. Why not give us those big pharma perks as a well?
Abbvie and Pfizer work that week. STFU

Abbvie and Pfizer work that week. STFU

Merck, AZ, Takeda, Novartis, Gilead, Genentech, BMS, Horizon, Sanofi and almost every other pharma give that week off. If ITCI wants to stay open during a week of the year when nobody is working and nothing gets done, then give us four weeks instead of three and we can take the last week of the year on our own. Our PTO is stingy. You STFU.

Honestly, it’s pretty bad out here in the west.
Could not agree more. Gregosaurus Rex is still out here running the West like it’s the golden days of Pharma. He ran off, yet another, manager and now the only ones left are the ones who agree with his Paleolithic management style. Waiting for my stock to vest for this year and I’m out too. I hope the stock prices goes up, or what a waste of 3 years

Could not agree more. Gregosaurus Rex is still out here running the West like it’s the golden days of Pharma. He ran off, yet another, manager and now the only ones left are the ones who agree with his Paleolithic management style. Waiting for my stock to vest for this year and I’m out too. I hope the stock prices goes up, or what a waste of 3 years

The stock price is up 4X since the 2020 launch. Take the money and run son.

Could not agree more. Gregosaurus Rex is still out here running the West like it’s the golden days of Pharma. He ran off, yet another, manager and now the only ones left are the ones who agree with his Paleolithic management style. Waiting for my stock to vest for this year and I’m out too. I hope the stock prices goes up, or what a waste of 3 years

I think him and Kobs eloped.