
This culture is NOT what I thought it would be and definitely NOT what I was sold during interviews. If I wanted force ranking, constant pressure, micro-management and PIPs, I would have stayed at my old company.
They treat the reps here as if they are doing you a favor by hiring you and allowing you to work here. They seem to forget or not care that many left companies to come work here because they were sold on the idea of a small startup, with fresh ideas and a place to grow. Bahahaha!!! Good one. You got me. Big pharma mentality to the max. Time to go now.

They treat the reps here as if they are doing you a favor by hiring you and allowing you to work here. They seem to forget or not care that many left companies to come work here because they were sold on the idea of a small startup, with fresh ideas and a place to grow. Bahahaha!!! Good one. You got me. Big pharma mentality to the max. Time to go now.

Nobody is going to develop or grow into anything as long as we continue to live and die by weekly rankings. Long term planning and career path is not a thing here.

These RSUs wont be worth anything if we don't get bought soon. This place is kinda cool now but will turn into hell if we aren't severanced out in next 6 quarters. Mark my words zero investment in culture is ok. But this is not where you can spend your career this dream may turn unto nightmare quick im a top rep and im leaving next quarter.

This place hasn’t been “cool” for over 2 years. It could have been a great place to work. No problem with the drug or the company potential pipeline of products and indications. It’s the horrendous management style and methodology and IC plan that has me one foot out the door. And no this is not someone complaining because they haven’t made good bonuses. I have made good and bad. It is because there is no culture here to speak of worth staying for. Constant pressure and fear tactics is not how you build a culture and certainly not a way to keep employees.

They treat the reps here as if they are doing you a favor by hiring you and allowing you to work here. They seem to forget or not care that many left companies to come work here because they were sold on the idea of a small startup, with fresh ideas and a place to grow. Bahahaha!!! Good one. You got me. Big pharma mentality to the max. Time to go now.

Bumping this one up. Six months later it’s only gotten worse. Our manager said the directors are meeting this week to talk culture and retention. Get ready for more bizzaro world crap.

These RSUs wont be worth anything if we don't get bought soon. This place is kinda cool now but will turn into hell if we aren't severanced out in next 6 quarters. Mark my words zero investment in culture is ok. But this is not where you can spend your career this dream may turn unto nightmare quick im a top rep and im leaving next quarter.

The RSUs will always be worth something unless the stock price goes to zero. It’s worth 3X what it was three years ago. If you understand how RSUs work, then you are smart enough to know that leaving anytime before April 1 is a bad financial decision. Agree about the buyout. We need it. There is no culture worth staying for at ITCI.

The RSUs will always be worth something unless the stock price goes to zero. It’s worth 3X what it was three years ago. If you understand how RSUs work, then you are smart enough to know that leaving anytime before April 1 is a bad financial decision. Agree about the buyout. We need it. There is no culture worth staying for at ITCI.
Yes that is true….unless, you are absolutely miserable and this company is affecting your quality of life. So RSUs are secondary at that point. Another point is many companies will match or beat your current outstanding RSUs values.

Yes that is true….unless, you are absolutely miserable and this company is affecting your quality of life. So RSUs are secondary at that point. Another point is many companies will match or beat your current outstanding RSUs values.

Yes there are companies willing to payout your outstanding RSUs or bonus. But that is becoming the exception to the rule. You waited three years. What’s another four weeks? Never leave with money on the table.

Yes there are companies willing to payout your outstanding RSUs or bonus. But that is becoming the exception to the rule. You waited three years. What’s another four weeks? Never leave with money on the table.
Yes makes sense. Especially if you are just looking. But, if you have a good offer on the table you should take it. You are only going to receive from ITCI the RSUs that are fully vested. If you have earned other RSUs while there those will still be unavailable. Their “golden handcuffs” are NOT worth staying a minute longer than need be if you have a company offering you a fair package with a better culture and treats you like a professional.

You are right. Most companies kind of suck after the honeymoon phase. There is more money out there. We should all be looking.

Bitching about it here isn’t going to solve your problems as upper management has shown they will not listen. Use your feet and walk out the door if you’re unhappy. It’s the only way to change your situation.

The RSUs will always be worth something unless the stock price goes to zero. It’s worth 3X what it was three years ago. If you understand how RSUs work, then you are smart enough to know that leaving anytime before April 1 is a bad financial decision. Agree about the buyout. We need it. There is no culture worth staying for at ITCI.

Not for me. I was hired in wave 1 at $36/share. The stock has not appreciated as much as everyone boasted that it would