Company cars or car allowance

Dickhead, it was a simple question. If you buy a REASONABLE car (assuming you didn't) and actually work, you're going to get a decent check every month. Cover the payment for the car, fuel and insurance.

Oh lose the attitude you company homer. It’s bush league that company is milking reps any out of pocket expenses for auto period. Fuel costs drills us reps who are actually out there working for majority of what this cheap company offers in monthly auto allowance. Why do they bleed us for 5-7k annual out of pocket expenses like that?
Would be so easy to keep us happy and cover these expenses.

I'm currently interviewing. Hoping for an offer. We'll see. The car allowance and mileage is an obvious gripe with the reps. Does anyone have any suggestions how to make it work? Wondering also if anyone has looked into a Tesla. I'm assuming the company knows the car situation isn't popular with the reps. Any discussion of offering a fleet option at some point? Appreciate any feedback.

I'm currently interviewing. Hoping for an offer. We'll see. The car allowance and mileage is an obvious gripe with the reps. Does anyone have any suggestions how to make it work? Wondering also if anyone has looked into a Tesla. I'm assuming the company knows the car situation isn't popular with the reps. Any discussion of offering a fleet option at some point? Appreciate any feedback.

total annual out of pocket fleet costs be prepared to subtract a good 8-10k from your offer and that’s being conservative. That’s not spinning it and keeping it real.

If I’m going to be driving 35,000 miles per year covering a large territory, I need a decent car and not some sub compact POS. Car notes alone for anything decent is in $500 range.

I’ll be damn if I’m letting this company cause me bad Chronic Sciatic Pain by forcing me to drive an old Ford Escort 40,000 miles per year cause they are too damn cheap to provide me a fleet vehicle.