So I've followed this post and never commented, as I do pay out of pocket every month over my car allowance. The car allowance covers most of it, but I would've been better off car-wise if I stayed at my other company. That being said, the car allowance is below what most competitors offer but I am still so glad to be here.
I am curious if we have done benchmarking with other similar companies. It's just a few hundred each month but I plan to be here for my career and that could make a dent over time. My bonus is great here and base too. I know and dbl in the nw i think gave an adjustment last year to make it "a little" better, by $30 or so a month, but I will take it. It shows our company is looking into it, but the east coast doesn't drive much so they may not realize how many rock chips, repairs, maintenance just due to so many miles (above and beyond oil change, tire rotation, fuel, etc.)