Company Car?

You sir are a douche. You have been faced and schooled many times on this thread and still you keep coming back with insipid and inane posts all of which use the word snowflake. I don't know if it was the same poster each time or multiple different posters that have made you look like a buffoon but you sure are bold to keep coming back just to be made the fool.
"Schooled and faced ?" You sound like a 20 something Snowflake that is used to complaining and having mommy and daddy fix things for you. Go sell and be thankful for the allowance Alkermes gives you. I am sure with your skill set, should you leave to pursue another opportunity would likely get multiple offers from Old Navy or target. I do wish you luck as we don't need so many whining snowflakes in the field. Hope that helps!

You sir are a douche. You have been faced and schooled many times on this thread and still you keep coming back with insipid and inane posts all of which use the word snowflake. I don't know if it was the same poster each time or multiple different posters that have made you look like a buffoon but you sure are bold to keep coming back just to be made the fool.

You are such a child. You should never post so late, you make yourself look really dumb. Stop complaining and go to work. Or better yet, get a second job to help pay for your car.

You are such a child. You should never post so late, you make yourself look really dumb. Stop complaining and go to work. Or better yet, get a second job to help pay for your car.
Don't call me a child and stop calling me Snowflake. I want what is mine, is that too much to ask? I'm tired of the good reps making all the money. Give me more money for my car, make the rich pay their fair share and will somebody please join me in electing Bernie once we impeach Trump?

"Schooled and faced ?" You sound like a 20 something Snowflake that is used to complaining and having mommy and daddy fix things for you. Go sell and be thankful for the allowance Alkermes gives you. I am sure with your skill set, should you leave to pursue another opportunity would likely get multiple offers from Old Navy or target. I do wish you luck as we don't need so many whining snowflakes in the field. Hope that helps!
As a casual observer of this thread I have to agree with the poster(s) who have called you out as an ass. You are probably a DBL or Regional Director who knows the car allowance here is lacking and wanted to shut down those that are calling attention to it. Maybe you should head on down to Berkley and protest Ann Coulter. If you shout really loud and over turn a couple of cars maybe you can shut down free speech there just like you are trying to do here. A few posts above someone called you a douche. I'd have to agree.

As a casual observer of this thread I have to agree with the poster(s) who have called you out as an ass. You are probably a DBL or Regional Director who knows the car allowance here is lacking and wanted to shut down those that are calling attention to it. Maybe you should head on down to Berkley and protest Ann Coulter. If you shout really loud and over turn a couple of cars maybe you can shut down free speech there just like you are trying to do here. A few posts above someone called you a douche. I'd have to agree.
Casual observer my ass! You are the same Snowflake that has been crying for more money! Classic Bernie and Berkley material. And nice try attempting to deflect from the real story with the DBL comment. You bought a shitty car, you're bonus sucks and you're too afraid or incompetent to get a better gig. If you were worth a crap you would have been gone a long time ago, especially with your talent and skill set. Something tells me you won't be here long. Hope that helps!

Casual observer my ass! You are the same Snowflake that has been crying for more money! Classic Bernie and Berkley material. And nice try attempting to deflect from the real story with the DBL comment. You bought a shitty car, you're bonus sucks and you're too afraid or incompetent to get a better gig. If you were worth a crap you would have been gone a long time ago, especially with your talent and skill set. Something tells me you won't be here long. Hope that helps!
Man you are one angry little guy aren't you? It sure seems like you try to bully anyone who disagrees with you. And from the looks of this thread there are a lot who disagree with you. I feel sorry for your wife and kids.

So I've followed this post and never commented, as I do pay out of pocket every month over my car allowance. The car allowance covers most of it, but I would've been better off car-wise if I stayed at my other company. That being said, the car allowance is below what most competitors offer but I am still so glad to be here.

I am curious if we have done benchmarking with other similar companies. It's just a few hundred each month but I plan to be here for my career and that could make a dent over time. My bonus is great here and base too. I know and dbl in the nw i think gave an adjustment last year to make it "a little" better, by $30 or so a month, but I will take it. It shows our company is looking into it, but the east coast doesn't drive much so they may not realize how many rock chips, repairs, maintenance just due to so many miles (above and beyond oil change, tire rotation, fuel, etc.)

Man you are one angry little guy aren't you? It sure seems like you try to bully anyone who disagrees with you. And from the looks of this thread there are a lot who disagree with you. I feel sorry for your wife and kids.
My husband loves me for being so blunt and not wanting to give handouts to people who whine and cry about everything that isn't perfect. Pansies like you feel bullied when others tell you to shut up and put n your big boy pants. I have said it many times, this is an at will work place and you are free to leave whenever you want. And please don't say many others have posted they agree with you, it is quite obvious you're the same one posting.

Paul C

My husband loves me for being so blunt and not wanting to give handouts to people who whine and cry about everything that isn't perfect. Pansies like you feel bullied when others tell you to shut up and put n your big boy pants. I have said it many times, this is an at will work place and you are free to leave whenever you want. And please don't say many others have posted they agree with you, it is quite obvious you're the same one posting.

Paul C
I didn't know you had gender reassignment. Now it all makes sense.

Hey now. I don't think there is any need for such mean spirited personal comments. I agree with the guy/girl and others who posted about the car allowance here. I don't think they were dogging anyone. Seems like they were just stating facts. Facts I can validate. I also was told I'd get a much higher base monthly car allowance and much higher overall monthly allowance. When I compare what I get here it doesn't even come close to the allowance I had at my previous company. Not enough to make me quit or want to leave, but it does weigh on future decisions I have to make when looking at potential other company's to work for should I feel it is time for me to be moving on. Maybe you've only worked here or this is the only place that has given you a car allowance. Facts are facts and the fact is that the car allowance her is indeed lacking. I hope this can finally put this thread to rest and we can get back to more important things.

F^%k you!!!! IF you don't like the car!! LEave!!!!!

Ya, the car allowance is not very good here compared to other pharma co's I've been at and a one of those was a pretty small start up. That's ok though. I didn't come here just for the car allowance. I like the autonomy to run my territory and have a lot of support when I need something. I like the culture here. I'm not going to get rich but I like what I do and how they allow me to do it. So much better than big pharma.

Listen up Snowflake! Just because you didnt buy the right car it isn't Alkermes fault. It is yours. Work smarter and sell more and you'll have more money. I was not told how much I would get before a bought my Honda Civic with low miles (not new). I am doing quite well on $$ and I drive about 2-2.5 K miles a month. Who cares anyway, it all Trumps fault, right? Take your baby ass ranting elsewhere. Hope that helps!
You are a twit!

For those complaining of the car allowance it appears as though cooperate is looking into fleet cars. So now the other half of the field will be mad & those on this thread will be happy!

Nooooooo! No fleet cares please. I'd rather have a car allowance even if it is not as good as most allowances given in this industry. Can you imagine what kind of fleet cars we'd have to choose from here. Here it comes... Base chevy malibu for everyone. That would really suck. What would they give us her to handle the harsh winters in Michigan? Chevy Equinox. Fleet Vehicles would SUCK here. Let's just be happy with our car allowance. Please please please please. No fleet!!

MS was overheard saying " I've picked the new fleet cars - Toyota Prius & Ford Escapes". Here we go!
Goodness Gracious! I hope that is just the base vehicles for the TBM's. DBL's would surely get a nice car. At my last company we could get a pretty well equiped Ford Explorer and managed care account directors got a fully loaded Explorer or adequately equipped toyota four runners. Could you imaging the revolt if DM level and directors only got escapes or Prius'. This post must be BS.