Comp plan 149P

What does it matter anyway guys?
We are all getting the axe sometime this month anyway. This place sucks! My wife told me that she is divorcing me unless I resign and find something new.
I'm out. This place is not worth my life. I used to be a happy person before working for Olympus.

when are you dummies going to learn? Olympus needs to pay the government the fine. They don't have new products in the pipeline, a new platform for the foreseeable future and they aren't gaining market share. So where will they find this money to pay the fine?

Your pockets! They will take as much as they can. They don't care about their employees. They don't care about your welfare. They see you as a number and nothing more.
Smarten up people. Pack your bags and get out while there are decent jobs out there. All recruiters are going after Olympus employees because they know people aren't happy

Great post! I'm sure it will be returned with a "we fired you" message. That's all they can do is show hostility these days. They know that it's over. Olympus is truly an embarrassment to work for.

It is quite interesting that nothing ever gets done whatsoever to remove stagnant management that provides zero sales value at this company. I would like to get paid $300,000 to just fire bs emails around cyberspace all day and PRETEND that I'm doing something. No, I'm running to 6-7 hospitals a day busting my ass, so that these arrogant and thankless management assholes can continue screwing me out of commission!

Ladies & gents. This has to stop. Seriously!


Just wait about 60 days. It's going to be hilarious!
Its going to look like the USA's southern border with Mexicans flooding in. Except it will be OCA sales reps flooding out!

Recruiter here. Previous poster is spot on.
Recruiter post boards across the country are filled with reps sending resumes who work for Olympus and are trying aggressively to get out.
Olympus can no longer fill their openings because the word is out on the street just how awful it is to work for Olympus. I stress AWFUL!
It's only a matter of time before the sheer number of rep openings across the country seriously disrupts sales operations, as OCA will not physically have enough reps to do the Lions share of the work. Once this is in place the share price will plummet. I'm talking low $20's here folks. Make sure you are safely out of this shit hole before this happens. I can promise you that it has already begun to happen my friends.
Don't get caught with your pants down.


Are you ever going to answer the questions that were asked of you? You will probably just ignore them and continue to hide in your ivory tower down in Alpharetta Georgia. Don't expect any applause on stage this year at the NSM. Tomatoes for you instead! Eggs for Sales Ops Dick!

It is quite interesting that nothing ever gets done whatsoever to remove stagnant management that provides zero sales value at this company. I would like to get paid $300,000 to just fire bs emails around cyberspace all day and PRETEND that I'm doing something. No, I'm running to 6-7 hospitals a day busting my ass, so that these arrogant and thankless management assholes can continue screwing me out of commission!

Ladies & gents. This has to stop. Seriously!

OCA is a worthless organization


Are you ever going to answer the questions that were asked of you? You will probably just ignore them and continue to hide in your ivory tower down in Alpharetta Georgia. Don't expect any applause on stage this year at the NSM. Tomatoes for you instead! Eggs for Sales Ops Dick![/QUOTE]

A loud booing for all of the useless coward RVP fucks that supposedly lead our teams throughout the USA.
What a fucking joke. LMAO!

Oh one last question. What value does Peter Crowley provide to our organization? That douche makes $200k+ and brings no new products to market and just drinks Red Bull before taking the stage at the NSM to try and pump the reps up. The secret is out douche bag, we have zero respect for you. Until you start becoming accountable and of value, you get zero respect from sales!!


when are you dummies going to learn? Olympus needs to pay the government the fine. They don't have new products in the pipeline, a new platform for the foreseeable future and they aren't gaining market share. So where will they find this money to pay the fine?

Your pockets! They will take as much as they can. They don't care about their employees. They don't care about your welfare. They see you as a number and nothing more.
Smarten up people. Pack your bags and get out while there are decent jobs out there. All recruiters are going after Olympus employees because they know people aren't happy

Do not apply or interview with Olympus.
You will be really really sorry if you accept an offer....

Understanding Cost of Sales
Of course, you can reduce selling costs and enhance profits by capping sales compensation, but in the long run you get what you pay for. If you hire good salespeople and compensate them poorly, expect high turnover, which comes with costs of its own.