You’ve got to be kidding me! Your company hired a former NFL player to speak about HIS choice to abuse OxyContin? I’m not sure which is more pathetic, the speaker or your organizational leaders! Truth be told, he probably wasn’t chewing OxyContin, it was probably Roxi’s! LOL! Some docs still think they are the same, because they are the same entity, and use them interchangeably (even the media does it). That said, you do have a strong ADF, but most people abuse orally. Your ADF CAN’T deter that route of abuse!
A solid piece of advice for those of you whom are new to the pain space...(this should be understood by all reps, regardless of your disease state experience). Docs rarely change medications if it is efficacious. They will change it because of lack of efficacy/tolerability, poor patient compliance, and/or improved managed care coverage.
And for the guy who suggested your company will make this a blockbuster drug in 6 months, great attitude; but I’d fire you for being stupid! Do you realize that you sell in a market which is declining? Do you even understand what is going on around you? Pain docs want to perform procedures, not RX opioids! Medications do not pay them, but interventions do! There’s a reason Interventionalists are holding meetings/speaker programs across the country, to minimize opioid RXing. It’s all about the $. Sure patients go back to their IM physician and complain, and then you listen to the docs complain about the patient and the pain specialist; BUT because of the opioid crisis and government regulations, opioids are being more scrutinized and controlled at every level around you! I suggest you research what you are talking about, because you are an embarrassment to those of us who can understand them basic semantics of this message. Truly, I hope you were joking.