Collegium Will Soon Be The Next Best Biotech Company In The World!

The patent to micronize a drug then imbed it in beeswax was stolen from potassium chloride tablets over 30 years ago. This company is about to get hammered.

To our new hires this guy ^^^^ is the reason we are careful on our hiring process. As careful as we are there are still some "full of excuse" reps that get through. Luckily they won't last here. Everyone was documented in the hiring process that they have a go getter can do attitude and can accomplish and overcome ALL CHALLENGES. Expectations will be high and losers like this guy will not be tolerated. Read this losers message carefully and if you ever feel like this guy start looking for another job because this launch will demand more of you than you have ever done in your life. We only want champions and not people who make so many excuses. You are getting paid more than 90% of the population and we are going to demand that kind of dedication and success. Losers won't last here!